Idea for parser

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May 25, 2004

I had an idea (dont think its possible yet, correct me if im wrong)

This idea is a function that allows Monster Spawn Points to have the ability to set a delay before they are used. Basically so monsters spawn from say the left for a while, then after a set amount of time, they start to spawn from the right as well.

Think this would give a different kind of depth to the game and would certianly keep players on their toes.

I bring this up mainly as something that can help mappers make something different, by implementing this abbility into a map.

Here is one scenerio which it could be used for (actually made this map, in beta testing) three drop ships land and unload monsters from inside, you actually get to see them land.....however, only one ship lands at first, then with in 5 mins the second and another 5 mins the third. Now to make it appear monsters are coming from each drop ship, the monster spawn points on the ground would have to be delays, till such a time the ship lands, then they start spawning, hence monsters come from that ship.

Now i say I have allready done, using a teleportation system. The monsters spawn in a diffewrent room and teleport into the drop ships, the delays are made by another two doors (delayed movers) blocking the path till the set time is up, which by then, monsters can use the now accesible teleporters to transport to the newly landed drop ship.

This works....ok-ish. problem are, delays after next wave annoucment, as monsters have to run to the teleporter. The worst of which, sometime the monsters get stuck and you have to wait till they sort them selfs out or they die from lack of time lol.......which makes game play....different....some time frustrating.

Due to this i thought a delay in montser spawn points would solve these problems, as the teleportation system would not be needed. This idea could also help make other unique senerious.....:)

What you think...?

(or can u suggest a way of perhpas doing this)


a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
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wow, this is the first time I've read this thread, and I was thinking of the ship thing too.

Why did you need to do the teleportation system? I was thinking of having the monster spawn points at the location where the ship lands. I was assuming that the bottom of the ship was at ground level where the monsters would come out.

I was thinking while there was an initial long delay at first wave, you can use that delay to bring the ships in. Once they land, it's all static and the monster spawn points should do fine.

I would have the ships sort of surround the playerstarts and the arena, that way the monsters are coming 360 view of player.

hehe.... if a player starts running around and stays under a ship landing, it's their own fault for getting crushed.
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The Seldom Seen Kid
More interesting however, would be the ability to Delay the spawning of a BOSS
Everybody keeps on complaining of how the countdown starts when the BOSS is already spawned, and how the vehicles suddenly explode. Delay the Boss, so it will spawn after the countdown, giving the player plenty of time to gather weapons and ammo, and get out of their vehicles


a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
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Is this the thread to give parser ideas? I have a few, but want to check and see if I can get the ideas to work b4 posting here. I was going to look at the script and see if you can select the monsters allowed to spawn at the FHI monster spawn actor regardless of the wave configuration. I have some need in a map idea where small monsters spawn at one location, and the larger more difficult at another location. It would be cool to have this control in that actor script, and we can just set the wave configs to ALL monsters, and then just worry about the other adjustments like wave difficulty. Then, again, this may already be possible, and I haven't had the time to check it out.


May 25, 2004
Yea, the delay on the boss would be cool i guess. Also about DeathAdder's idea, i think there is a way of doing it, though may not be quite what u had in mind. If u made a small room and a large room, and put monster spawn points in, I believe, that any monster that was too large to fit in that room would not spawn. So basically, u can set the size monsters roughly by the size of the rooms.

Also about my idea, the delay on certain monster points would be best for that map, though the teleportation system is working better then i thought. Reason i have to it, it as i said the other ships may land 5 mins into the game, the small delay is no were near enough for a shipt to land, and it would have to land right between a break before next wave, else it wouldnt work......almost impossible to do. Anyway, if you saw the map (included in CP named FHI-Supply-Zone) you would understand what i mean :)

One more point, as u saud u wnated to do a ship landinf map, dun let the small fact i have done one stop you, they are very cool, so feel free to make another one :)


a.k.a. LightBringer
Jul 8, 2001
north carolina
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rgr, well I am finishing up one map, and I have 2 other maps I want to make, and then, I might look into the ship landing map. I'm going to experiment with what you said regarding small rooms and large rooms for a bit maybe next week.


May 25, 2004
Have to look into that ship on FHI-DesertAssault, see if its all one. If u make drop ships, it either has to be made as one whole static mesh or use an existing one.

As I found that making a ship out lots static meshes that move, may be a good idea, but over the net, not very effective, as even the smallest amount of lag can cause the ship to break up and all the different SM try to catch up with each other LOL! though works fine in SP. It dun mean the ship will break up over the net, but it can happen, depends on connection speed.

Still, it was juyst all an experiment, first time, have ti try and learn, overall the map has been pretty succesfull, the map still runs fine anyway :)