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New Member
Sep 22, 2003
Here is one of the most popular UT CTF maps still to this day. http://www.ut2003hq.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=2182
NovemberCE. Feel free to transform and rescale back to UT scale
it was upped to 1.3 from the original CE105 by Larathiel. The weapon layout and powerups are identical to UTs. Good Luck fellas, I'd really like to see this happen.

I also know of someone from the old school UT players who is also a very talented coder who tried to mutate 2k3 to UT weapon stats and an unlimited Translocator. He was the first to try this (it was like a week after 2k3 release. He spent long hours tweaking and adjusting everything to get it right and came to a dead end. His reasoning, and we're all pretty much aware of this now of course, was that the scale of the models and characters are too big. (88units vs 80units). He came to the conclusion that in order to get 2k3 to "feel" like UT was the the scaling in the engine must be completely revamped to original UT units/scale. This would require ripping the engine apart and theres prolly no way in hell epic would ever agree to this. (or even attemp to rebuild it themselves)

This guy is really sharp he also found what "lockdown" in UT was - a bug actually - when hit with the minigun or pulse the characters thinks its in "falling" mode and reacts as if it were falling off face or whatever.

Anyways if you guys are really intrested, reply to me and I'll tell you what irc network and channel he resides in now.

So if forced to use 2k3 scaling you'll need to remodel everything, not to mention player animations and the UT translocator etc.

Once again, good luck with this. I'd suggest you talk to the deathball coding team, those guys are responsible for Operation NaPali the UT ol school mod and other great mods/mutators and total conversions.

How DavidM did not get a job as a level creator at epic is beyond me...
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Spongebob Squarepants
Jan 3, 2003
I would presume that November would be a "must have" conversion into this mod.

Once the first slug of maps is done and the first internal release of coding to test the play then no doubt more maps will be started.

I'll let one of the coders post regarding that stuff :)


Robot XMP Beta Tester
Mar 6, 2000
Secret Hideout
Ah ya beat me to it Audio. :D

Yeah NovCE was a sweet map. I really don't like non symetrical maps. My own TwinCommand was a symetrical remake of CTF-Command and was out a couple months before DE later came out with their Command remake. Mine was better, I think. :D


Old Fart
Dec 4, 1999
...standing behind you...
Thanks for the info, we definitely want to get his assistance. Do you know him well? If so, can you direct him to Spot or another person on this team? If not, guys...try to get ahold of him.


New Member
Apr 16, 2003
Audio said:
This would require ripping the engine apart and theres prolly no way in hell epic would ever agree to this. (or even attemp to rebuild it themselves)

F*ck! I would really like to see this mod go somewhere. Because of the freakin engine we can't get permission. Rant rant rant.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Just came across this project ... sounds great. One question though, is it going to be a TC type thing, or a mod, or a bunch of mutators? Also, any chance of making it easy to make and run mutators with it. For example, could someone code the original Excessive Overkill mod to run with it?

If you need any suggustions ... I'm good at that :)


BeyondUnreal Newsie
Aug 20, 2001
...Behind You...
Maest, it will probably be a mod not a TC, due to various discussions going on.

for now we are just going to make UT in the UT2003 engine, removing the double jump etc so it looks and plays like UT.

for now things are slow, we are in need a of a big team, but things are moving along slowly.