Loading Screens

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New Member
Apr 19, 2004
BTW, nice to know JB2Kx will be released in May considering there is only 3 weeks left. The worst case scenerio isn't that bad :D

Anyway I visit a few UT sites and one of them www.UTSkills.com has a post about custom loading screens. Some one made 9 new loading screens. As far as I know these are for UT2K4.

Personally I am pretty sick of the default 4 so I got these as soon as I could. They are pretty nice though I haven't looked at them all yet.


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
tarquin said:
We might make some JB loading screens. I'll ask the team about it.

That would be a good idea actually, but as far as I know the loading screens aren't gametype specific so they'd be in rotation with the other screens.