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Suck my boomstick!
I have a map with some kickers in it (q3 style) but now if the bots get on the kicker and land on the platform above, the tend to jump back belowe and use the same kicker aover and over again.

Can someone please tell me how i have to place these lift exits/kickers/lift centre's to get this kicker to work right?????



Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
What's happening is that they are running to the lift exit, then towards the lift center (if you've got it set up how I think you have) but they get kicked before they can touch it. They then jump backwards back down to the kicker to try again. The bots HAVE to make contact with the lift center before they will procced to the final lift exit.
To fix this:

Lift exit next to the kicker, Lift center actually on the kicker. You have to position it so that the bots touch the collision area of the lift center before they get kicked. Then place the lift exit where they will land.

Lord Dill

New Member
Jul 25, 2001
Visit site
try the jumppad.u file... its used in alot of levels with jump pads. just add the jumppad node the same as the kicker. it helps with bots and you can easily add sound to it


you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
Originally posted by [IMD1]KillRoy
I have a map with some kickers in it (q3 style) but now if the bots get on the kicker and land on the platform above, the tend to jump back belowe and use the same kicker aover and over again.

yeah, i saw this happen in one of the official maps!