As mentioned above it won't be possible to solve "Gamma Cheating". There are programs which offer you the possibility to have 200% gamma or whatever ...
BattlePries has used such a program because he has an eye illness or whatever and wouldn't be able to see **** with every settings in UT.
But there are people destroying all maps and the fun through turning brightness on.
I also have a TFT and on dark maps I often end up one inch away of the display to check if it is a bush or not what I think to see (If you are starring at completly dark things you begin to see things which aren't there
I often lower the setting from 8/10 to 7 or six, some maps are just too bright - PankisiGorge looks much better if its darker
But if people not having any eye-issues don't mind to play with settings like
this (
2 3 -->
this this is looking much better, isn't it?) than you won't be able to solve this unless you create a mutator (I think Thivery uses this, it has been posted before but I forgot the outcome) which really makes you invisible or decreases the visibility to a certain amount.
PS.: Btw. would anyone mind to implement Underground and Verruchio in his cycle or makeing EAS versions out of them?