How to dodge Link Gun?

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New Member
Aug 20, 2010
Ok hey people, well I finally got UT2004 working, but I'm stuck at one double dom map. There's a lot of Link Guns lying around there so bots pick em up and nail me... so are there any tactics to help dodge/avoid getting so much damage from the secondary fire? Cause I usually die or get severely hurt in 2 seconds, before I even know who is shooting at me D: Also, in UT99 it wasn't that hard I mean I could just jump around and the bots would miss. Tips plz?


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Are the bots linking up? If so there's little you can do other than keep your distance as the damage per second can be very high.


spam noob
Jan 29, 2006
Stay out of range. It's a bit of a "if x you've already lost" thing, like jumping when your opponent has a rocket ready, being caught in a narrow dead end hallway when he has flak, or using a jump pad when someone is waiting for you with shock rifle.


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
Heh, weird, but I just played a link gun arena in UT2003 and I won but on same difficulty and map I keep losing in UT2004. Oh yeah, I suck so I play on Skilled.
Any more tips?


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
alt+f4. They'll never hit you:)

Actually, holding the power button works better. I'm not stuck anymore on DOM-ASWAN , but it took quiet some time to pass it.

Yes, I noticed that, too. Either its the lighting gun being weird, since UT2003 does the same, or people learned to tuck their heads in :D
I never tried it with the normal sniper rifle though cause I suck at it.

Also, something weird but I think I know what causes it, is, that I played UT2004 campaign on Experienced, and somehow, its harder than if I just play the same map using Instant Action on Skilled. I guess bots get better if you win too much and do worse if you suck? I remember that's what UTGOTY did with Xan.