K-Mart and Wal-Mart to check IDs for Mature Gamers

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Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
Taken from PC.IGN.COM:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Are videogames fueling the new McCarthyism against violence? Retailers take a new hard stand.

September 7, 2000

Montgomery Wards and Sears Roebuck & Co. already have banned the sale of videogames that are rated M (mature). Now, after pressure from eight senators (including Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Joe Lieberman), Kmart and Wal-Mart have agreed to enact a less severe policy.
Starting in October 2000 at Kmart, when the barcode scanner scans a videogame rated M a note on the register will instruct the cashier to check for ID before allowing the sale to continue. Shortly after Kmart announced their policy, Wal-Mart followed. Toys R Us has stated it already has the policy in place. Wal-Mart representatives were not sure when the new policy would go into effect.

Republican Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions approves of these policies, but he still would prefer retail stores to simply ban the sale of rated M games like Wards and Sears have done.

Despite a lack of evidence to support such claims, many politicians still believe that exposure to violent videogames will create violent people.

Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan has said, "Common sense should tell us that positively reinforcing sadistic behavior, as these games do, cannot be good for our children. We cannot expect that the hours spent in school will mold and instruct a child's mind but that hours spent playing violent games will not."

Next week the Federal Trade Commission will release a report on whether mature or violent games are marketed toward kids. Brownback has said that the Senate Commerce Committee will examine the results when available.

"If this is true -- and there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that it is -- this is a scandal and an outrage," said Brownback.

(Ed note: Take note young readers, these over-reactive congressmen are full of horseradish. Hey, Senators! Make sure not to let your kids watch Saturday morning TV, see anything at movie theaters -- or especially look at newsmagazines or even standard everyday newspapers, where they'll see how violent people are in real life. That's the real outrage. Now go back to doing what you were hired to do, which is what the people really want -- to take guns off the streets, and out of kids' hands. That's how the violence will stop.}[/quote]





Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

I didn't read you post cuz I already read this on Avault today,but I have someting to say!!!

The fuckin idiots who decide all this make no sense!! What they are telling kids is a mixed message!

On one hand they tell kids they are responsible for ALL thier actions,which they are. On another,they say that violent games will cause them to be violent and it won't be 100% thier fault!
This is bullshit! We all know that when you do something,you did it,not INF or whatever "made" you do it!! So I say fuck the asshole who decided this shit!
I am over 18 and don't buy shit at those queer stores anyway,but I feel sorry for those who have to!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif



science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
Shrink that sig down there hero.

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Infiltration Public Correspondent</FONT>


Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

No offense but the INF game makers are wound pretty fuckin tight!!

Look Catalyst,I don't post here often!! I am a SF player and this is what I do there,everytime I post more than once on a topic,I turn it off COMPLETEY!! So you need not worry and bitch and shit,seems to be what you are best at. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Just funnin ya guy,lighten up a little!! Life shouldn't be so serious! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
this shits me

ok now you guys in the U.S have different censorship than we do over here but the thing that pisses me off is the people who are there to scan thru these games/movies and put the ratings in place..

an example.. out here Unreal Tourney is rated MA 15+ this means that by law anyone under 15 cannot buy the game..doesn't stop many ppl tho... now what a i dont understand is this

if someone is 14yrs 11mths and 29 days..why are they less mature than a 15 yr old.. and why the hell is a 57 year old politician reviewing the shit that would have been contraban when he was a teen

if they were gonna make it fair they should slacken off the restrictions and let ppl who have been outside the expensive schools and 17 story mansions into the reviewing process /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif

have a fuct day <img src=http://geocities.com/r337m0nk3y/dvv/boid.gif>


Forum Drifter
Mar 15, 2000
Visit site
I don't live the US but i agree, this is pure BS and what the hell do these senators know anyway? i doubt any of these people have even seen games with the M rating let alone played them... how the hell would they know if these games instill violence in todays youth? bloody hypocrites... I only have this to say; I'm damn glad that i'm over 17 and i sympathise with any of those under 17 who have to suffer because of this crap
geez what next? 'adult game stores' having to be created as the only outlet to sell these games? or are they going to ban 'violent games' altogether... this is pure shit... /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif

It is impossible for the glass to be half full or half empty for you see: there is no glass

[This message was edited by Galaddin on Sep 08, 2000 at 09:58.]


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
I agree, it is BS. The rating system was put in place to allow parents to decide wether or not to allow their children to play violent games. Now these senators are trying to make the decisions for them. If I want to let my children play violent games (not that I have children) then that should be my choice, not some senators. Banning violent games isn't going to prevent children from seeing violence. All you have to do is turn on the TV, open a newspaper, or walk outside. I just don't understand this parental need to cushion and censor your children from reality. After all, we have to grow up some time. I've said it many times before, and I'm sure I'll say it many time again: Violent games aren't the cause of violence in society. They're a reflection of it. If people didn't want and enjoy the violence they wouldn't buy the game. No one is forcing them to.

P.S. If violent games create violent people, then I should be out commiting mass murders right now, instead of sitting here chatting on these boards, because I've been playing violent games for as long as I can remember.





New Member
May 31, 2000
alll the way back to space invaders, ahhh, was'nt that deemed violent and whatever?

try stickin a good book under a kids nose, lets say... silence of the lambs. there you go hours of fun.

mellenium hand and shrimp


Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA
Hell yeah

American Psycho rules Lennon,I am still at the start of the book cuz I have been busy,but it rocks!! The DVD should be here anyday now,I wanted to see it in the movies but I was too busy! /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

I wasn't disagreeing with Catalyst,just telling him how it is,thats all. He just comes off kinda grouchy to me. No one else has ever said anything about my sig,and I am empathetic to 56 kers so I stop posting it after the first time. This is INF so I probably won't post it here except on the OT area,I don't see why that is a problem.

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
Now thats just sick.

Damn in sick of the american dream.
If this censoring of "violent" games doesent stop. We´ll all be playing crap games like "The Sims"....Damn i hate that game, its so suger sweet and fake. Just like the american dream.

We cant protect ower children from reality, since reality is the world we live in. And doing so is more likely to create a monster, than having them live a lie. What happens when the lie is shatterd by reality?? well either the kid breaks down, and ends up in an asylum, or the kid will fight against everythin that threttens to break the pink buble. And a monster is born.

And i to doubt that any of those tight ass senator´s, have ever played a good FPS game.



L337 Cube H@X0®
Jul 1, 2000

Well, to start off, I'll say hello. I've been lurking around here for a while, not posting very much. In fact, hardly anything at all. Once here in the INF forums and twice in T /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif 's forums.

Anyway. Time to play a little bit of devil's advocate.

Completely banning of violent video games will never work. It won't work for the same reason that attempts at banning handguns, banning pornographic websites, banning vulgar music lyrics, and although I hope I'm wrong on this, banning abortion will never come into general acceptance. Political action committees, as well as the voters themselves (if you don't vote, better do so...) will lobby and grasp using money and vote power to make sure that such things never come into law. It failed with Prohibition, and I am almost certain that it will fail here.

When it is stated "special stores" will be needed to get such video games, it won't be actually that much of a problem. Look at current software retailers, and see how much software sold by them would be restricted by any law concerning violent video games.

I agree with the fact that computer games should be available to those mature enough to handle it. I also agree that violent computer games, when used by mature individuals, actually are more beneficial to a peaceful state as this often provides a means of release. However, opening this product up so all can purchase it could lead to problems. Exposing children to extreme violence at an early age (i don't mean pre-teen but more like less than 9 years) can not be good, despite my lack of supporting evidence (I haven't bothered to look).

Attendies to certain movies are now checked for age. The grounds for this is a certain amount of prevention of having underage individuals viewing something which they may not be ready for. This does not prohibit them from seeing the movie. It simply prevents them from seeing it alone. Responsible parents, who, as much as it pains me to say it, are probably the best judges of maturity. Thus, if they see it fit, the child can still view the movie. Why should it be so different with computer games? Just have the parent buy the game.

Essentially I am saying that an age check, most likely via ID, at the counter would be the most viable solution, and I would support it. This allows the parents to make the decision if the child who may be underage physically, but mature emotionally, is ready for the game. Anything beyond that I will be vehemently opposed to, and doing my best to oppose via any way possible.

/Now putting on asbestos suit to shield from the flames

-Something I forgot to add:
I really dislike Sen. Lieberman.

"The only fool is the one who refuses to learn"



Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
I'm not ticked about the ID check (I'm 19, so I can buy whatever the hell I want). I'm ticked about the fact that those uptight senators want to ban violent games altogether. That's the equivilent of taking every show off the air except for Barney and Friends and The Teletubies. I think the living would envy the dead. A world like that would probably breed more psychopathic killers, not less.





New Member
Dec 13, 1999
First off, let's not get too upset. Right now all this "censorship" of violent videogames is done on a voluntary basis, there are no laws to restrict them yet.

Now I'm sure there are some politicians who want the gub'ment to step in and do the banning, and the politicians who are quoted may be of that ilk, but I don't have a problem with a store (or chain of stores) that feel, based on their principals, that they should do business a certian way. And I don't have a problem with any person (senator, congressman, cab driver) who want's to use they're place in front of the camera to express an opinion about video games (or movies or sushi or whatever) they have 1st amendment rights too.

As long as they don't have a bill before the legislature I'm not going to get too upset.

It would be just as wrong for the gub'ment to come into WalMart (or wherever) and force them to sell something as it is to force them not to.

an irony here...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>" ...We cannot expect that the hours spent in school will mold and instruct a child's mind but that hours spent playing violent games will not." [/quote]

Maybe a child's mind isn't molded by school either.
We're taught in school that murder is wrong, yet there are people who murder.
We're taught in school that non-violence is the only civilized way to settle conflict, yet there is still violence in the world.

Maybe our schools should quit wasting time trying to teach morality (albeit an agnostic morality, which seems an oxymoron to me, but I digress). Maybe schools should teach children to balance their checkbook, who discovered radium, what's the capital of Assyria, what's the square root of 398,701,229,365.

Just the Facts.



science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
I don't want to stray this post off topic, but this is a quick reply to Ballistophobia:

Sir, if you had monitored these forums before you began your crusade of obnoxiousness, you would have noticed that I am not normally a "grouchy" person. It is only after I have seen annoying post after annoying post that includes humongous sig images that serve no other purpose than to annoy other forumers every time they have to scroll past the waste of space that I start to lose patience. Granted, this is an off-topic forum, and granted I don't really care if you post girls that you like. I am not a moderator but I do believe I have a right to monitor the quality of these boards, and when I see that quality begin to decline I take action. If you don't agree with me, fine, go elsewhere; it is not that difficult to shrink your sig image down. In fact, I believe it was smaller before, yet for some reason you felt a need to blow it up to about 5x what it used to be. Just shrink it down and try to keep a level of maturity and we'll have no problems.

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Infiltration Public Correspondent</FONT>


Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

Actually,it was always this size,I had a different one for a bit,but this was my very first sig and you are the VERY first to complain about it.
I think I might not get into game making as I planned for it seems to clench ones ass tight enough to turn coal to diamonds! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
See that is a JOKE,lighten up a bit guy. You are far to uptight,you need to relax and not take things so seriously. Stop by the SF forums and see how the game makers there deal with things,you could learn a lot.
You seem to not even taking into consideration,the fact that I post it once and then thats it. Just like your game,it is a creative expression that goes with my rights.
I am hardly trying to be a dick about this,cuz I am sure thats what you think,but it just seems to me like you have something against me other than my sig. If I have done something else that you are holding a grudge for,please tell me,other wise maybe this is how you treat everyone and for your sake I really hope it is the latter.
The only place you have to "worry" about seeing me is the OT area cuz I don't play INF anymore and you seem to have some pretty uptight,strict rules in the general area so fuck it. I just might not even come to this area cuz you really lack the friendly inviting attitude one needs for your position. We all have to work shitty days and put up with people,some choose to accept it and make the best of the situation,others do what you do. I hope this clears some things up and I hope you don't shit a brick reading this cuz of your negative attitude,well catch ya on the flip-flop duder. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


New Member
Apr 27, 2000
Visit site
The ratings system is being enforced (what's the point of a rating system if it's not enforced?) in a couple of stores that no one buys video games in anyway, who gives a fuck? I doubt this will prevent anyone here from buying mature rated video games.



science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
Thanks for removing your sig image.

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Infiltration Public Correspondent</FONT>


science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
Yeah, if K-Mart and Wal-Mart want to start enforcing it, who cares, they are going to be the ones losing business to other stores who will not enforce these stupid rules.

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Infiltration Public Correspondent</FONT>