UE3 - UDK Importing .PSK = "The file '__' contains unrecognizable data."

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New Member
Sep 15, 2004
I'm not finding much information explaining what's up with this, so I'm hoping others know what the problem is and know how to remedy the situation.

I built a UAZ 469 (think 'Russian Jeep') in 3DS Max 2008. Yesterday I had no problems exporting the model using ActorX, and import to the UDK (March 2010 beta) went rather smoothly.

I decided to touch up a few minor issues on the model and naturally I was going to repeat the process I used yesterday. Only UDK seemed to have some other ideas. I got a message telling me that "The file '<file location and name here>.psk' contains unrecognizable data." I've tried to re-export this from Max/ActorX and I keep having the same problem where it doesn't want to do it.

So, what is going on, and how can I fix this?