what the heck is wrong here? Why's everyone so uptight all o a sudden? The first time I logged on here people were usually polite and tolerant of the amount of BS spilling around.
Ballistophobia, some o us no seem to be very amused by your weird humor. Mayhap some moderation, if only for the other people here? Same goes for everyone else.
I dunno Catalyst but you came off rather heavy on Ballisto the first time round, thnx for not making too much an issue. And his sig is just tall, its not very big byte wise.
Gringle and Gryphon, if you guys think Ballisto is a dick-head then he is one, at least he is relatively polite most times, even if he does go around making sick jokes, and doesnt hold grudges. But bashing him just makes it worst. About the puking thing on the "who's the hottest yadda yadaa"? Ballisto apologized, OK?
GF has reason to dislike Ballisto coz of the comment when GF asked for help - it was tasteless, Ballistophobia, avoid that. At least GF is doing the "no comment".
And Ballistophobia? I got nothing against you, I'm quite tolerant of people and you've been quite ok for the most part - except for that post in GF's help thread. But I'm very irritated by intolerance. Please think a little about your message and the way it may affect others before you post. Dont even answer to this post. Its just not worth it no more. Damn pollution. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif
[This message was edited by I_ABuGa on Sep 10, 2000 at 03:57.]