Kevlar & Ceramic Bullet Proof Vest?

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check this out
i got a flight game and when you go into a high g turn the vision of the pilot starts to tunnel vision and blacken on the periferals the higher the g's the blacker it gets toward the centerof the screen, at a certain point you black out and pretty much crash, no way out.

anyway i was wondering if you could apply this idea to the new version, say you get shot your bleeding as you bleed more and your health precentage depleats as you lose blood you black out right, so most ppl dont die they become incopassitated or lose consciousness. Unless of course some one blows your stinkn head off. Anyway i didnt know if it was tricky or would apply but i think its a cool idea, i just didnt know how much touble it is to do


Wow- all of you have such great ideas for the damage system.. and VERY complex!!! Phew.. hmmm... We're still working out the EXACT details of how a damage system will work, but we can't really do specific damage to the inside of the human body very accurately. We'll do our best to simulate this though in many forms. We'd like the largest amount of variety to our damage system without making it a mod in itself and without keeping it like 'shoot me enough times in the arm and it pops off' kinda thing. It'll require a lot of math equations and a lot of if-thens, but hopefully it will be fair and fun in the end. In a way it can be rough knowing that once you're shot, without a medical kit to stop the bleeding, you'll probably die.. but on the other hand, I hate those games where with 2% health left you can still wipe out 3 other guys before someone caps you.. Keep those ideas coming too- I'm transfering them all to a text file so when the time comes to code in the specifics, we can look at all the good ideas and see which details work the best.