Is there Horizontal Momentum in UT??

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Herald of the Newest Dawn
first off fuzz, I have been taunted, insulted, and thrown out of everywhere i go for all of my life, so i don't care that you mentioned this.

But since it's already up, I posted nothing of the kind, some people didn't understand my meaning that I was refering to a situation that had just happened in a game, not something that i'd actually do,

the other reason is for a post that i made some aledgedly "racist" remarks in that was deleted, I can no longer prove i did, or did not, say the things i am acused of, I am not hwoever a racist, I have many multi-cultural friends, I do not believe race matters, people misunderstood my words.

I was "suspended" from the forums for about 2 or 3 days, because of spamming, I consider the post I am replying to as spam, My e-mail adress is posted and if you would please in the future e-mail me with things as off topic as this.

TPP, That sounds like a better Idea than my angled kickers, but how would it move? i don't understand that, besides that it seems like a good idea.