Originally posted by Hourences
spirit, so what that win2k has less drivers in it ? no big deal, downlaod and install, and reboot, how hard, takes 5 sec
I'm jujst saying that X/P was more ready than 2K for use in the world..
and you can tweak it yes, but the fact stays that no mather waht you do you can still counter weird stuff, stuff no oen can answer cause no one ever had it before, and lots of drivers and progs dont work correct yet, read this thing a month back at the site of my printer, that they didnt had xp drivers sot hat they printers didnt work at xp at that moment, what if you encounter that, how fun, and it is the maker of the os his job to support the software, not the other way, if they create a system that is totaly not combetible with anything that there is right now, then you got too wait months before companys start to convert stuff, but no one will buy it in the first period right because of there is no software....
this is not like X-box..
we are talking about an Operating System for a computer..
almost 100% of every new computer sold today, has X/P on it..
and there is a VAST array of 'ware.. out there. How can you thinkg that it's the OSs' job to provide drivers for that software..
that's just plain silly...
All I was saying is that ... OFTB.. X/P is/has more of the drivers and stuff than 2K..
My point is that ..
when loading up an OS, the less tweaking that you have to do makes it easier.. and alot of people don't really know all that much about their 'puters.. so the OS mfgs. need to make it easy for them... maybe 2K should have been delayed til more Mfgs. were ready with drivers, patches, and the like.. just like what was done with X/P..