Im fucking depressed, damn this suck

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Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
ThunderChunky: thanks for youre opinion´s, u just made my hero list /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif .
U to Zund.

Ballisto: Im only a "nice guy" wery seldom. My general look at ppl is wery untrusting. The life i have lived and that has been forced upon me, has been full of shit. So i´we learned to hate ewery motherfucker that stand´s in my way.
Yet i disided to give u a break, and say stop being such a fuck, or u´ll get flammed out of this forum.
And all u do is turn on youre heel, and slap me in the face.

Who´s the fuck here.



Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

"And all u do is turn on youre heel, and slap me in the face"

Sorry,thats the way you inferred it. I CANT be flammed out of here BTW.

And for the record,you called me a "fuck",I said nothing but my point on the whole thing!!

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
Warren: could u please delite this tread, its turned into a shit fight.
No reason for it to clog up the place.

Or if i can do it me self, then just tell me how to do it.

Thanx zund and thunder chunky, u´we been a great help. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif



Apr 27, 2000
Visit site
yo Ballisto, know when to crack a joke. Some people can be touchy depending on mood. It would be the same with yourself; if you were in a bad mood and someone took a swing at you, you wouldnt be very tolerant in kind.

the INF forums are quite well known for tolerance even though its very quiet around here compared to other places.

BTW, I think there is a "delete" button at the bottom right of the message. I use it once in a while. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

PS GF, zundfolge just hit the nail. If you lived in M'sia I could give you a list of places and people to call. Good luck with your troubles. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Shit Happens... and with great regularity too. We just have to deal with it one turd at a time.


Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

I get your point and I abide by the same rule,but I wasn't joking,just in a funny mood and speakin my mind is all. You ppl seem to take everything soooo seriously and like let words hurt you. I could care less about what anyone has to say to me. I just post,read,learn,and continue the cycle. Later

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
"I wasn't joking,just in a funny mood and speakin my mind is all"

Next time u´r in a "funny mood", dont post in a serius RL topic.

Damnit, here in the Inf forum, we also speak about serius every day problems. And until now, no one has bitched, ridiculed, ofended or dissed anyone that have done so. I stand to loose a freind, and all u can say is, we´re all gona die, so lets take drugs and steal cars´n stuff, and ohh...i wana die.

Being able to talk about such issues was what made the Inf forums so great, being able to seak advice and opinions from others, and not just launching witty remarks and dissing others for a fucking cheap laugh.

Hell....this forum has sufferd hard from a handfull of newcoming jack asses.

Yes u have the right to speak youre mind, but think before u do so. Some things arent ment to be funny, and if u have nothing usefull to say, then even thoug its youre opinion, then have the desensy to ceep it to youre self.
Some time ago, some one posted about a freind who comitted suicide. Would it have been funny to say that he was better of, because he smeld of elderberrys anyway. Hell no.....and every one that posted in that thread, cept a respectfull tone.

This used to be posible, so what the hell happened. Damnit this was why i loved komming in here in the first place. And now more and more threads turn into shit fights, because of a few dumb ass fucks (not just ballisto).

And worst of all, some of thease dicks have shown that they are capable of inteligent Thinking, so they are fucks by choise.

Hell...the Inf forum is beginning to look like all the other forums, that ppl were saying they were sick off.

And ballisto...if u dont give a fuck about what others think, and feel about youre post´s, and dont realy care if u contribute in any constructive manner to the comunity, wich this is, and just wana piss people off for youre own amusement. Then find any of the hundreds of chat room´s that´s made with this purpos in mind, and dont crap on people who dont think lifes a joke.

Forums like this one are made to help ppl with their software problems, give the mod teams a tool to hear the players opinions and for everyone to have fun.
But here in the Inf forum, we´ve acomplisched to make a forum, were ppl can take a moment to be serius, and not get whakked with a rubber malet.

THIS AINT KINDERGARDEN, so stop acting like it was. And if u´we got nothing usefull to say, then shut the fuck up.

Its Inf, not LoonyToons god damnit.



Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA
hmmm DAMN!!!

Thats a lot of shit to type guy!! All for lil ol me!! *sniffle*

Listen guy and listen good. You ended your "serious" topic with "P/S,I'm drunk" How was I supposed to know you weren't fuckin with everyone??
I don't give a shit what people have to say about me. I am what most would consider a basket-case. I just don't give a fuck. Doesn't mean I sit here,type shit,and laugh about what ppl r gonna think. That is BORING to me. I think I am no better than anyone else. The amount of derision I get for my open-mindedness is what I DO laugh at however.
You have to take everything with a grain of salt on these things duder. You can't let words hurt you no matter what. If I were the one who posted something about my friend commiting suicide and someone chose to laugh or say something inconsiderate,do you really think I would give a fuck? I would probably laugh back,I mean who cares?? Life is life. Gotta take the good with the bad. If it were all good,how would you know what good is anymore.
Also,when you said that I wanna die or whatever,I am already dead,so imagine living life that way. Would shit seem so important anymore?? Course not. That is maybe why I post the way I do. I just don't give a fuck.
Also I was re-reading some shit b4 and you figure this out for me: You say that you were trying to extend your hand to me,by starting like this..."Ballisto: Please try not to be such an asshole here in future"
That isn't exactly how I would go about trying to help a person,but what the fuck do I know right? I am just some godamn,loser,asshole,fuckface to you people,cool I guess.


L337 Cube H@X0®
Jul 1, 2000
First Impressions...

If I came across as an asshole, I just want to apologize. I was sort of pissed off at 12:30 in the morning at other stuff going on in my life with no suitable way to vent my anger, and I didn't mean for it to come across in my post. Sorry to anybody who took offense at what I said. I am most definitely not of the belief that I am better than anybody, I don't think I'm arrogant, and I am truly sorry if I came across that way. I liked the forums (when I was merely reading) the way they were, and would hope to avoid damaging that.


"The only fool is the one who refuses to learn"



New Member
Sep 8, 2000
Well man I know how you feel, my sister turned to some fucking awful shit back a few years when my parents broke up. She got hard core into the dope, went a little gothinc like, started to attempt suicide, and she was being brought home by the pigs all the time. She was hardcore into the drinking and she was only 13 by this time. She kept doing her crazy shit and she was admitted to the hospital for depression. She got out but nothing really changed. She continued to drink, smoke pot, shoot heroin etc... I tried to talk to her all the time about it but nothing realy seemed to work. She continued on this path of life for about 4 years. She dropped out of school, developped quite the criminal record, then something bad/good happened. She met a guy, that was into the same shit as she was. They started dating soon after, and nothing really changed. I don't know when she went back to being the sweet girl she always was but she quit smokeing dope one day after I talked to her and finally made her realise that she was hurting herself along with a tonne of other people around her. She is now 21, she has the most beautiful daughter in the world, and she is on her way to a major in law at a local university. The moral of this story is that sure people can fuck up, and when you try to talk to them and it doesn't work, don't give up, just keep trying. It has to sink in eventually. I'm sure he will turn around man, just keep trying. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Fuck man, if your dog died -- we would have a country song...


Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

Dude that sux. I saw you mention that she continued to smoke pot,but what is wrong with that? It has less of an effect than alcohol and will probably be legal in the next few years,as long as the same rules that go for alcohol apply.


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
Apparently the post by Powerpill Pacman seems to have vanished with all the hicups in the forum software, so this may not make too much sense.

Ok, Pacman, let me get this straight, you get and use medical advice from 'B' rated movies staring Bob Saget?

So just because some fictitious character in a cheap comedy says he never sucked cock for marijuana that means unequivocally that THC has no physiological or psychological addictive properties?

Even if Bob Saget were to tell me that in his real life he never sucked a cock for marijuana that still doesn't prove jack shit (and you shouldn't be so quick to rest your case)

But the defense rests, now it's my turn.

While there are some studies that suggest that there may in deed be no physiological or psychological addictive properties to THC (the active ingredient of marijuana). Many of these studies have come under fire from the legitimate scientific com munity for twisting (and even falsifying) their data to suit the needs of the folk paying for the study (namely NORMAL).

There have been several other credible studies that suggest that THC may have some physiological addictive properties, so at best we can say that the physiological addictiveness of THC is undetermined (hardly time for anyone to be resting their cases).

As to psychological addiction; the human psyche can become addicted to ANYTHING. I used to work for a guy who would actually go throu gh withdrawals if he didn't have a constant supply of wintergreen lifesavers.

One of the things that annoys me about this debate is the reliance on junk science, by both sides. I don't trust NORMAL, they'll lie to get the laws they want passed, and I don't trust Partnership for a Drug Free America either. They did a TV ad a while back showing an EEG (brain activity) of a 14 year old on pot, but the EEG was really a 14 year old in a coma.

nothing pisses me off more then people pushing a political agenda with junk science (even if they're cause is noble)

Frankly I think keeping kids off drugs is a good thing, but lets not lie. I also think taking the government out of our day to day lives is a good idea too, but again let's stick to the real and proven science. Otherwise we end up in a situation where NOBODY has any real credibility.

So what is your level of expertise (other then smokin that fatty before you logged on today)?

I'm a graphic designer by trade, but that's not what I went to college for.

My degree is in Applied Clinical Psychology, with an emphasis on addiction treatment. So I'll put my creditintals up against any fictitous character Bob Saget has ever played any day of the week.


[This message was edited by Zundfolge on Sep 12, 2000 at 23:13.]


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Yea, I was gonna say that... just kinda got scared off by the evil forum software demons deleting the last few posts of every thread...

Like Zund said, *anything* can be addictive. However, apparently it's easier to get addicted to caffene than THC- it is addictive, just not very much so.
Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!

[This message was edited by DeadeyeDan[ToA] on Sep 13, 2000 at 02:00.]


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
wots wrong with smokin fatties hehehehe i'm hungry

BTW i once heard that marijuana has almost 100% more tar than normal ciggers, i find it very hard to believe, any of u college boys know for sure ??

if it's alcoholics ANONYMOUS, why do they always stand up and tell u their name ??? <img src=>


New Member
Apr 24, 2000
Chandler, Az, USA
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I don't mind weed, Just the attitude that goes with it. Hard to explain in words. Not everybodies attitude just some very common ones I have come across in different people.

I am sure somebody knows what I am talking about.

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
My personal experience with dope (namly THC, i newer junked), is that it is phcycologicaly adictive.
Its a way to escape reality, just like any other. And like other intoxicating substaces, it makes u stupid.
But there is a good side to hash aswell. Its the best (to my nolege anyways) mood stabiliser for manic depresives (and other medical stuff aswell)
So its hard to dismiss it alltogether. No one thing is all good or all evil.



Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

Ok weed is as addictive as ice cream to someone who likes ice cream. They will want it,but it won't change their day or life cuz they want it. After you have quit for a while,you don't want it anymore at all,I havent smoked in 3 months when I used to smoke about a dime a day for 6 months straight and I had NO problem quitting or staying dry.
IT DOESN'T MAKE U STUPID!!! I can't stress that enough,that is an old wives tale to scare people not to use it. It does affect the memory SLIGHTLY,but these affects are completely reversed after a short sustained abstinence of the plant. It was proven BTW.
Weed is the only natural substance people use for a "high" feeling. Alcohol needs extra things done,as does cigs,coke,caffiene and any other drug. With weed,or canibis sativa,it is grown,dried,and smoked right the way it is. No further processes are needed. To me that says something right there.
As long as the same rules that go for alcohol go for weed I don't see ANY reason why people can't use it. Alcohol FUCKS up your body and especially your liver,but weed has little to no carcinogens depending on how you smoke it(I.E. if you smoke it with papers,well then your are smoking bleach and other harmful substances,bongs are the best thing to use).
This should clear up some of the BS I am hearing from people that don't like it. BTW,I am fine with that,but tell me why just cuz you don't like something,someone else can't do it? Thats some horseshit right there IMHO.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Goat Fucker, first, I'm really sorry that your friend has such problems.. like others said before... try to do what Zundfolge has said already... if some organizations can help you and your friend, then you should try this way too...

now to the other serious issue within this post... bitching aso... just one warning... nothing more...

Goat, if ya want this post deleted or simply closed then just send me a short note via email and consider it done (plz include the link to it, so I can do what ya want faster).

I hope that such serious issues will not turn into this sort of "little-forum-war" again in the future.. sorry that I haven't noticed it sooner...



Lead-Programmer of the Infiltration Team