Is it just me or does Windows XP really blow

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New Member
Aug 29, 2000
spirit, so what that win2k has less drivers in it ? no big deal, downlaod and install, and reboot, how hard, takes 5 sec

and you can tweak it yes, but the fact stays that no mather waht you do you can still counter weird stuff, stuff no oen can answer cause no one ever had it before, and lots of drivers and progs dont work correct yet, read this thing a month back at the site of my printer, that they didnt had xp drivers sot hat they printers didnt work at xp at that moment, what if you encounter that, how fun, and it is the maker of the os his job to support the software, not the other way, if they create a system that is totaly not combetible with anything that there is right now, then you got too wait months before companys start to convert stuff, but no one will buy it in the first period right because of there is no software....


Originally posted by Hourences
spirit, so what that win2k has less drivers in it ? no big deal, downlaod and install, and reboot, how hard, takes 5 sec

I'm jujst saying that X/P was more ready than 2K for use in the world..

and you can tweak it yes, but the fact stays that no mather waht you do you can still counter weird stuff, stuff no oen can answer cause no one ever had it before, and lots of drivers and progs dont work correct yet, read this thing a month back at the site of my printer, that they didnt had xp drivers sot hat they printers didnt work at xp at that moment, what if you encounter that, how fun, and it is the maker of the os his job to support the software, not the other way, if they create a system that is totaly not combetible with anything that there is right now, then you got too wait months before companys start to convert stuff, but no one will buy it in the first period right because of there is no software....

this is not like X-box..
we are talking about an Operating System for a computer..
almost 100% of every new computer sold today, has X/P on it..
and there is a VAST array of 'ware.. out there. How can you thinkg that it's the OSs' job to provide drivers for that software..
that's just plain silly...
All I was saying is that ... OFTB.. X/P is/has more of the drivers and stuff than 2K..
My point is that ..
when loading up an OS, the less tweaking that you have to do makes it easier.. and alot of people don't really know all that much about their 'puters.. so the OS mfgs. need to make it easy for them... maybe 2K should have been delayed til more Mfgs. were ready with drivers, patches, and the like.. just like what was done with X/P..


Originally posted by Claw
98/se is kinda OK... going for 2k plus 98 when I get this 90 Gig HD...

just for giggles.. why are you waiting till you get a 90 gig. I multi boot on one puter with 4 OSs'.. and use a 40..
do you have that much stuff... hehe warez :)


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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Originally posted by The Spiritwalker

just for giggles.. why are you waiting till you get a 90 gig. I multi boot on one puter with 4 OSs'.. and use a 40..
do you have that much stuff... hehe warez :)

Because I am too lazy to clean my 60 Gig HD up... besides, I got this st00pid HD manager since I had a very old mainboard that couldn't handle my 60 Gig HD...
Now I cannot easily get rid of this manager.

And I had a time where I was mad over self-recorded sh*t-quality clips so I got a few Gig in AVI on my HD still... :rolleyes:

And I DID buy BG! But I didn't Ultima9! And if I had, I'd want to kick someone's a$$! And the I'd kick him somewhere else!


Nali City Administrator
Dec 21, 2000
I love runs everything of mine great, fastest boot time ever for my programs, the whole OS too. only problem was with my printer, but with a bit of haxx0ring, it works fine :)


New Member
Dec 16, 2001
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Well for the person who said it runs every program good for him. He proly doesn't use 3rd party programs like i do. Theres many security holes in WindowsXP and many bugs. If there was certain people out there that cant just upgrade there OS because its bootlegged. Not that i use a bootlegged software :)


Jan 4, 2000
After getting XP Pro and updating all drivers, it booted slower, shut down slower and generally ran everything slower than Windows 98. Explain that.


New Member
Dec 16, 2001
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You might want to check your watch..
it isn't the job of the OS creator to support programs and hardware.. it's the other way around.. the hardware/software creators make upgrades and patches based on the popularity of the various OSs'
the drivers/patches are all around..all you have to do is go to the mfgs. websites.. but the only one that I have heard about that x/p dosen't support OFTB is for some burning software.. like adaptec
but there is even an upgrade for that now.. less than 2 months later..
BTW.. X/P does come with it's own burning program.. not great.. but it is there..

Hey Bang.. how about moving this thread to Trouble Shooting [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes it isn't the job of the OS programmer but... why would microsoft say it has the compatabilty of ME and the stability of windows 2000. I think that is called false advertising


Originally posted by JackTheRipper

Yes it isn't the job of the OS programmer but... why would microsoft say it has the compatabilty of ME and the stability of windows 2000. I think that is called false advertising

Ummm.. because it does...
ME was a still-born OS.. even Microsoft admits that.... the on;y thing good about ME is that it came with pinball..
X/P is compatable with every other Microsoft OS.. cause all you have to do is upgrade.. no some of your newer hard/soft ware might not be supported.. but that's because the drivers aren't signed.. (which there is a way around that).. or that the orginal drivers were based on FAT32.. were X/P can be either FAT or NTFS.. you get to choose when you install X/P (or 2K for that matter).. and if you choose Fat.. that's cool.. cause you can always change up later.. where as if you format in NTFS THAT'S a one way street..