How do you hold your mouse?

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New Member
Dec 26, 2009
I like to hold the mouse in a way that it knows who's boss, like Im here... you will obey me and do as your told..same way I like my men :D


dea ex machina
Jan 20, 2008
Norwich, England.
Pretty much the same up to the index finger. Middle finger is on the right, and the other two fingers on the side. If I scroll it's with the index finger.


Like Rambowjo, I use my right hand for using a mouse although I am left handed/ambidextrous. RJ's way of doing it though is weird. Don't blame us lefties ,, :mad:


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
I am quite normal when it comes to mouse holding.

Index on left click
Middle scroll and right click
Thumb of course for the left shoulder buttons.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2008
The normal way. But some times I use fingers 4 and 5 for the left and right buttons to strengthen them.

If I was holding a living mouse I would sort of cup it in my hand or just put it back from where ever I got it.


Sep 13, 2003
In a bubble
Ugh, I went through a lot of stages...

Funny though, I remember that I was initially holding it also like Rambowjo, and in my left hand. My first computer mouse didn't have a scroll wheel back then -- yeah I'm really old -- instead it had three buttons, so it felt naturally to use it with three fingers.

Back then in school and in my family being a left handed kid was not very appreciated and my grandma constantly slapped my left hand if I used it for drawing! So I eventually was forced to become a right hander. :(

But when I got my first computer, I initially used the mouse with my left hand -- old habits. :D

However at school and anywhere else the mouses were always on the right side and I was too lazy to fumble with the mouse around putting it on the left.

When ergonomic mouses became more popular, and those were for right handers only of course, I definitely switched to the right hand. My hands kept growing and the mouses became more stylish and slimmer, there was simply not enough room for three fingers on top. Scrolling with the middle finger quickly felt weird, because my fingers became quite long.

So nowadays I use my mouse like a 'normal' person. :rolleyes: Two fingers, claw grip, index finger for scrolling, but thumb buttons on the side are still very important to me. My favorite mouse is Logitech's Revolution MX, best mouse ever made to fit my hand.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
I've always used Claw with index for LMB and MMB and middle for RMB. Other fingers hold the sides. I DO NOT use the side buttons. It ruins my grip, feels awkward and I find the keyboard more efficient.

I've changed my keyboard finger layout plenty over my life though. We should discuss that in this thread too.

I used to use the arrow keys with shift and control for crouch and jump. With newer games with more buttons I've had to adapt to using the page up and home button and those sets of keys. Eventually I had to completely move over to WASD because of the lack of keys and not having enough in the right places. I needed Z and other buttons for BF2, ect.

I think my current way of playing is the 2nd best way. WASD with how I described the mouse. Best way would imo be ESDF, but I have no intention of getting used to that set up, any time soon at least. :)


Sep 17, 2004

I use the middle finger for right click and the scroll wheel.
Thumb for side buttons, index on left click, little/ring fingers on the right side doing nothing.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
The side buttons are the biggest flaw in my grip. I've already used up all the immediately accessible buttons on my keyboard, so the side mouse buttons are my best/only option for quick weapon change (one for shock/lightning, one for flack/rocket). However, rocking my thumb on them often throws my aim, and they're also prone to accidental pressing when I lapse into my clumsy 'heavy combat' grip.

I'm interested to know, does anyone use the 'lean' function that many games possess? I've long since abandoned it as Q and E are both prime real estate. I sometimes wonder if I'm missing anything.

A mechanical keyboard is a must. Cherry Black keys are the best for gaming I find - enough resistance to keep accidental key hits at a minimum.

That is why I think ESDF is the best layout. Gives you 3 extra keys if you need more.

Lean is a must in most games that have it. It wouldn't help in something like UT probably, but in COD4 it helps a ton. Gives huge advantages and you should use Q and E for it.

As for the keyboard, I don't really care what kind as long as its a basic QWERTY layout with no weird ergonomic shape. I use a compact keyboard for convenience.


Sep 13, 2003
In a bubble
I've changed my keyboard finger layout plenty over my life though. We should discuss that in this thread too.

I used to use the arrow keys with shift and control for crouch and jump. With newer games with more buttons I've had to adapt to using the page up and home button and those sets of keys. Eventually I had to completely move over to WASD because of the lack of keys and not having enough in the right places. I needed Z and other buttons for BF2, ect.

Wow, me too! In the '90s I played FPS-Games just like you with arrow keys and the layout described above. But I eventually had to adapt to the WASD layout, because games needed more and more keys, also often at promo and trade shows you only had the WASD layout available and you were not allowed to quickly re-map the keys... so WASD became mandatory for me.

The mentioned ESDF layout is an interesting thought, I might give it a try. Lean is also important to me. It pisses me off that e.g. MW2 doesn't have it. :mad: "Game is not balanced for lean" is such a BS statement...

If a game has lean, then I use F for 'Use', in other games it's E


Das Protoss
Aug 3, 2005
When I played WoW, I controlled with ERTF, instead of WASD. This put my hand in the middle of my keyboard, allowing me to access more buttons with minimal hand movements. I used the scroll wheel to change my action bars.

It was very efficient and my interface was also very minimal this way.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
I'm so hard-core WASD, it's even printed on my keyboard. :p (no really, it is - as if any gamer would miss those keys...)

As for mouse: All fingers in use - middle three on the buttons, thumb and little finger holding the mouse. In theory this allows me to use all three buttons at the same time. It actually only means I don't need to reposition the fingers to use any of the buttons, but that can decide whether you kill or are killed in a game. Even more so if you put actions on mouse wheel up/down as well, which means the middle finger controls three separate actions.

One exception: If the mouse is really small (notebook mouse) and I'm not playing a mouse-controlled game but e.g. read a text/thread/long stuff, I tend to hold it between thumb and ring/little finger. Middle finger is on right button then and index finger is responsible for left-clicking and wheel-scrolling.
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New Member
Jun 2, 2008
One exception: If the mouse is really small (notebook mouse) and I'm not playing a mouse-controlled game but e.g. read a text/thread/long stuff, I tend to hold it between thumb and ring/little finger. Middle finger is on right button then and index finger is responsible for left-clicking and wheel-scrolling.
That's how I hold my mouse.