... that you say 'Land of unbounded possibilities' -- 'Where horses can still run free'(oooppss)
You know, I always wonder about the laws there. I was in NewYork some months ago so I came thinking about it.
Just compare this:
USA: you're allowed to drink and buy beer at the age of 21
Germany: you can buy and drink beer at the age of 16 and you're allowed to buy the hard stuff till you're 18
USA: you can drive a car by the age of 16
Germany: you get your license with 18 and in the first two years you lose it immediately if you drive only a bit too fast or have one little accident (but imagine an 18 birthday in Germany, you're completely mature and get your driving license, believe that partys are awesome)
USA: you can drive 100 km/h over there, right? should be something about 60 mph or so on highways
Germany: in Germany you can drive on many, many, nearly every highway (or is it called speedway, I don't know-- the streets you can go fastest I mean) every speed you wish, if this is something about 240 km/h, that's 150 mph you can do if you wish, you won't get a ticket or so.(only to mention this, that's the speed our car is able to reach and we really drive that fast, also with my only near 20 years, speak not even 2 years practice in driving)
--- I think the whole thing is just crazy, what do you think about this ---