Looking for a CTF mutator

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Jan 21, 2008
One thing I like to do in this game is to use the CTF map converter and play a game of CTF in ONS or AS or other maps. However, those maps aren't really meant for CTF, and the gameplay shows that: it's very easy for the enemy to retrieve the flag. That everyone but me is a bot doesn't exactly help that as there's just no teamwork thanks to that. So, is there a mutator that stops the flag from returning when touched by an enemy, but rather that the enemy has to go back with the flag?

While I'm at it, is there also a mutator that allows you to hold the flag in flying vehicles?


Jan 20, 2010
I think there was a version of Mysterial's carry the flag mod for UT2004 that is like what you are asking for, but I can't find it. I'll post it if I can.
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Jan 21, 2008
Here is Mysterial's Carry The Flag mutator/Gametype converted to UT2k4. I may have a more recent updated version to post later (there was one minor bug in the code iirc).

Thank you :)

I've tested it, and it works great in CTF. So that's going to make the CTF gametype alot more fun. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with the CTF converter. Is there a fix for that?
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Flak Monkey
Jul 13, 2002
Parts Unknown
You wouldn't happen to know what the name of that CTF converter gametype is? I had it a long time ago and used to play ONS maps in place of VCTF, but now I can't remember where I got it from...
Jan 21, 2008
You wouldn't happen to know what the name of that CTF converter gametype is? I had it a long time ago and used to play ONS maps in place of VCTF, but now I can't remember where I got it from...

It's a mutator, Map Converter CTF. I believe the latest version is 1.08.


take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
@Game_master: I took a look at the code for the converter and it looks like it can use the CarryTheFlag flags (though I need to rename the .u file to CarryTheFlag instead of CarryTheFlag_e). I can't tell if it also swaps out the TeamAI (and consequently the SquadAI as well).