I'm usually an ImageShacker anyway, and I'm quite sure that anyone that uses ImageShack is probably immune to this warning, for the most part, and that seems to be perhaps the most recommended place to post images here from, I have a hunch...
I'm usually an ImageShacker anyway, and I'm quite sure that anyone that uses ImageShack is probably immune to this warning, for the most part, and that seems to be perhaps the most recommended place to post images here from, I have a hunch...
For your safety (as in, to prevent embarrassment or banning), don't hotlink images from servers which [...] are not an image hosting service.
I was just googling goats and found this thread. I didn't realize there were so many more fans out there.
I Pay for my shroomery account. I can hotlink from it all I want as according to the paying I do. I don't have a problem with that. Imageshack is pretty gay though.
well you're getting ripped off cos all i see is shrooms!