Keep it in one thread please.
Besides, let's look at the others: Max Payne 2 (smash hit), Halo 2 (smash hit), Metal Gear Solid 2 (smash hit), Rainbow Six II, III, and IV (smash hits), Half-Life 2 (smash hit), Time Splitters II and III (smash hits), need I say more? The name doesn't really matter, and naming the titles in sequental order doesn't affect the gameplay. It could be called "Unreal Tournament 1847" for all I care, as long as it didn't take place in 1847 I'd be alright with it. And by the way, UT2K7 will be taking place long after 2007, in the F.Y.I department
As for the logo, no whiney schmuck ever complained about Max Payne 2's theme song being the same as the original, because it's so cheap being the original just played with a violin.
I do not assume that a game will be a remake of an older version just because the name is similar. What about Unreal Championship II? OK, so it's different calling it II and III as opposed to naming it by release year like 2003 and 2004. But still, I think you get my point. Unreal Tournament 2007 is looking good by my standards, and I'm pretty sure you can rely on it being much different, in a good way, than its precursors.