I offer the truth

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Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
It all started out with a simple article. This article was one I wrote for a tiny site that was hosted on Planet Unreal called the Redeemer. This article was my own private section, and as a journalistic editor, I ran a simple article. In my article, I denounced the mod then known as SWAT. I didn't like it. To me it felt like a poor clone of Counter-Strike. Then one day, I came to find the site I worked for had been 404'd. Disappeared. We had received no warning.

I began to investigate in the way only my curiosity can lead me too do. I had to set right what I had felt had been an injustice to free speech and free expression. I contacted Stallion at the direction of the site's webmaster, Gringle.

Stallion, not surprisingly, gave me alot of horse shit. He claimed that people were supposed to have emailed us, blah-blah-blah. He claimed that the content was questionable. When I came up with hard fact at every turn, his arguement degraded until he simply spoke no more.

When the Redeemer did return a day or two later, I discovered that my review, which I had just posted, had mysteriously disappeared with no warning to remove the objectionable content. No warning, no asking us to do it. Because my piece of .htm code contained a few instances of the word fuck, it had disappeared. I will now take the time to point out that QAPete, who is (obviously) in charge of the QA at PU, gave me permission, in his own words, that so long as the main sections of the site (that said, the reviews and the index.htm) didn't contain swearing, every else was fine. IE: Forums, editorials, etc. Upon later questioning of the PU admins, I discovered that my portion of the site wasn't even "in question"... that is to say, it disappeared because somebody wanted it to disappear, and not because the content itself was questionable, but because the content was potentially damaging. Do read on, I believe it will become clear.

As anybody knows, I am the firmest believer in personal freedom. I believe you should be allowed to say what you want. I believe that you should be allowed to do whatever you want, so long as it doesn't jeapordize anybody else's survival. That is to say, if you want to call somebody a cracker, a nigger, a fag, or any other inflammatory personal remark, you should have that right. If you choose to act physically on that hate, however, you are crossing the line. If you choose to poison yourself with cocaine, or heroin, or alcohol, you have that right. If you, however, under the influence of those intoxicants, harm somebody else, you have crossed the line. You should have the right to view pornography, or participate in whatever form of sex act you choose. If you go out and rape a girl, you have most definitely crossed the line. The primary right, superceding all other rights, its the right to physical well-being. Say and do what you will to yourself, but when the time comes to keep from doing it to others, you must keep from doing it, or your rights have voided themselves. I think everybody can relate to this.

That said, having my voice removed, without warning, really angered me. I resigned from my post. As I saw it, I was an editor -- I dictated whether or not the content crossed the line. I had done nothing inflammatory. Rather, I had vocalized (As well as one can vocalize anything over an electronic medium) a negative view, given a humourous satire, and then offered constructive criticism. And to suddenly find, without even being asked to cooperate, that my basic freedoms had been denied, I was infuriated. It had indeed turned out that admins had "taken a vote" and superceded QAPete's authority while he was on vacation.

I never thought that the removal of my section had anything to do with the aforementioned review of SWAT.

Time passed and slowly the wounds healed. I felt as if I had been whipped, but the pain dulled and faded away.

Suddenly the rage, the pain was rekindle as, as if in a torrent of lies and injustice, things began to happen.

First the newly renamed TacticalOps won the Make Something Unreal best conversion category as the first SWAT release. This was bad. A conversion based on another mod, in fact, a CLONE of another mod had won a prize. I do believe that these were supposed to be judged on originality, too? So how were they judged on originality when nothing in TacticalOps (or SWAT, if you prefer) was original? I began to get curious.

I began poking my nose around, as I tend to do. Its a habit of mine, I get curious, and I investigate things -- I like to know the truth, before I begin making allegations. JoLTeD, it turns out, had often quoted my review of SWAT on the Tactical Ops forum, offering nothing more than negative criticism. Stallion banned him, and the TacticalOps team deleted his posts. When later confronted with this, Stallion claimed the old patsy fall back -- "I was just doing my job". I replied with the fact that other people just did their job too. The Gestapo. Hitmen. Pontius Pilate. He was the one that told me that my portion of the site was never meant to go down. I still harbored ill will, because he had participated in censoring me, though I now knew that larger, more sinister forces were now at work. Trite and corny? Perhaps. But you can't dismiss everybody who says larger and more sinister as a crackpot. Its simply to easy... so continue, dear reader...

I came back to JoLTeD, who expressed very colourfully the outrage he felt towards TacOps in general, and Stallion. But TacOps is the focus of this. He claimed (and I admit that as of this writing, these allegations are nothing but accusations, though I am currently investigating) that Tactical Ops stole other mods/games sound effects (namely Firearms HL and Rainbow 6.) I have not played Firearms HL, and I have only played the demo of R6 a couple years past. So I dismissed this at the time, though the impact of further investigating these allegations has become important to me, so I will do so. Nonetheless, this got me to thinking -- I found the guns behaved very pronouncedly like guns from other mods for Unreal Tournament. Almost like some of their coding had been lifted directly from other mods. This, too, I am looking into. More on this later.

Then it happened, the pinnacle of my anger. BloodKnight, lead beta tester for TacticalOps, was sitting around, making a fool of himself in the TacticalOps channel, because for whatever reason he saw fit, he began openly making fun of Infiltration, a mod that people have been working hard on ever since Catalyst discovered Warren asking questions about modelling an AK-47 and signed him on to a project known as Force Recon. I decided that I would handle it myself. I showed up in the TacticalOps channel and began mocking BloodKnight. He complained that he had been kicked and banned from #infiltration for whatever reason. In an insanely high amount of hypocrisy, he kicked and banned me. I sent him a private message, and he returned the favour -- effectively opening a DCC chat session in ircN. He openly mocked Infiltration. I returned the favour in kind. The transcript of our conversation was posted publicly. He accused me of making it up, even though a) I wasn't the one who posted it, and b) he had previously shown up at a Strike Force release party, openly mocking them. Nothing was done in either case. Any other team member, whether for a mod or a commercial game, would have been fired. For a long time I debated with him on both IRC and the message boards. He didn't budge from his position.

This was, however, the beginning of something completely different. For some time, people in the Infiltration room were throwing around rumours of a reason why TacticalOps could be disqualified from the Make Something Unreal contest. They refused to tell me what, and I hate not knowing. It drives me berserk not knowing something, especially something so profoundly important. I did, however, have a trick up my sleeve. A gentleman at Epic (who will obviously remain nameless) that I have contacted before (originally for help on setting up my Voodoo II for Unreal -- I was to damn lazy to find the tech support email so I fired off a mail message to the first email address I could find, and it sorta grew from there) was kind enough to let me pester him into telling me what was going on. It turns out Infogrames was funding Tactical Ops. Had been for some time. Suddenly everything became crystal clear.

Infogrames was slated to release a Game of the Year edition of Unreal Tournament. They wanted a mod that could be shrink-wrapped and sold along with UT to directly compete against Counter-Strike. It makes perfect sense, really. Counter-Strike alone has sold copies of Half-Life. It is more played online than Unreal Tournament and Quake 3: Arena combined. A direct competitor (read: clone) of Counter-Strike is genius marketting strategy. If a kid picks up Half-Life to buy just to download Counter-Strike, and then sees a copy of Unreal Tournament with a copy of what looks to be something exactly like Counter-Strike on it, which is he going to buy? Will he buy Half-Life, only to clog up his 56k pipeline downloading a huge 50+ meg file, or will he buy Unreal Tournament instead, and get a prepackaged clone of Counter-Strike?

However, this in and of itself wouldn't be so bad (as if profitting from other people's ideas that they're making for free, for fun, for the people isn't bad enough) it is capped off by the "Make Something Unreal" contest.

<center>ELIGIBILITY The Contest is open to legal residents of the United States. Void in Puerto Rico, Vermont, Maryland, North Dakota, Minnesota and where prohibited by law. Employees of HearMe, 3D FX, Epic Games, GT Interactive, Aureal, their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies and the immediate family members of each are not eligible to participate.</center>

That is a quote taken directly from the MSU contest rules page. First off, Shag is from France, and he has admitted to it here, so he cannot deny that. That means that he is not in one of the States/Territories of the United States that the contest is open to. Yet he has already won money for his entry of SWAT into the Best Total/Partial Conversion category. The best P/TC category also stipulates that no conversion may win if it contains any sort of copyrighted material. The guns aside (which may very well void that stipulation, though I believe they're protected under the United States fair-use laws) I am currently examining whether or not SWAT contains any intellectual property from other mods. I am also in the process of contacting both contest and government officials to let them know how the contest rules were voided. Secondly, there is the stipulation that employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising, and promotional agencies cannot participate. By receiving funds, SWAT/TO DOES fall into that category.

Furthermore, suddenly the community judges have been pulled, and have been replaced with industry insiders. Industry insiders that could easily be pursuaded by Infogrames to... help TacOps receive additional funding, above and beyond the sums of money they are receiving for producing the mod, as well as the money they've already won. All in all, through community manipulation (by censoring any and all negative views [deleting my review, and any others like it, banning JoLTeD and deleting his posts]) and a select panel of persuadable judges, Tactical Ops stands to receive a total of $30,000 US Dollars on top of what they're already making.

In case you've been having trouble following an admittedly very long post, I will sum it up. Rojazz, who "coincidentally" works as an admin at PlanetUnreal as well as webmastering TacticalOps, effectively ran a censoring campaign with the help of Stallion to curtail any negative reviews (wouldn't you for a cut of $30,000 plus the production money?) and negative posts. Infogrames knowingly funded and aided and abetted breaking the rules governing contests, lotteries, and games of chance in the United States, and funded a "free, community mod" with the intention of using it as a marketting and distribution tool.

If you think I am just making this up because TacticalOps was put on the Game of the Year edition, think again. Here you will find a post , dated before the announcement of the Game of the Year edition, in which I hint at a conspiracy which I cannot reveal to protect my "friend" at Epic. Though I said I had proof, and here you read it. There are other such posts on that board, and I offer you to look for yourself. I told you that laws were being broken, and here, again, before your eyes is the proof.

Reread it. Look over every nuance. This is truth.

I'm sure they'll come along, and offer some sort of rancid explanation full of holes, and call me a liar like they always have, and its up to you who you choose to believe. All I asked for was an admission of guilt from BloodKnight, and I never got it. I promised things wouldn't be pretty if it didn't happen, and here you have it. I wanted the admission of guilt from BloodKnight just so that somebody, anybody on the TacticalOps team, could prove to me that they were mature and somehow deserved what they were getting. Who better but whom I believe to be the most immature? And yet all the proved was that they were using, conniving, selfish people who only wanted to turn a profit, and cared about nobody but themselves -- and saving their reputation so they could keep making money. I hope the crisp dollar bills in your back pocket are worth this, my friends.

You used people like corporate tools. You manipulated words, told lies, and censored free-thinking voices to turn a profit and help turn a bigger profit in the bigger picture. You manipulated laws and people's minds and emotions for your own petty material gains. And you sheep that try to rationalize this, and who will undoubtedly villify me, I hope you love being corporate tools.

Truth, justice, and freedom for all.


<img src="http://badmojojacket.homestead.com/files/bmj.gif" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
this wont end well

i've got a feeling this post on its own is gonna re-ignite/ add fuel to the swat/inf war, i for one, CAN'T WAIT

so someone send me an m16/m203 a few clips and lets get this party started,

BTW mojo, how many blisters are on your fingers after typing that ?


"this is your life, and its ending one minute at a time" so what are you gonna do with it ?
May 22, 2000
You could win a lawsuite with this shit!!!!
Keep up that investigating stuff and nail those TO dipshits to the ground (only the dipshits)!!!!!

[This message was edited by Alien [RIP] on Aug 11, 2000 at 07:14.]


Absens haeres non erit (Soccerdad)
Sep 19, 1999
...hooray... I guess

Just spent the better part of an hour and a half going through all the links and my impression is that the only thing that's been "proven" is that BK DID bash Inf in that transcript.
We all know your eloquency Mojo, however, does that prove any of the allegations you have made?
You say you have more skeletons in your wardrobe and you have people to protect... Well, that's cool.
I think you should either lay off the threats and stick to pushing BK into that admission of guilt OR fess up and publish what you know! If what you CLAIM to know is true then, by all means, FUCK 'EM!

Guess I'm just curious... :/

"Peace? ...no peace..."
(yes folks, that's a quote)




Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Uh, I do believe I just published what I know. There's not much more to say, though its obvious you believe the lies -- sad.

<img src="http://badmojojacket.homestead.com/files/bmj.gif" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">


Infiltration lead level designer
Jun 1, 2000
Washington State
It would be a very serious matter if indeed there is a conspiracy on the part of the TO team and their sponsor to defraud a $25,000 contest with a mod that violates intellectual property rights of other developers. You allege some pretty bad stuff, Mojo. This needs to be cleared up one way or another, for the good of the UT mod community. If the allegations are true, this kind of fraud is simply unacceptable.
<h2><font face="symbol">
a 1001</font></h2>

"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

John Donne


New Member
Jan 31, 2000
Visit site

so what??? I don´t really understand what this is all about... Is this the X-file section of UT??? The big conspiracy??? Is it right that the TO-makers got 25.000 $ and they had not observed the rules for this contest... is this really proven? This is the only thing I find bad i this case. In my opinion the fun is leaving from the scene with this dicussions like: oh oh this mod is not as good as the other ones etc.. I like Inf very much so what about a donation from every Inf-fan to the coders maybe 10$ from each fan (they need 2500 fans who want to pay... a lot!!) Give me a adress and I will send the money... no shit may be as an example for the others.

LCPL Twenty

P.S.:I play TO also


Absens haeres non erit (Soccerdad)
Sep 19, 1999
Not so Mojo,

let's just say you haven't PROVEN your point beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I am very gullible and will believe almost anything I'm told. I am aware of this though and am trying to compensate that gullibility by looking for proof...
You can see I am beginning to run in circles already can't you?

Besides, this whole thing seems more like a personal vendetta between you and BK rather than an honest quest for the truth.
Some facts(?) of the case in no particular order:

The TO team enters make something unreal contest while NOT eligible.
(Has there been a reply from TO regarding this??)

The TO team is now being sponsored by Infogrames
(Since when? Before they entered the contest?)

BloodKnight makes an ass of himself and the TO team.
(quite possibly, the TO team has all but admitted that in public leaving only BK himself to come clean)

So, again, what should we do, if anything?
What CAN we do?

This whole sorry mess will run around in circles, just like me, until you drop the bomb.
Just remember one thing; I'm on YOUR side even if it doesn't sound like it! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Also, while you're at it, check this little beauty out! Is TO a ripoff of CS?



[This message was edited by Cunubelin on Aug 11, 2000 at 11:37.

[This message was edited by Cunubelin on Aug 11, 2000 at 11:43.]


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
Some pretty serious shit there Mojo. The way I see it, if Shag does indeed come from France and they are being funded by Infogrames, then they should be disqualified from the MSU contest. I've played Tactical Ops, and I didn't think it was anything spectacular either. Certainly nothing worth packaging it with the UT: Game of the Year Edition. I only have one question. Why is the MSU contest void in Minnesota? It's a good thing I'm not making a mod, cause that would really piss me off.




New Member
May 18, 2000
Lots of times, certain states are voided due to weird regulations on contests and prizes. For example, being from Rhode Island, I'm void from a lot of contests because we have some weird taxes and regulations on contests. Most companies don't want to have to deal with that kind of crap, so they just don't allow anyone from that state the chance to win. Hell, I don't blame 'em.



New Member
Dec 5, 1999
Visit site

A BIG THUMBS UP FOR YOU! i guess... /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif



[This message was edited by ThrasherX9 on Aug 11, 2000 at 16:54.]


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Its not about the money, or one mod looking like another, or anything like that. You miss the entire theme, unfortunately. Its about the truth. Its about how they supressed the truth so they could turn a profit.

Now had Infogrames said a couple months ago that TacticalOps is being paid royalties to be distributed on the Game of the Year edition, would any of you have raised a stink? Sure you would have. But not so much as this, it is after all their choice. But instead, to censor peoples voices (and from what I've heard from people from Strike Force team, railroad SF out of the MSU contest so that it doesn't stand a chance of winning.) this is dirty, dirty, dirty tactics.

Now that I've presented you with the information at hand, its up to you to make the choice. Alot of the stuff I say makes sense, it clicks, it fits, like pieces of a puzzle coming together. Nothing they say fits. Their vapid PR techniques are so blatantly full of lies, and full of holes. I'm just so tired of living with the burden of fucking truth, I'm tired of knowing what I know and not being able to tell anybody.

Well, no more lies. Here you have it. Decide for yourself if this is just some make-believe fantasy of mine or evidence of people being railroaded, manipulated, and lied to for corporate gain.

<img src="http://badmojojacket.homestead.com/files/bmj.gif" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">

[This message was edited by Bad.Mojo on Aug 11, 2000 at 21:38.]


New Member
May 28, 2000

It's not about the money (Though this seems to be the driving factor in certain motivations here,) But about fairness and truth.. A contest was rigged, which means that not only the makers of the mods who were unfairly passed up, but EVERYONE in the UT community got screwed with a rubber hose. Just so more money could be made. I have no real personal grudge against any of the parties involved, but what transpired was not legal, and moreso was not right. And I believe the parties involved should be exposed and forced to own up to what they've done, if indeed what BM has said here is true.(and the weight of the facts seems to support his position) And I pledge my support in the pursuit of this goal, in whatever capacity I am able.
Shit like this should not be knowingly tolerated anywhere.



Sep 30, 2000
*tear in eye*

I LOVE YOU MAN! (and not in the homosexual way more like the brother way)You preachings give people hope, a prayer, a feeling of pride (not to mention completely annhilating Tactical Ops) So all hail BadMojo! Maybe you should release a book or bible or something /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Hail and Kill



New Member
Jul 18, 1999
Visit site
A reply to the 'truth'

Hello Bad Mojo,

I'm quite impressed with the story you've made up and imagined about what's going on. Note that you have made it up, because you don't have evidence proving it to be the case. Rather, you have some coincidental evidence that you are combining to form a theory, and until proven either way, it is just that.

I am Mongo, current maintainer of RocketArena: UT. Hopefully, I can clarify a few misconceptions that you have, which will hopefully disprove your theory.

First, RA:UT, along with TacOps, is going to be on the UT: GOTYE. This means that Infogrames will be paying us for our services on the mods. You claim that this makes TacOps ineligible for the MSU contest. However, I'd like to point out that the deal for GOTYE was not until recently. I was contacted at the beginning of July regarding the possibility of being on GOTYE. This encouragement is what got me started, working hard on RA:UT again. If you'll notice at http://www.planetunreal.com/arena/ , I made a post on July 3rd. Checking the unreal contest date at: http://www.unrealcontest.com/categories_glance1.html , I found that the deadline for the TC contest was June 27th. So that means that Epic did not contact the mod makers until AFTER the deadline for the Make Something Unreal contest. That means that at the time of eligibility for the TC contest, TacOps was still perfectly legal, in the money/funded department (I'll discuss the France part later.) If you then proceed to read the next paragraph, you see: 'Winners from each of the previous categories of this contest are eligible to win the "Best Overall Entry" award'. That statement makes TacOps eligible for the Best Overall Entry, as well. You can go around claiming that both Unreal Contest and I changed our pages as part of a grand theory, and I will say that without any absolute proof that the sites have not changed their wordings or dates from an external source, I cannot guarantee that has not happened. However, I will appeal to common sense and say that I have no reason to lie to you, no reason to mess with my dates, and I doubt the Unreal Contest could legally change the rules mid-contest. As such, you'll just have to take my word for it.

Epic first contacted me about putting RA:UT onto the GOTY edition of UT. I readily agreed. They mentioned nothing of money, and it would not have affected my decision had they done so. To date, I still have not received any money for GOTYE. This is not because Epic is slacking. On the contrary, they just recently contacted me about getting contact information, and a method of payment. I would assume that the situation is the same with TacOps. This means that as of RIGHT NOW, TacOps is STILL eligible for the contest, because they have not received funds. Sorta destroys that part of the theory. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

In regards to using another's ideas....what is your point? I'm sure Infiltration will be using copyrighted guns in their mod, as well. As such, they are liable to copyright. In regards to stealing CounterStrike's idea....do you really believe with your entire being that CounterStrike was the first military based mod? CS merely POPULARIZED that type of mod, by doing it well, and in a format that many people became attracted to. It had been done in Quake 2 before that, Quake before that, and probably even DOOM before that. u4e is 'crazy weapons'. Do you think anybody has done a mod like that before? What about a racing mod? those have all had racing games, and even real live racing events that preceded them. A modification changes a game into something else that we can identify with. Because we can identify with it, it is not an entirely new idea. Claiming something is not good because of that is really claiming that mods suck, in general. You also shoot yourself in the foot when trying to defend any other mod.

Shag is from France, and I won't deny that. However, look carefully at the rules provided by the Make Something Unreal contest. "The Contest is open to legal residents of the United States." When the MSU contest first started, people raised complains about how to submit mods made by people in foreign countries. The general consensus, by Epic, the MSU contest people, and the people on the forums, was to merely have a representative submit it for you. That is perfectly legal, and as long as you trust the person, it is fine. I'm sure Shag has someone in the US who will be accepting the check and forwarding it to him. That is a perfectly legal way of entering the contest, and even suggested by the MSU contest to get around their rules. Those rules were instituted because of lawyers, because of the legal system, and because they could not easily get around it. So in the interest of the community they want people to get around it, to make the MSU contest really be about making something for unreal, and not about making something for unreal ONLY in the united states, minus Puerto Rico, Vermont, Maryland, North Dakota, and Minnesota. That just doesn't have the same appeal to it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

I'd also like to comment a bit on the whole deal regarding 'The Redeemer'. I had been to the site before it was taken off, when it had the questionable content. I found a page FILLED with racial slurs, swears every third word, and content that was completely unacceptable for a site like PlanetUnreal which can have many children viewing, especially in a mass-appeal game like UT. With all the legal lawsuits abounding, you find rulings that indicate that the provider *IS* responsible for the content they are carrying on their site. You find Napster, which is merely a song-sharing program, getting sued by the RIAA because it's being used for illegal purposes. By the same token, ABS and NBC are responsible for the content of their shows, and must moderate them.

By the same token, Gamespy and PlanetUnreal are responsible for the content they host, until a major legal decision decides otherwise. When a site is completely off the subject of Unreal, that in itself can be grounds for removing the site. But when it contains racial slurs, swearing like it's a full one third of the vocabulary (meaning the person does not know much else), and home to home videos of people doing god-knows-what, I think PlanetUnreal is fully within their right in removing that content from their network without any prior notice. Since you're so fond of quoting other sites to back up your stories, I'll be sure to do the same. From the PU hosting site which describes the rules and offers you the option of hosting....

"We’re interested in gaming content. If it’s good for people who play Unreal, it’s good for us! If you’re not sure if a site is appropriate, just ask. We’re interested in game pages that offer lots to do with specific topics, hardware help, tools, utilities, patches, whatever gamers can use. We’re typically not interested in clan sites (unless the clan is producing something of interest), webrings, or projects that haven’t begun work yet. Also, we aren’t interested in hosting another generic news site;"

No where do I see the allowance for content listed on the redeemer. If PlanetUnreal says they don't want to host generic gaming news pages, or clan sites, then I'm about 95% sure they don't want to host sites regarding racism, home videos, and other such strange non-ut, non-gaming, and non-computer related stuff.

In your well-argued, well-organized out message (I don't seem to have the same story-building appeal that you do /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif, you summed it up quite nicely. I'd like to just sum up a good response to yours.

Here's your summation:

"In case you've been having trouble following an admittedly very long post, I will sum it up. Rojazz, who "coincidentally" works as an admin at PlanetUnreal as well as webmastering TacticalOps, effectively ran a censoring campaign with the help of Stallion to curtail any negative reviews (wouldn't you for a cut of $30,000 plus the production money?) and negative posts. Infogrames knowingly funded and aided and abetted breaking the rules governing contests, lotteries, and games of chance in the United States, and funded a "free, community mod" with the intention of using it as a marketting and distribution tool."

First, I know Stallion quite well. He is, in fact, my brother. He is in know way getting a cut of the money from SWAT. I have heard no such thing, and I'm sure he would have told me. You could argue that I'm also in on the whole deal, getting a cut of Stallion's money. I can tell you right now, that while we are good brothers, if he were moderating posts to get himself some money, then he wouldn't be giving me any share of it, and I'd have no reason to keep secrets. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif In general, his policy is to moderate offensive swearing in posts, messages, etc. You may claim that you have the right of free speech, and you do. You are more than welcome to create a website and swear all you want. However, while you are within the domain of PlanetUnreal's forums, with the potential for eight year old fans visiting the forums, they have every right and OBLIGATION to censor these posts. If you criticized TacOps in a manner like you wrote the intelligent post up above, then I'm sure it would not be moderated. But if you exercise your right to free speech with swears and racism, then you can be sure it will be moderated. (Disclaimer: I have no idea if you were the one that posted such inflammatory material, or if you criticized TacOps with swears and racism. I merely am trying to offer you a reason for why your posts may have disappeared. Given your statement that you have no reservations about your free speech, I am making a guess as to why they might have been censored, and am offering you a valid reason as to why that might have been done.)

You then claim that Infogrames KNOWINGLY broke the law. Do you have proof that they knew that TacOps was in the MSU contest? Until then, this is an unbiased claim. Infogrames is looking to make money, and so wants to pay TacOps to get them on the cd. They have no connection with MSU, do not fund MSU, and very probably never knew about it. It's not like they need to keep up on it...they only need to know about the 'big' mods in the community, and can just ask Epic or anybody about that, who can give them a list. Perfectly plausible explanation...I can bet that Infiltration was contacted, but that they declined for some reason or other. Perhaps they didn't want to have to meet a deadline and release a rushed mod. I really don't know.

Yes, I am rationalizing all of your evidence to give you perfectly plausible reasons for what went on. Yes, you claimed that people would come and do this. However, my rationalizations have more believability than do some large grand scheme where the whole world is out to make TacOps a lot of money, all while shafting Infiltration.

Why don't you ask your Epic friend for the truth in the matter? I'm sure he'd be more than happy to agree with what I'm saying. Or perhaps you wouldn't trust what he says, in which case he's not the great friend you announce him to be. Why don't you ask Warren if he was ever contacted about GOTYE? I'd be interested in what he'd say. I'd just appreciate you doing a little more research into matters before claiming all that you've done. You offer it as the truth. However, here is the truth:

Shag is from France.
TacOps is in the MSU Contest, probably submitted by someone other than Shag to avoid the legal limitations.
Infogrames is paying TacOps for the GOTYE cd, the deal of which came about just recently, after the TC deadline.

You can make up a grand theory about why all of that is happening, but please don't pass it off as the truth.

Thank you,


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
i dont get it, why is it that no matter what it is, whether it be school, sport games, anything, politics somehow comes into it and ruins the lot, i thought games were about entertainment and escapism. i'm not gonna say if i support mojo or swat (i support mojo) coz i dun wanna say anything till i know everything, and by god i hope this is everything coz i'm getting a headache from reading too much.

i understand mojo, that ur doing all this on the principals of it and not coz of any personal gain or anything like that, but does it really matter if u do it or not ? i mean its just gonna keep going on between u and the swat dudes while (if what ur saying is true)infogrames, Epic and anyone else just walk away from it, maybe u think that u on ur own can do something about it but i seriously doubt (unfortunatly) that even if we (inf message board) all got involved that it would go anywhere. And when it's all said and done, you'll be back here with us, swat will be sitting back with their royalties, and they'll be the ones laughing. As much as i support u i think its really just a waste of time, but only an idiot would try to stop u, i'm just saying this so u can't say someone didn't try to tell u /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

anyway, i admire u for trying, takes balls. good luck mate, you'll need it /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

p.s To Cunubelin: i doubt this has anything to do with BK, he wouldn't really be affected by anything that were to come of this unless he was the one who set up the whole thing, which i doubt he has the intelligence to do

[EDIT] has anyone official said anything about this, has epic made a statement ? inf team, does this whole thing piss u off since it could be u thats getting jipped by the whole "conspiracy" ?


"this is your life, and its ending one minute at a time" so what are you gonna do with it ?


Absens haeres non erit (Soccerdad)
Sep 19, 1999
A note

Somehow I have a feeling that Infogrames while not actively participating in the forum, at least is very interrested in this discussion.
As well they should be.
Let's play a little "what if?"
What If:
Mojo has the proof he says he have?
This dicussion starts hitting a little to close to home from Infogrames' POV?
All this is actually a figment of Mojos imagination?
(sorry for the third person questioning here Mojo)

It may not sound like it but I AM rooting for YOU Mojo but you have to admit, their defense HAS improved!

To Jaunty:
I'm aware of that they are two separate issues.
Personally I think BK SHOULD fess up and post an apology perhaps not as severe an apology as Mojo requires but an apology none the less.
My opinion ofcourse.




New Member
May 12, 2000
None sense......

* sigh *
it's really a shame to see things like that hapening. And even worst to see people believing such lies.

i made a little reply there:

i'm really sad to see people like Bad.Mojo coming to destroy a mod and start war in a comunity.

We really need a good moderating system on these forums to keep a nice UT community, we don't need this.

There were already too many 'stupid' wars..
SF vs SWAT just to name one.
Let's stop this..

- Shag
Tactical Ops Project leader, designer, coder.