Just a few little suggestions

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New Member
Dec 28, 2000
1) Shotgun in the center of the body when aiming. This would send the recoil back into the chest (ouch).

2) I doubt there is anything that can be done about this but why is it bots can see through water and you cant. It makes it very hard to stop amphibious raids on your base in AS-Frigate and other water maps.

3) Sound levels to low. I noticed even the mighty roar of the 12 gauge and the Robar are silenced past something like 30-50 meters. Believe me when I say a .50 round can be heard from a hell of alot farther away then 30 meters.

4) More Blood Splat. WHeather it is accurate or not I think more blood would add the gruesome effect that is seen in combat. Now Saving Private Ryan was Hollywood but it was by most experts accurate in the gore level. Guts and blown off libs would be cool but I can see why this would be tricky so a little more blood would be more realistic.


This is a picture of a Beretta M92F round being fired into a Gell substance with the same toughness and consistensy of Human Flesh. Take a look and tell me that wouldnt cause alot of blood splatter. It penetrates 6.00+ inches. (thats just a little tiny handgun bullet. Imagine a .50)