How do i make elevators?

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New Member
Jun 15, 2003
New York
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Hey guys. couple questions. firstly, how do i make elevators?

Secondly, how do i change the starting weapon?

and finnally...i still don't understand how to submit maps to Nalicity. And i have a few good ones i dying to share man...

Any help will be appreciated:)


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Jun 15, 2003
New York
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uh, sorry. forgot to say that it's for UnrealEd 2.0 if it matters.

Guys, is UT2k3 worthwhile with a 56k modem, and a fast-but-crappy pc?

Might as well ask another question on my mind, anybody know how to use custom music for a map? Cuz my latest map really needs a song by Tool as the sound track...


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
scroll down to where it says Dynamics. There's some mover tutorials there.
Starting weapon...don't think that's possible without coding a mutator which could be quite in-depth...dunno how to go about doing that
UT2k3 seems to have a completly mixed response. A lot of people will tell you it's totally crap. Other people will tell you it's great. I haven't bothered playing it much online since no decent maps came with the game and there is always a lack of decent user made maps on servers.
And how can you have a fast but crappy pc? :con:
Custom can only use that in UT if it's a mod file. Wav/mp3/wma etc. can't be used as music in UT unless you want really horrible quality or a 50Mb map file.


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Jun 15, 2003
New York
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sorry:) i posted it in the beginner's forum cuz i realised that elevators are probably considered basic, and that i should have posted it there to get replies..

i figured the music thing would be like that...awww...doesn't matter.

didn't think though that changing the starting weapon would be complex. hmmm..

I think i need to change my nick. Everywhere i go (i'm not talking about here), people insult me for it. lol. why don't people have a sense of humor? jeeze. i have too many map ideas and no time to build them.

also, by a crap fast pc, i mean it's super fast, but it's graphics card is dated and glitchey. and the sound card occassionally decides to stop working for a couple of hours.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
erm, if you don't have a decent graphics card then don't bother with UT2k3. It needs a high-end Geforce2 at least, preferably better. It's the main thing that affects performance in the game.

The Twiggman

Instagib 4 Life
PlaysWithSelf said:
i figured the music thing would be like that...awww...doesn't matter.

It's quite hard to find a good song or a name brand song anywhere in .umx format. But luckly for those using ut2003 you can get anything you want. Just need dbPowerAmp converter with the ogg plugin. Convert your songs from mp3 to ogg and your kickin.


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Jun 15, 2003
New York
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this is a dumb question but, how do you submit maps here? i just read the thing and, i'm not really sure.

i have several maps i'm itching to submit, and fell dissappointment when they get a 2.0.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
On the main nalicity paeg there's a "Submit Maps" button in the top right.
I think you can still use IE to submit maps to NC just by using the ftp address, but you might want to use an FTP prog instead. There's instructions there anyways.


New Member
Jun 15, 2003
New York
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yeah i know that. i read em' i just wasn't really sure what they were talking about. i'm new to this sort of thing ya see. and i'm hopeless with computers. i'm ok with making maps tho:)