What are you talking about, Snowrocco is clearly a leet fps raping piece of crap. Same with Winter Garden, Garden of Eden, Dune garden, Gecko, AMP-Kilovu, RedLightBoxWorld, DogSNaKojav3, WinterLowlands, [tfr]-RGB2, AE-ThunderRGB-Final, AMP-RGBalpha, Castle-RGB, Caverns, Crazy-RGB, Dune-RGB, Dune_space_RGB, DuneRGB, FoX-Revenge-RGB, FoX-RGB, FunRGB, Glass-RGB, GW-RGB, HoC-RGB-cavern, HoC-RGBig, HoC-RGBlep, HoC-RGBTop, HoC-yaRGB, HoC-Miniature, HoC-cavern, LoLRGB, RGB-1on1=, RGB-1on1=testing, RGB-3node, RGB-Disco-beta1, RGB-Elite, RGB-Normal, RGB-Raptor, StaRGB-beta, TBC-GW-RGB, ThunderRGB-Final, ThunderRGB, U-RGB-beta1, U-RGB-beta2, Y4K-StaRGB, and any other maps I'm forgetting.