Originally posted by -_-T()()L-_-
Nali City doesnt have a happy thanks given thread here, so I thought I will start one. so their!
now go get drunk and have fun today
Originally posted by lucifix
im thankful for the pilgrims raping and slaughtering my people......
to MY knowledge thanksgiving has nothing to do with god, except thanking him for shit ya know. but its not a religious holiday its just a day to celebrate what you are thankful for.......only if the native americans knew what would happen.........Originally posted by Cat Fuzz
Thanksgiving's roots are spiritual. To give thanks to God. But nowadays most people just consider it "turkey day" (the traditional Thanksgiving meal) and a time to pig out and have a 4 day weekend. Like most holidays its been bent a twisted to a point where it really doesn't mean much to most people other than being a day off and a day for indulgance. O yeah, and a day for grocery stores to sell lots of food.
But, happy Thanksgiving to all.
Originally posted by Frostblood
They can eat but not between sunrise and sunset I think.
Originally posted by Bot_40