"I wasn't joking,just in a funny mood and speakin my mind is all"
Next time u´r in a "funny mood", dont post in a serius RL topic.
Damnit, here in the Inf forum, we also speak about serius every day problems. And until now, no one has bitched, ridiculed, ofended or dissed anyone that have done so. I stand to loose a freind, and all u can say is, we´re all gona die, so lets take drugs and steal cars´n stuff, and ohh...i wana die.
Being able to talk about such issues was what made the Inf forums so great, being able to seak advice and opinions from others, and not just launching witty remarks and dissing others for a fucking cheap laugh.
Hell....this forum has sufferd hard from a handfull of newcoming jack asses.
Yes u have the right to speak youre mind, but think before u do so. Some things arent ment to be funny, and if u have nothing usefull to say, then even thoug its youre opinion, then have the desensy to ceep it to youre self.
Some time ago, some one posted about a freind who comitted suicide. Would it have been funny to say that he was better of, because he smeld of elderberrys anyway. Hell no.....and every one that posted in that thread, cept a respectfull tone.
This used to be posible, so what the hell happened. Damnit this was why i loved komming in here in the first place. And now more and more threads turn into shit fights, because of a few dumb ass fucks (not just ballisto).
And worst of all, some of thease dicks have shown that they are capable of inteligent Thinking, so they are fucks by choise.
Hell...the Inf forum is beginning to look like all the other forums, that ppl were saying they were sick off.
And ballisto...if u dont give a fuck about what others think, and feel about youre post´s, and dont realy care if u contribute in any constructive manner to the comunity, wich this is, and just wana piss people off for youre own amusement. Then find any of the hundreds of chat room´s that´s made with this purpos in mind, and dont crap on people who dont think lifes a joke.
Forums like this one are made to help ppl with their software problems, give the mod teams a tool to hear the players opinions and for everyone to have fun.
But here in the Inf forum, we´ve acomplisched to make a forum, were ppl can take a moment to be serius, and not get whakked with a rubber malet.
THIS AINT KINDERGARDEN, so stop acting like it was. And if u´we got nothing usefull to say, then shut the fuck up.
Its Inf, not LoonyToons god damnit.