Kidneythieves and Poets of The Fall Fan
I can't believe it has been over 10 years since I joined here now, although I think that I did create a slightly earlier profile that was lost in the forum crash of 2008. I used to visit this site regularly back then, but with the decline of Unreal Tournament, I had less and less reason to visit. I barely play FPS multiplayer games now, and sadly haven't loaded UT of any version in a number of years. I really miss those days from the past though, and the excitement that I would get for new community map releases. I'd love to do those years in the early 2000's all over again, as they were Epic! Like everything, you have to move on though, and my time here is now a distant memory from the past. It has been a while since I last visited here, and I just randomly thought I would today. It'll probably be a long time before I log on again. See you all later