How to fix firing when spawning...

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May 20, 2003
Ramat-Hasharon, Israel
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Keganator said:
I don't know how you have problems with it. It works fine for me. I clidk once and wait to spawn. Mabye I'm just not impatient. :con:
Maybe u don't have much lag and data loss so u know when u tell the game to do something it'll always do it. Some people *cough* me *cough* can't rely on that.


just fooling around
Dec 9, 2001
I do have a bad ping and I often pressed it several times but now I only press the mouse once and wait. Normally that's enough even if I am on the verge doing it again.
You have to try it out yourself. It's a whole new style of living. :D
If you make a mutator make it please that way that the clients have to assign a button and if they don't it's still the primary fire.


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
It's simple. If you're getting packetloss, click once, wait until twice or 3 times your ping, and if you haven't spawned, try again. If it doesn't work after a few tries, chances are your connection isn't really good enough to play anyway, or the server has crashed.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Nukeproof said:
Lag and and impatience are the main factors. Using 'move forward' to spawn might be a good choice as well since it doesn't do any harm and is the standard 1st thing anyway.
unless you're playing on DM-Andes ;)

Crowze said:
It's simple. If you're getting packetloss, click once, wait until twice or 3 times your ping, and if you haven't spawned, try again. If it doesn't work after a few tries, chances are your connection isn't really good enough to play anyway, or the server has crashed.

I don't understand, its incredibly easy to make a 'grab to spawn' mutator, i would do it if i was at home right now. And it would be well worth it. Why should we have to put up with these "patient" tactics? :D


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
From the programmer side of things:
Firing at spawn is normally not causing anything other than actually entering the game if the server admin set things up to let you spawn manually by pressing your fire button/key.
Lag and a bad connection is the reason why you sometimes fire your weapon at the same moment you spawn. This happens even if you only hit the fire button once and were 'patient' to wait till you actually spawned.
Reason is simple... the client sends an info to the server that you hit the fire button and due to the lag, packet loss or whatever the information is send and/or verified more than once. So the server thinks that you still hold the fire button. Or, if you were impatient, you actually hit it a couple of times and the server only gets the key/button presses a bit too late.

So, the only possible fix would be to use a different button or key. best would be one with no other functionality of course, to avoid you to ie, open a door if you spawn right next to one - for the case of using the grab/use key.

Coding... should even be doable by a mutator that then triggers the same stuff that the fire button would normally do, but without using the fire button input of course.
It would even be configurable by the player, which key to use to 'simulate' the fire button press on startup. Should be easy stuff...
But, is this really needed?


You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
Well, I started to use Press Fire Key option to allow the player to decide it he wants to spawn at that moment. I find it very useful, since it gives you all the time you need to change your load out [even edit something into your load-out].

I have no plans to remove Press Fire to Spawn. However, with Ghost almost always nading my ass on spawn makes me want to a little bit.

As for a mutator, I wished it could be rolled into some other common mutator. Which one I have no clue.... but if someone makes a new additional mutator I will use it [I guess it could not be server side only could it].
Last edited:
Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
Easy fix: Set the knife priority higher than the grenade. Now instead of an arrent grenade
to send everyone sprinting out of the spawn, you now have a ussually harmless attack
against the air before you. However, a mutator to use the use key would be a perfect


Elitist bastard
Aug 11, 2004
in urban Michigan(mostly)
a use key mutator would do the job. but i think the real solution is:
1) know whats in your soliders hand. customize your priority list
2) dont pull the trigger. be patient, like others said.
3) if you dont want to fire rounds into your friends, use weapons with safties

not that i havent seen good players make this mistake. plenty of times i have seen SAW's rip off 7 or 8 rounds because of 1 click and once i even heard a pin being pulled/dropped. luckily El_Mundo managed to hold the key down and calmly walk to a window, dropping the live 'nade out.

the single best solution i have seen tho are safties. when i unsling my m4 i can click as many times as i want, but untill the safty is off, no rounds. go figgure.

more weapons (even handguns) should have them. unless the weapon actualy has no safe.


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May 20, 2003
Ramat-Hasharon, Israel
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Safety is meant so that when u fall down or stuff like that, you won't accidently fire. This doesn't happen in a computer game, hence nobody will ever safety their weapon. Since safety CANNOT be put in the game realisticly, it shouldn't be in the game at all.
The M4 safety is simply a balance thing that takes too much time and animation - real safety opening is much faster and needs no animation as no real soldier would tilt his weapon to unsafe it.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Demosthanese said:
Easy fix: Set the knife priority higher than the grenade. Now instead of an arrent grenade
to send everyone sprinting out of the spawn, you now have a ussually harmless attack
against the air before you. However, a mutator to use the use key would be a perfect

I didn't think of that, and i noticed my grenade was the highest priority item in the list. Is there any way to include mod weapons in this list?