Looking For People To Join A Mod Team

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I don't even...
May 24, 2001
Robot: Would it be like thief without weapons?

that would be damn cool imo

I could possibly make some maps for it, not sure, I havent mapped for ut1 in a while (well, except for Deck16Ruins)
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
LOL... I might take this on as a side project after I'mdone with my current one...but I think you would want something a little faster than that. I would prefer to have a synopsis of the rules, et al. before I thought about it too hard though.


New Member
Jul 21, 2003
Ok well since so many people have asked for them adn not e-mailed/IM'ed me ill just post the rules of what we have so far

Two teams, everyone except the it person is on the blue team. Who ever is it is on the red team. The red team member starts off in an inclosed room while all the other go and hide somewhere placing themselfs in the map. When they are ready they will press a key that they have binded to ready. Once everyone presses there key OR a certain time limit runs out, the it person is put from the room into the game. The it person is equiped with weapons and ammo. While the people hiding only have a translocator. There could be to types of game

1. First come first serve. Whoever the it person kills first then becomes it and the round restarts itself. This could go on for a while intill a set number of rounds are completed but it is quite fun. You are not aloud to run in the game mode. So once you press your ready key your translocator will be deactivated..

2. Hide And Go Frag. In this game mode if your it your it for the hole round. The it person has weapons and the hiders dont again. If you find someone you frag them and a frag is added to your score. You find and frag as many people as you can before the round is over. When your round is over your put on the hideing team. And the next person is up. You do this intill everyones had a turn. And the winner is who ever found the most people. Deactivating the translocator in this game type could be optional.

We will remove all pickups from the map so the hiders cant have weapons.

We have a version of both these games active at sometimes but its not coded we just make everyoen cooperate lol If you would like to try please contact me at the contacts i listed in my original post. =) thank you