I guess I deserved that after the the last time.
Hey, I'll take what I can get. ;-)
I guess I deserved that after the the last time.
Good games over the weekend. I had a lot of fun! Attached is a screenshot of me and Rip vs Sparky and Maest. I believe they had beaten us 7-4 on Bloodlust the previous map. GGs all around guys! We should do it again this weekend with more people!
Hey Rip,
If you have a chance; could you reenable bots? Last night wanted to get some practice in but without bots it wasn't happening for me. Not necessarily the bots vs humans as that proved to be a pain on the weekend when there were a few of us, but at least enough to make 2 or 4 total players (make em competitive too).
I appreciate you having the server up and having an opportunity to frag even a little with you guys. If you just want to leave it as is that's fine with me :-D - Thanks.
It's all very much appreciated. Dat nostalgia!Of course, I'll try bots on 10 min players that leave when a 2nd person joins. I have to add back the mutator into the ini that makes them all leave based on player count, so it'll be a little before I can do it, but I'll let you know. I really wish I could get the humans vs bots mutator to disable itself when the bots leave. :-( There are some others like it I might try later. I had one working once that made the bots look and play like humans, might try it again.
Seems to have been just me. Although I saw about 20 instances, after reviewing a demo in which I was sure to have captured it there was nothing. Perhaps I need to move my bedtime to 9pmrip,
not sure if you noticed but it looks like random redeemers are going off lol
Which mods have you used for the bots? I was up in the middle of the night reading up on a few. Curious if they're ones you've already tried.
FerBotz is the one I was playing with. It's supposed to be the best and very difficult to install server-side, but I had it installed correctly, it's just that they didn't perform well in EO, I guess. I really wanted to make it work but oh well. I didn't really see any others that improved bot AI in a general way. If you have any suggestions I'm willing to try them! Now I'm just trying to get a mutator called MyBots working that will cause the regular bots I'm back to using to all leave when a 2nd player joins. I had it working fine before. :-\ I also have a mutator called TranslocBots on that does improve their translocating some, even in EO. They will trans to places you thought you were safe and kick your ass! Right now I only have them on Masterful. Oh, and before I was using Humans vs Bots, which was fun sometimes, but with it on players were always stuck on the same team even after the bots had all left heh.
Bots are fun and all ... But do want to arrange an "EO Bloodbath" time this weekend and try and get as many people on?
Post your availability and time zone, and we'll pick a few to publicize.
I'm EASTERN. I can almost fully commit to anything after 8pm tonight and the same tomorrow. The kid is usually asleep around 7:30/8 and done for most of if not the entire night. The wife is not far behind her lol
How about you? I'll post a "schedule" of sorts to the UTEO page on Facebook to see how many of them can join in.