International Artists for UT:Envy?

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bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Turns2Ashes said:
This is why the tracks in UT2004 are in OGG format as opposed to MP3. OGG is free for all purposes, whereas they'd have to pay the guy that created MP3s if they used them. Check out HL2's legal fine print and you'll see it says something about MP3's being copyrighted and licensed. Dumbasses. :D
It's not just the license for the format (besides even without the license .ogg > .mp3 ;)), but the fact that they'd need to pay a ton of cash just to have a single track of <insert famous artist>.

They're far better of using 'nameless' artists or even better would be people that actually know how to write music for movies/games instead of even trying to match any famous artist to their game.


Unreal Junky
Feb 11, 2004
Jesus christ I swear if Epic goes "EA trax" on us I will kill myself. But, good thing for me Epic would never do that, so I have some time to look forward to. Games with licensed songs have some of the worst music in video games ever it never fits the theme of the game and is a huge turn off. It's not that I am anti licensed music its just that when its in games I am. UT music all the way!


Sep 17, 2004
Maroon 5 @ fraging :lol:

No , just .. No. :con: That would TOTALY be a R.I.P.

Even NOT another kind of music , EVEN NOT Trance/Dance

Music like pariah and Unreal 2 mixed together.

Unreal 2 music was Good :)
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Aug 12, 2001
Van Den Bos was good but I think the lot of you are confusing him w/ Alexander Bradon. You know, that guy that did the bulk of the score for Unreal, RTNP, UT, DX, DX2, Thief3 and maybe more.


I agree with Kantham, if there is going to be any music, it should be Unreal 2.
That probably has the best music ever.
Nothing can beat that, in my opinion.
If they don't include it, someone should make a mutator. Please.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
To each his/her own.

I haven't heard the Unreal2 music, obviously because I haven't (and probably won't) buy the game.

To me, both Unreal and UT's tunes are the best.

All a matter of personal opinion.

I'm not sure what the general mood/style was for Unreal2's soundtrack.

But an UT game soundtrack needs fast tracks. Well, both fast/heavy and dreamy.

Fast: Saveme
Dreamy: Enigma

Just an example.

For UT2003 I remember these:

Dm-tokara: This one had a very suiting, fitting track.
Dm-flux: Same thing.
Dom-Sepukkugorge: Perfect fit.



Que hora es?
Apr 3, 2005
shadow_dragon said:
Burnout 3's soundtrack, though filled with crap suited the game quite well i thoguht. Right pace, sound etc. The game is great though i should add. You don't have to like the music for it to suit the scenario after all.
Hell no, b3 st was sad, besides punk is for friggin 12 years old kids

Most of the tracks are very conceptual, and that doesn't suit the large variety of map's atmospheres

About official artists/bands --> FACK NO

Something that i noticed, is that most of the non-trance-dance-bass&drums music of the game, just doesn't fit the fast-paced gametype of UT2k4, it would be better for a mistery/suspense game


.: Death do us Apart :.
Apr 2, 2005
If they can get Van Den Bos and Alexander Bradon back, then I'll be more then pleased. Do you think those guys can frag? Coz it seems like they knew exactly which type of music would suit each arena in UT. I mean Liandri][ was open spaced and fast paced and the music went superbly well. Same with Morpheus.


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
Electronica and ambient were always suited for Unreal. Good if we see some more Unreal 1 type music (slow, epic-ish) for the larger outdoor levels, hard & fast for the indoors.


is ironing his panties!
StraTooS said:
Hell no, b3 st was sad, besides punk is for friggin 12 years old kids

Most of the tracks are very conceptual, and that doesn't suit the large variety of map's atmospheres

About official artists/bands --> FACK NO

Something that i noticed, is that most of the non-trance-dance-bass&drums music of the game, just doesn't fit the fast-paced gametype of UT2k4, it would be better for a mistery/suspense game

The music fitted the speed and teh action of the game. It's a racing game not an atmospheric immersion, your not exploring your crashing into each other and it's mean tto be fast paced.
If you wanted music that reminded you of Temples and vine yards and quaint european villages or Chinese market places then i think you were palying the wrong game.

As i said, the tempo/pace/speed and beat seems about right in most places and again as i said, you don't have to like the music for it to fit the scenario.

(P.s/ Most people i know who like punk are over 30, possibly your thinking of New metal or something.)
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