I have a freind who´s turning to a "life of crime". He´s allready been cought at grand theft auto, and alot of other stuff.
He´s started doing alot of dope, and drinking like a spunge.
I´we been there, and i dont want my freind to go fruw all the shit i went fruw (and not being the brightest of lights, he´ll end up in jail for sure)
Waht the hell can i do, he´s my freind god damnit. Sometimes i just wana beat the living crap out of him, im seeing a freind turn into something he´s not, and i know it´ll blow up in his face.
He wont listen to my advise, his so doped up, he cant see his own shit on his knees.
Fuck, fuck.....fuck.
Whats a guy to do?? /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif
PS/ im drunk.
He´s started doing alot of dope, and drinking like a spunge.
I´we been there, and i dont want my freind to go fruw all the shit i went fruw (and not being the brightest of lights, he´ll end up in jail for sure)
Waht the hell can i do, he´s my freind god damnit. Sometimes i just wana beat the living crap out of him, im seeing a freind turn into something he´s not, and i know it´ll blow up in his face.
He wont listen to my advise, his so doped up, he cant see his own shit on his knees.
Fuck, fuck.....fuck.
Whats a guy to do?? /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif
PS/ im drunk.