JLT: You mappers/designers use LCD or CRT?

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[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
Not everyone has the same response to LCDs in terms of ghosting and bluring. Some people cannot detect the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS, and some people cannot detect the difference between 60 FPS and 90 FPS. Some people can ever detect FPS if it falls below 100 FPS. With that said, some peoples' eyes are simply more sensitive to the LCD block changing colours that they do see a ghost appearance on the switch. Some people are fine at 30ms, some at 16ms, some at 8ms and sometimes only 4ms.


JB Mapper
Jul 3, 2004
I can feel the delay when playing fast games oon a 30ms. Never had that problem when I used to play on a CRT, would see things late, and that 30ms made a difference.
Is it possible that there was just a delay and no ghosting? Don't quite know the mechanics behind it.
I can tell the difference between 30 and 60fps on UT2004. but hardly notice on some games. F.E.A.R never goes much past 30 but its still smooth.

Like with ping, it might just be a sudden change that causes a prob for me


bSnakeCastShadow = True
Aug 18, 2005
on a plane
the only problem i ever had using my 17'' lcd was the brightness...
i made some lighting testmaps and everyone i showed the darker ones to said they couldn't see sh...... on my lcd it was dark of course but you could still see enough.
like doom3 - in most places i could see the zombies even if they were hidden in the dark :lol:
guess that's caused by the backlight cause my brightness is set rather low. dunno if you can switch of backlights do you?