Laser Lensflare

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New Member
I think a lensflare effect when a LAM is pointing at your face would be a nice addition to INF, similar to the one seen in Metal Gear Solid when fighting the sniper. aside from the obvious "cool factor" there is also the fact that it could blind someone for a second causing panic (especially if they see the laser before you!) I dunno if this is possible in UT but i know it can be done in 2K4 (See chaosUT sniper rifle).


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
Too much of a pain in the neck for me to figure out. Can be done, but probably won't be very accurate and laggy online. Just getting a smooth laser required Yurch to rewrite sections of the base weapon code. Even then it didn't work 100%.

To sum it up, can be done, but not worth the time.


Elitist bastard
Aug 11, 2004
in urban Michigan(mostly)
laser lens flare could work if we have dual, in-game 'eyes' (what Psychomorph and others are proposing). with support for 2 eyes, then we could feed one eye a flash of red, then close it until the laser moves away. the player sees the effect of a laser to the eye on screen.

If we dont have independent eyes (a pretty good possibility), then I guess we could just flash red for a split second, but then restore normal vision.
because, like geo said, the eye would close.

even if the chance of a laser directly in your eye is pretty low and although it's probably more important to get a good flash/flare/afterimage effect for taclights and 'nades, some kind of visual effect for lasers does fall under "as real as it gets".
if any game should have realistic LAMs it should be INF.