I owe the government

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uni.... meh...
Australia's not too bad. Tax is one of the lowest of the devloped worlds (6th lowest l think). I just work part time, like on weekends and night times, as l'm still a student and l pay about 2 grand into tax a year. Out of that 2 grand l get about 1 grand back which ain't too bad l think. I'd rather get something back though, l'd hate to have to pay more!


May 24, 2001
Visit site
Pfft I probably owe about 300-400 € ... Oh I was forgetting they already deduced 3000 from my bursary, and 400 from contract work I did ... Gotta love Italy ...


This world is spinning around me
Dec 14, 2001
A little to the left.
Got a fair chunk o' change back from both the Fed and the state.

Speaking of which, I've a bit of a quandry. I'm an employee of New York State, and yet, I pay state taxes, which then get used to pay my own salary. So, I take money from me and give it back to me? Goddamn screwed up system if you ask me.