Lots of new ideas....just hear me out

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New Member
Apr 3, 2000
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Juts downloaded Infiltration a week ago....and i love that damn game. I am downloading Infiltration maps, skins and stuff everyday. I am also a harde veteran of CS, thats why i like the game so much. And i cant wait to use the HK 11.
And good job...with the MP5....the silencer works like a charm.

I have a few ideas that might just come in handy.

a)Unrealistic weapons carrying -
It is actually impossible in real life to carry to carry an assault rifle, 2 sniper rifles, a submachinegun, a shotgun and a grenade launcher at the smae time. What i thing the team should do is make a limit for carrying. Idealy two primary weapons....like shotguns, submachienguns, rifles and grenade launcher. And two secondary....like knifes and handguns. And 3 slots for grenades. If they come across one weapon that they like, they can throw away thier current weapon and pick the other one up. That is realism.

The team should also put weight slowdowns in. Idealy a person carrying 4 weapons should move slower than a person carrying 2 or one weapons. That would balance things out a bit. This is a good idea...i think.

No realworld assault games can be without this. Its the must have weapons for all assault games.

d)Replace mines with remote detonator
Mines do not actually work well...in certain conditions. But a C4 explosive place in the right place can kill the right person. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

e) Vest and helmets.
A must have....kevlar vest and helmets.

f)Laser sight and nightvision scopes.
Some weapons can be added laser sights or people can pick them up as adons to weapons. Like the starting weapon in Infiltratio...the handgun, it can do with a laser sight, which can be turned on or off. Like with other weapons...laser sights can be added. As for sniper rifles....can be added nightvision scopes. Image recognition scopes can also be added which can tell the shooter which part of the targets body is he shooting...hand, legs, head.

Is there more ? I will think of something more. Until then this is what i ahve to say. Hope you guys consider this. Good Day.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
Read the roadmap/f.a.q. It's all in there.


If the past is an idea that can only occur in the here-and-now, and the future is also just a concept happening strictly in the present, is there really a past and future? Or just a continuum of present moments?


New Member
Mar 28, 2000
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*Blink blink*

Was that sarcasm I just saw?

Either its real or this joke has been done way too many times.



Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I could reply to this. I really, really could. But I'm not going to, because I think my fingers would be cramped after typing so many curse words.

This post is somewhat akin to me putting my foreskin into a cigar chopper and "pressing down", only much, much more painful.

And you all wonder where my bitterness comes from. Reading posts like this causes me to get dizzy, because the "ignoranamus" particles coming out of my monitor seem to clog my system and prevent oxygen from flowing freely to my brain.

You could probably reproduce the effect by holding a bottle of bleach under your nose for five to ten minutes, then licking some wet paint.

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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Welcome, fellow Infiltator! Glad you enjoy the mod! Please don't be discouraged by the newbie bashing that tends to eminate from the forum from time to time. Personally, I don't condone it, and I hope it doesn't cause you to get turned off to the community. Because there are a great bunch of people here, and I've enjoyed the intelligent conversations that have taken place in this forum.

Any and all ideas/suggestions are welcome, so check out the roadmap, and search the forum for any info you might need, and feel free to share your ideas and thoughts.

I must emphasize again, the importance of reading the roadmap a couple of times, and using the search forum utility under the POST button for answers to most of the questions you might have. Thanks.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Boo! Boo! Newbie flaming is the right of passage. Remember in college when they made you wear a bra and panties and took pictures and sent them to your mother and they you got expelled and became a male stripper/lisa menelli impersonator? Well I sure do!

Hazing is a great and wonderful ritual, and thankfully online hazing doesn't involve as much vomit or pellet guns to the nads.


New Member
Apr 4, 2000
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Hey people's if you like CS so much, how 'bout you go and play it and shut up. This is INFILTRATION. It is what it is, don't try to make it like something else. That's what makes INF better and origional. So when tards come along saying "Oh, let's CS every mod that is remotely alike.", how about you shut the hell up and make your own damn CS mod for UT if you like it so much.


Ahhhhhhhhh shiut up!!!

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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OK then. Where the hell did that come from?

Anyway, Mojo, thankfully, I never subjected myself to that stupidity. It just seemed like common sense not to. Self-preservation type thinking, and pride I guess. I was more of the kind who sneaks into the party, finds a dark corner, listens to Black Sabbath on his headphones to drown out the current whatever shitty music the Frat was listening to, while drinking as much of their beer as I could, until they kicked me out. I always thought it was more fun to flame the flamers, so to speak.

Bash away. I wonÂ’t get into an argument about it, but I wonÂ’t condone it either.

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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Now then. People who come along and make posts containing remarks like: "YOUÂ’RE RIPPING!" or "MAKE IT LIKE CS, CUZ CS OWNZ!" ectÂ… deserved to be bashed into the ground, hopefully never to return, for obvious reasons.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Thankfully I was never initiated into anything. Last people who tried to initiate me (way back in grade nine) got a face full of their own eggs and shaving cream.


New Member
Apr 3, 2000
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At first i post here thinking that the azazelholics in this forum are well up in accepting new ideas. But now that i read this reply....i think that i am writting in a forum which is filled with unintellignet, idiotic and purely stupid azazelhoilcs. Well actually you are not to blame....maybe its the education system in America that i bad or it is your parents fault that they did not teach you right. Well the world does have stupid people.

And in no way i am refering to CS. This is purely my idea...and the last i checked this is a "new version stuff" suggestion. I find regular users of this forum is fond of directing azazelholics with good ideas to the Roadmap. Are you stupid or are you education level first base ?...Maybe this azazelholics are jealous because me, The Great One, can come out which such good ideas. The Roadmap is for the version 3.0 that is coming. My ideas i for the "new version". It can be version 4.0 or 5.0 for all i care. That is why they have this forum....for azazelholics to give new ideas not...."go and see the roadmap".

I believe my ideas can still be of use. As Infiltration is a thing that follows the real thing. And according to the designers they welcome any ideas regarding "real things"

I am not like the others who take insults lightly. I came here in good faith....giving advice to the designers of Infiltration, not to hear stupid ramblings of uneducated azazelholics.

I suppose the uneducated posts made here are not worthy to be given a reply from me, The Great One. After all i doubt you azazelholics will understand what i am writing. But this is for those educated, listeners of ideas out there.

And last thing....WhiteRabbit, are you Adam Tan btw ?

The Great One has spoken.

The Great One
-Ambassador, Apostles of Reverence
-Staff member, The Guildhall
-Advisory member, The 4 Storms www.angelfire.com/wi/kainaor


push the limits
Jan 23, 2000
Bad.mojo, I was a newbie once and I didn't get flamed /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif Why wasn't I treated like everybody else ? Do you guys think I'm different ? Don't you like me ? /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

Name : Andirez
Status : INFiltrated the messageboard


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey Andirez, you're a bitch. There, you're one of us now. Newbies don't necessarily need the flaming. They just need a paddlin'.

As for you Azazel, its time to break it down.

You speak so freely of idiocity and unintelligence, though I suppose if I was somebody who had to rip my name off of a movie to have the right to delude myself into thinking I was the great one, I may as well delude myself into thinking I was a brilliant genius too.

Yes, blame the education system in America, Azazel, because that obviously goes to show how incredibly thin your brain waves are. Truly, everybody in the world with a computer must be from America. None of those other third world countries like Canada, the UK, Germany, Austria, or any others could fit into the industrial mold. I hope you get elected as president, so you can have everybody else removed from the G8, so you can just make it the G1. Yes, the group of one would be pretty lonely, but you'd like it that way. It would give you an excuse to say "America" a lot more.

As for suggesting ideas for 4.0 and 5.0, I suppose its a decent thing to do, but what makes you think they're going to release 3.0 and then only suddenly decide to reimplement everything they released in their next versions only because you suggested it by dropping the words "Azazelohoilc" a few times? I think you mean Azazel-holic, but since its obvious you like to a) rip off my use of the word assoholic and b) don't like to add the extra effort of running a spell checker while trying to insult people for being unintelligent.

You realise that most of your suggestions probably would be good for 3.1 or 4.0 or 6.66 (I think Demons like you like that number... azazel, the fallen!) but of course since all of those ideas look like they are just copy'n'pasted directly out of the 3.0 roadmap into your post, it makes us wonder.

Either you read the road map and hoped nobody else did so we'd all lovingly lick your crotch and say "Good ideas, old boy! I do so love them! Fancy a cup of tea, guvna?" or your last MRI showed you as a delusional schizophrenic something akin to Timothy Mcveigh or the Son of Sam.

I'm still mentally debating which is the right answer, though I have a pretty good idea, and its the fact that an established community has cut you down, and you're desperately floundering at what little spurts of stupid "I meant to do that" bullshit you can spew and hope to have us believe.

Sorry, Great One, you're no Wayne Gretzky and you're no Bad.Mojo either. If you want to call yourself either the Great One or try to cut anybody in this forum to size, you'll need massive reeducation. Possibly also a brain transplant, as the one you're in posession of seems defective.

No if you don't mind me, I'm going back to wiping my ass with lit matches, as its much more fun than reading any of your "genius" posts.

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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First of all, StutthofÂ’s comments fell from the sky. I donÂ’t know why the hell he posted them here. My thoughts are that he was building up rage concerning that topic, and when he heard CS, he snapped, and posted with blind fury.

Anyway, If you would please re-read my initial reply, youÂ’d see that I provided you with plenty of positive feedback, and directed your attention to the roadmap, only to help provide you with some useful information. So that in the future, any suggestions you would make would be based on the solid foundation the team has so generously provided.

Yes, this community is up to accepting new ideas, but if you havenÂ’t realized it yet, none of your ideas are new. And all of the information you needed for a reply to your suggestions was very easily obtainable from the website already, whether it be from the roadmap, or from the forum itself. Yet when you still feel inclined to post them, a barrage of bashing will inevitably ensue. Though I donÂ’t agree with this custom, I see why it angers them when redundant posting continues to happen. The next time you post a suggestion, in order to decrease the number of hostile replys, I advise you to add at the end something like the following:

"If this is in the roadmap, or found somewhere else in the forum, I want to apologize for wasting your time, because that wasn't my intent. If you could direct my ignorant brain to the information I need to answer my question/suggestion, then I would be very appreciative of your help. If I find I might like to add to this information, then I may do so at that time. Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it. I love you guys! INFILTRATION RULZ, ROCKS AND OWNZ!!!" etc.. etc... (include a lot of smiles like these -> ) /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

If you don't want to do that, then fully expect to be bashed. I'm sorry this happens, but I don't know what else to tell you.

If you were truly of a higher intelligence than the rest of us on this forum, then I fail to see the logic in your retort. In that, why do you even need to make one at all? It would seem to me that one who is truly superior, shouldnÂ’t feel a need to make this known, since your very presence should ooze superiority. It would seem to me that a quiet resignation would be a far more intelligent, or superior, if you will, way to have handled this situation. Being that it is usually a waste of time to attempt an argument with those far inferior to oneself. As an intelligent listener of your reply. The only effect it is causing with me, is to piss me off.

As you can see, and as I can probably guess you knew would happen, a second barrage of bashing of a more personal and intense nature has already begun. A pompous attitude on your part is not going to be accepted kindly. ThatÂ’s just a little advice. I wonÂ’t stand by while you attempt to further instigate a childish conflict with members of this community, when you know full well the type of response that will obtain. I hope this puts an end to this for everyone involved. Otherwise I may need to reply with:


[This message has been edited by Mr. T (edited 04-07-2000).]

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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Please refer to the following, and make an attempt to locate this type of information on your own next time, prior to posting. Thank you.

a and b) In roadmap:

All equipment items will have a weight value, bulk value, and price. Each character, depending on their class will have a weight and bulk restriction. Bulk will be defined by how much room an item takes up- reason being, a person shouldn't be allowed to overload his backpack with claymores since they don't weigh very much. To keep lightweight, powerful weapons (and even heavy, powerful weapons) from being taken advantage of, all items will hold a price value. In the beginning of a game, every player gets an equal amount of cash to buy equipment. Money is non-transfurable and non-accumulative. In other words, it has nothing to do with how each round/game is scored. When a round ends you simply restart with what configuration you came in with. If you choose to forfeit the round to alter your loadout, then you start over with whatever configuration you had last. And of course, the more weight you have the slower your character will move.

c)In roadmap. See list below.

For more discussion, refer to post:


d)In roadmap:

Here is a list of the weapons planned for version 3:
Beretta M92F (pistol)
H&K MK23 SOCOM (pistol)
Five-seveN (pistol)
Desert Eagle .50 AE (pistol)
Benelli M3S90 (shotgun)
Franchi SPAS-12 (shotgun)
H&K MP5/40A3 (SMG)
FN P90 (SMG)
IMI Mini Uzi (SMG)
Krinkov (SMG)
Colt M16A2 (assault rifle)
Colt M4A1 (assault rifle)
SIG 551 SWAT (assault rifle)
Giat FA-MAS G2 (assault rifle)
H&K G11 (assault rifle)
M249 (light machine gun)
H&K PSG1 (sniper rifle)
Robar .50 BMG (sniper rifle)
H&K 69 (grenade launcher)
AT4 (rocket launcher)
K-Bar Knife (melee)
Machete (melee)
M67 Frag Grenade (explosive)
Flash Grenade
Gas Grenade
C4 (explosive)
Claymore (explosive)
OZM-4 (bounding) (explosive)

- C4 will be an inventory item that, when used, will be stuck against most surfaces. Simply choose C4 in your inventory, and press the Special Equipment button which will lower your left hand, grab some explosives, and drop or attach C4 depending on how close you are to a surface. Whenever you choose to carry C4 in the loadout screen, you will automatically get a remote detenator. Select it from your inventory and press the Special Equipment button which will set off all C4 you have dispersed.

e)In roadmap under ITEMS:

Bullet Proof Vest- This item will protect your vital organs from small caliber rounds and shrapnel. It will wear away from both the front and the back, but not at the same time. This will of course not protect your head, neck, and appendages.

Refer to the following for info on helmets:


f) I'll leave this one so you can practice. There are a couple of posts in the forum involving the nighvision topic, and I believe there is some info in the roadmap concerning weapon attachments.

[This message has been edited by Mr. T (edited 04-07-2000).]


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I don't know, but I've noticed something.

Me and Mr. T create a beautiful balance on this forum. We're both really intelligent, but he's the superego and I'm the id, he's the angel and I'm the demon.

He doesn't mess with me and I don't mess with him. Sex-ay.