UE1 - UT I missed the whole Kaal979 thang...

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God of Fudge
Sep 9, 2011
Palo Alto, CA
...so I don't totally get what the big deal about him was other than he was excessively annoying. A lot of the forums I frequent react to him like they did with Voldemort in Harry Potter books.

Basically, do not speak his name or comment on his works.

However, I've been goofing around with some of his works. One inparticular really, before I even heard about Kaal I was already playing the MH-Brutes][ map... I don't always look at the map details or pay attention to who made them. anyway, I found it to be a very fun map minus one lil' thing.

I hate that damned klaxon that's always going off. Eventually I'll figure out how to turn it off.

With the help of KeLLeR, who originally did monster substitutions for me until he showed me how, I've been setting up a bunch of variants of that map on my system.

Ones made so far:











Anybody know some good monster packs I might exploit for this?
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Kaal's Thang? Thong? Oh wait..better no....noooooooo



EDIT: Sorry, couldn't resist.
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Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
Basically, the thing about him is that there are no works of his own, what he did was steal others' works and name them as his own. Hence, there are no works to speak of and the guy himself is a thief. Period.


God of Fudge
Sep 9, 2011
Palo Alto, CA

Basically, the thing about him is that there are no works of his own, what he did was steal others' works and name them as his own. Hence, there are no works to speak of and the guy himself is a thief. Period.
I joined the Unreal Playground forum the other day and actually spoke to him. It's apparently the only forum he wasn't banned from. He's a very...insistent type.

So, do you know who originally made the MH-Brutes][ map if not him?


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I personally don't know about anything about him. I know he stole some skin works, that's all.


May 27, 2005
So, do you know who originally made the MH-Brutes][ map if not him?

When I played that map I noticed that it had awful gameplay with too many monsters spawning at once that even new pcs have trouble with, and their projectiles being spammed like crazy made it even worse and unplayable. By looking at the map's structure I quickly noticed that the map looked a lot of the type of maps that Zacman makes, his maps are pretty small spaced/tidy and badly edited like the brushes not being merged among other things. The first thing I thought about was if kaal979 just happened to follow Zacman's designs or if Zacman actually made that map for him to mess around with.

We all know here that Kaal979 has stolen a lot of other people's work where he keeps "repacking" things and claiming them as his. He has taken maps where he said they were his and asked for helped about editing very simple things that any beginner mapper would know. He also asked people to modify some other people's mods for his personal use where he later released those mods publically and claiming them as his... that's plain'o stealing there. The guy is now trying to gain popularity by messing with the MonsterHunt mod by making crappy versions of the same map he says he made and using community rejected monsters like those glitchy Doom monsters and others. Now, if the guy knew how to map and mod as he claims, why would he worry too much on the same map and keeps using the same map only instead of making something new? Common sense will give you the answer.

In another note, we also know that kaal979 is one of Blackcheetah's buddys and they came here to support each other with all the mod stealing deal. Even he admitted to chat with blackcheetah all the time and that they worked together on these mods. Later on, blackcheetah was finally caught and he admitted to have stolen pretty much every mod he said he made and admitted that he didn't know a thing about coding which he had other contacts to help him on that aspect. After blackcheetah was finally banned, kaal979 kept going with the mod stealing spree and the so very lame/useless/crappy-as-hell skins to a point that he was easily caught and banned from here and other places as well. Now, why would you support someone like these 2 fellows when they don't actually do anything that you think they do?

Just think about it, one of the biggest reasons that several modders stopped working on their projects was because they knew these 2 fellows were stealing mods and nothing was being done at the moment. Nobody likes having their time and hard work being taken so that someone else gets to claim it and not do a thing but stealing it. And believe it or not, there's still a 'loose goose' on these forums doing the same thing, but we already know who he is and what his deal is. Until then, expect nothing to be done by a good modder or mapper specially for MH.
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UT n00b coder
Feb 25, 2008
@War_Master: I didn't know that about BlackCheetah. I mean, I never liked that guy's modding to be honest, it was the worse of the worse of its type for me, specially when I saw some his coding in his first ONS projects (stuff like Velocity=Velocity;, anyone even without any coding knowledge sees how dumb this is).

To not say he did something completelly illegal and surprisingly that's on moddb which is a bit strict on this kind of things (but it's understandable, with the amount of things he submitted and were legal, perhaps they didn't even check one of "his" last works). That mod is his "UT2004 Extreme", and is illegal as he bundled game retail binaries and may have actually modified them (didn't check the latter).

Now him stealing mods and not actually doing them, that's news for me. I thought his coding was bad enough, now knowing he had someone doing them for him just blew me away, how bad can someone really be?

Anyway, Kaal asking to modify something privatelly and then releasing publically and claim as his was exactly what happenned to me, and he's still distributing that particular package where he can.

@Leo: Nice picture ROFLMAO!
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God of Fudge
Sep 9, 2011
Palo Alto, CA
moving right along

So, as ugly as MH-Brutes][ is, it is ideal to practice on for an amateur mapper like me. Although in certain cases I'm probably just being more silly than practical...


...as you may've noticed.


Yeah, butterflies.

Ultimately I may have to make this into an intro map. Not for when ut99 first come on but for those that join my games. The reasons it's not a practical MonsterHunt map, like the bots won't fight the butterflies and the butterflies won't fight anything and the game doesn't even register them as monsters, make it ideal for a map to just have going so people can join my games.

Basically, it's damned near impossible to kill the little things so people would have plenty of time to load up all they'd need to play my games. When/if I ever get around to being able to host games.

Still, I would like to try to make the butterflies at least a minor threat. Even if they can only take off 1 health point by flapping on you. That may not seem like much but in the center of a swarm of the pretty little things that can add up pretty quick.


Part of the problem is there currently aren't any fields for attacks for them or to even register the damage they'd do if they could attack at all.

I am open to suggestions.

Oh, for what it's worth, I got the butterflies from the Animal_Pack1 package.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
so this is 'kristina' or some new guy stealing?

And who was kristina? Maybe this guy just made a mistake but there's a chance he is Kaal himself or is associated when he claims he made those skins before RealCTF came along which is absolute nonsense.