I offer the truth

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New Member
Jan 27, 2000
Visit site
Ya know what the most funny thing about TO/SWAT is?
Their logo used to say "The Ultmate (sic) Counterterrorism Mod For UT", until I personally emailed them and told them about the misspelling in the logo.
/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

RazoR /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif




New Member
Jun 13, 2000
mojo, found another thing TO may have stolen

I am, highly sure that the muzzle flash for the machine gun in Quake3 was ripped for use in TO, and I think on some guns it was resized a bit, ill investigate this a bit more.

<img src=http://aa_jolted.tripod.com/sig.jpg>



I am not on either "side". I really don't like the Tac Ops mod, but Bad Mojo, "war's" like these don't just ruin the reputation of a mod, it pretty much ruins the reputation of the community itself. When I joined the UT community, I wasn't expecting to see something as stupid as this war, but I guess you proved me wrong, Bad Mojo.

I got an Idea, why don't you just drop this whole thing, it's only going to run in circles. no one is going to "win" this thing.

Death's Quote of the week: " I am a very polite vampire!

!=Death Trip=!


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
Mojo, I'm not sure what you expect to gain by airing this other then to exercise your principals (which all in all is not a bad thing).

Im concerned how controversies like this effect the Mod community as a whole. If this becomes too big a stink, the we may find Epic and other companies dropping all their support of mods, and we'll end up with no mods for new games. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

I'm not saying you should stop seeking the truth, but lets not sacrifice everything for little or no gain.

I look forward to your complete and final report on this matter.

"Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you!"


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Well, just because Shag is the idiot he is, and his head is exploding, I'll say this to calm you down:

Its not about Shag, or me, or Epic, or Infogrames, or the Make Something Unreal Contest, or PlanetUnreal, or anything like that.

Its simply about the truth. Its about the people that were lied to, and deceived, and manipulated.

I'm just the messenger, so to speak.

Look, I'm not a hero or a villain, I'm just a guy. Today I went out with my future brother in law and my family, and I played 18 holes of golf. I had a few beers. I drove a golf cart and ended up being 19 over par. I had my step-father drive me home because after being out on such a beautiful, sunny day, and having so much alcohol, my head was spinning. I told some jokes, and we laughed at my poor performance. We swore, and told "guy" jokes, if you will.

I'm just a guy. I do guy stuff. I like action movies and naked chicks and a good lager. I like Guns and Ammo magazine, and I love playing video games. I'm 19 years old and I do the things a 19 year old does.

To a large extent, I am a hero to many people, and to a lesser extent, a villain. I don't want either status symbol. I'm not doing this for myself, or for anybody. I'm doing this in the name of justice. I'm not doing it to take down a mod, I'm doing it to debunk lies.

I'm just following what I believe in. And in the end, that's all any of us can do. All I want is the truth, the bitter, horrible truth that I have seen and that some of us know about, to come to light. Because frankly, where does complacence to this sort of thing start? It starts when we begin to rationalize it. Either by claiming corporate america, "its just a game", or anything else. Deceit is my enemy, and I will fight that enemy wherever I find him.

I will be excercising the access to information act. Any public companies that are cutting cheques MUST make this information public, and they cannot hide it (their shareholders would have conniptions if they did, and their stocks would plummet) so I will contact infogrames' localization's office, and have them give me any pertinent documents. I will obtain testimony, both public and in private, and I will prove to you just what is going on.

If any of you want to help, let me know, you can email me, or icq me. I'm looking for a small group of people that I know I can trust -- and you know who you are.

And if you're somebody that has any information, come forward -- you're free to remain completely anonymous.

<img src="http://badmojojacket.homestead.com/files/bmj.gif" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
well that's it!


Now I can't trust a damn thing you say!!

/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif (just yanking your chain old man)

I'm very interested in seeing the truth, so when you get all your ducks in a row, will this be something you can publish here in this forum? Or will it be posted somewhere else (I figure if what you dig up does implicate anyone at PU, then you're posting won't be welcome here).

"People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius. "
Jerry Lewis


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I'm currently looking at having a site hosted... just somewhere where people can easily find it, and preferably some place off geocities or homestead, but I'll go there to archive everything if need be.

<img src="http://badmojojacket.homestead.com/files/bmj.gif" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
In case the post on tactical ops gets mysteriously deleted, I have both saved the HTML and copy'n'pasted the information directly into here and bolded it:

Author: Shag

I decided, after seeing the results of this whole mess, to publicly reply and state my opinion about what's going on.
I'm very sad to see people insult everyone in the name of something.
I'm very sad to here rumors and lies, generated by Bad.Mojo' opened accusations.
It has really gone too far and it's really poisoning the whole UT community.

I didn't feel like replying in the first place. This whole conspiracy and paranoiac story (see Bad.mojo's post 'I offer the truth...') is well written and funny, but unfortunatly completly wrong.
The problem is that some people tend to believe these lies made up by Bad.mojo.
So i will calmly reply and clear up these rumors by telling the truth (and not some paranoic made up story...)
* sigh *

The whole team really put a lot of time and effort into Tactical Ops and i really can't let someone tell lies and say that's the truth.
I started this project alone in december 1999 and spent the last 4 months almost working 100% of my time on the mod. We have always been driven by the passion and pleasure and not by the money. This whole idea about money and financing is just disgusting.
We really have nothing to hide. We work for free like every other mod development team and Tactical Ops is and will always be a free gift from us to the community.

I'm french so i don't master the english language and i don't have much time to spend into this so i will make it short and clear.

To Bad.mojo's accusations here's what i have to say:
0) I tried to contact Bad.mojo many times but he refused to talk.
1) I'm french but i have family living in the united states and a legal address there.
2) SWAT beta 1 is our submission to the MSU contest and represent our and only team work.
3) Like Rocket Arena and Chaos UT we're receiving support from Infogramme and EPIC to release Beta 2 for UT GOY.
4) The team hasn't received any money (not a single cent!) from EPIC nor Infogramme nor the MSU contest up to now (21st August 2000)
5) We didn't break any rule, any law, nor steal nor rip any content from any other game / mod.
6) We do use some copyrighted material that will be removed in beta 2. (Textures from HL/CS (in a few maps) and the ladder and buy item sounds from HL). That's the only 'illegal' content in our mod. These will of course be removed in Beta 2 to be shipped with UT GOY.

It's really sad to see such things hapening in a community and i really wish to see some more respect and intelligence towards each other.

I also decided ON MY OWN to officially publish 'The truth about Tactical Ops' a text written by Rojazz the day Bad.Mojo published his accusations. (Sorry to Rojazz if he didn't want this to go public).
You can read a quick history of SWAT/Tactical Ops, the whole EPIC/Infogramme deal and Rojazz' thoughts about this mess there:

We're all very sick of these wars and flames started by a few fanatics. In my humble opinion it's really bad for a mod community, where we should be driven by our passions: free mods, diversity, experience (through learning, teaching, helping each other).
Bad.Mojo accused me of wanting to shut him down, i suggested many times to extend our moderating rights. We cannot do anything but close a thread. I suggest again, publicly, that we should be able to regulate the forums. A world without laws is chaos and not freedom.
There is a real problem and we have to do something about it.

There is no way that we can please everyone and there will always be people insulting each others, starting wars, flames etc..
Free speech doesn't mean attacking, insulting, abusing or lying.

We have always been honest towards ourselves and the community and we will continue. I hope this piece of information clears some things up and that we can calm down the tension and stop the rumors/lies.

I'm quite busy, but i'm opened for discussion, don't hesitate to contact me i'll try to answer. =)

Have a nice day.

- Shag
Tactical Ops Project leader, designer, coder.

Author: Bad.Mojo

I find your post utterly hilarious. I find it fascinating that you're trying to put your own spin on the events that occured now that you know I'm done talking and solely seeking out the truth. If you think this is going to stop me, think again.
Of course, nobody in power ever uses their power for greed. Anybody that says otherwise is a paranoid, partisan, fanatical liar, right? "I am not a crook" and "I did not have sexual relations with that woman -- Miss Lewinski" are quotes that immediately spring to mind -- quotes that both ended by these paranoid, partisan, fanatical liars being proven right and the people in power admitting their guilt.

Like I said, I'm already busy compiling the evidence as it comes in, in any format. You can judge for yourself then.

Though I can find two things immediately wrong with your post.

First off, you say:

We do use some copyrighted material that will be removed in beta 2. (Textures from HL/CS (in a few maps) and the ladder and buy item sounds from HL). That's the only 'illegal' content in our mod. These will of course be removed in Beta 2 to be shipped with UT GOY.

You admit to taking textures from HL/CS (which completely goes against claims made by other members of your own team) and you admit to using copyrighted material. Yet when I made these allegations, you yourself said that this was wholy untrue. It also violates No copyright material (taken directly from the MSU contest Best PC/TC rules section)

You also try to put an interesting spin on the truth in the part where you say:

4) The team hasn't received any money (not a single cent!) from EPIC nor Infogramme nor the MSU contest up to now (21st August 2000)

This is what we call a "plausible deniability claim". Basically, you are saying "we are not getting paid because our cheque is still in the mail.) In fact, you even offer a FORWARD date (it is currently the 15th of August 2000) which corroberates the statement that you will get paid. And yet in the Strike Force forum post, you claim that you never have been, never will get paid.

You also tried to contact me once (count it, once) through ICQ. I refused because frankly all you dogs were barking for the evidence so I gave up talking and went about putting up the evidence that you so begged for as fast as I could.

I could poke more holes in your pathetic story but I won't. I'm also going to mirror both of these posts on the Strike Force and Infiltration forums so that they don't mysteriously disappear.

You've already went against your previous claims, and the claims of your teams. You've helped prove my point, and I will be saving your statement and my rebuttal for evidence.

Thanks for helping the cause, Shag. Its always nice when the only thing the spin doctor can actually spin is his own tangled web of lies that serve to confuse him.

Author: Bad.Mojo

I also love the following quote:
We're all very sick of these wars and flames started by a few fanatics. In my humble opinion it's really bad for a mod community, where we should be driven by our passions: free mods, diversity, experience (through learning, teaching, helping each other).
Bad.Mojo accused me of wanting to shut him down, i suggested many times to extend our moderating rights. We cannot do anything but close a thread. I suggest again, publicly, that we should be able to regulate the forums. A world without laws is chaos and not freedom.
There is a real problem and we have to do something about it.

A flame war started by a few fanatics, eh? Then why do you allow BloodKnight to show up at Strike Force's release party and insult the fans and the mod? Why do you allow him to bash other mods on your official channel? Why do you allow him to bash fans in private, as a rep of your mod? Where are your "moderator rights" then, Shag?

<img src="http://badmojojacket.homestead.com/files/bmj.gif" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">