Guildwars is nice and all...

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Thë Möñkëÿ Kïñg
Dec 15, 2002
Would be nice to see some game play footage, otherwise it's just eye candy.
If it's out by Christmas, it'll only be a year late... and if it's just GW rehashed, I probably won't bother.


The getting killed man!!
Feb 22, 2005
Ohio...that suck ass STATE.
Agreed. Let's seem some of the game in play. 5 more days to go before my new job starts. Yeah. Next week I turn into an advisor and not taking anymore direct calls. Might be able to play some GW here soon.


Your face, Your ass-Whats the Difference
Sep 12, 2001
Brunswick, MD
Is it all Hype?? It doesn't matter, you will buy it and enjoy it. Why cause it isn't UT3!! LOL..

Really, I have a feeling its going to be pretty good. I still enjoy GW with my friends. Gets boring do the same **** (Farming/Quest/Missions) over and over by yourself but with friends its fun. I am looking forward to any New GW content.

BTW: Make sure to register at the new Guru.


Your face, Your ass-Whats the Difference
Sep 12, 2001
Brunswick, MD
Mine will most likely be..
Norn - Warrior
Sylvari - Monk
Human - Nec

I will create a bunch just to get Birthday Dates, not sure of class and species..


What are YOU looking at?
Apr 8, 2003
Ok, some more info. It will have a persistant world. Kinda like Lord of the rings Online, but some quests and the missions will be instanced. It will be free to play just like the original Guildwars.


Your face, Your ass-Whats the Difference
Sep 12, 2001
Brunswick, MD
FYI here's a thread about the trailer.

Just a few notes about the trailer:

* It was played and recorded in real-time at true 1080p HD resolution, not scaled up artificially.
* The animated lore part of the video is produced at 1080p resolution from the ground up. All assets are created at true 1080p resolution.
* The animated, pre-rendered lore intro portion of the video was done completely in-house. This was not contracted out to a specialty studio that produces high-end pre-rendered videos. All of the illustrations, animation, editing, and rendering was done at ArenaNet.
* The in-game part of the video is actual in-game footage. It was rendered in real-time in the game engine and recoded live using video capture hardware. Nothing was pre-rendered. All models, textures, and other assets are actual game play versions. They haven't been prettied up for marketing purposes.
* Maps are works in progress, and may change to better fit game play.
* The team is working hard to make the game even more beautiful for the full release

Dev, what do you mean by persitant world? Do they explain what this consist of?


What are YOU looking at?
Apr 8, 2003
"In an interview with IGN, ArenaNet Co-founder Eric Flannum says the world will be persistent, but with instanced missions:"

"The basic structure of the game is very different from what players saw in Guild Wars. While we will still make use of instancing (e.g. for quests and dungeons) players will find Guild Wars 2 to be a large open and persistent world where they can meet up with old friends or make new ones while out adventuring"


Your face, Your ass-Whats the Difference
Sep 12, 2001
Brunswick, MD
Not sure how I feel about that.
Sounds like one big open Town or City.
While out adventuring... W-T-F does that actually mean? Does that include running around farming/killing stuff. All kinds of questions arise. Sheesh..


Thë Möñkëÿ Kïñg
Dec 15, 2002
It means that while you're out in the world killing things, others will be too.
I don't know if you ever played WoW, but when you go out to quest, you have to contend with everyone else that's on the server you're on.
Like being in town in GW, only it's out in the world.


Your face, Your ass-Whats the Difference
Sep 12, 2001
Brunswick, MD
Lets say 60 folks help fight off a bad arse Dragon. The Dragon is slayed but only drops 100G how will this be divided? I know to many questions not enough info. I like the fact there will not be any monthly subscription fee's. :)


Your face, Your ass-Whats the Difference
Sep 12, 2001
Brunswick, MD
Here's more info on the event system. They state a couple of examples.
Still leaves alot of questions unanswered!

Events are persistent area cooperative 'quests' which occur as a consequence of players interacting and exploring the world system. If players do not kill monsters in an area, for instance, the mobs may get strong enough to take a fort, which could then be taken back by players. A player might find a caravan on their travels which needs defending. Succeeding or failing at an event could have flow on effects causing other events to happen in the world, and as such the events are not tied to a time schedule.

Events are designed to replace traditional RPG/MMO quests, to the extent that "you won't see a single exclamation mark floating above a character's head in Guild Wars 2." Each event will be communicated to players in the zone so they can participate. Events are intended to prevent spawn camping and kill stealing of major objectives prevalent in other MMORPG by allowing any interested players to cooperate towards an objective and each be rewarded for their participation.

The event system is built around regular events and unusual easter egg events. The intent is that at any one time, you cannot know exactly what state the world is in and what you might see wandering around.

Three examples have been provided to illustrate how this system may work.

The first example shows the arrival of a dragon near a particular town or village. The players nearby that town or village can choose to fight the dragon. If they are successful, the dragon may flee or die, and the players involved are rewarded by the village elder; if the players fail, the dragon destroys a bridge vital to the village. At that time, the village people attempt to build a new bridge, and the players may help them by fending off a group of bandits that see the opportunity to attack.

In the second example, if a player happens to be inside a garrison when a scouting party returns, they may overhear the scouts warning of an approaching column of centaurs, intent on destroying the garrison. The players can then participate in defending the garrison from the attacking centaurs. If the players are successful, the garrison may ask them to participate in a counterattack. If they are not successful, or if they weren't at the garrison in time to save the garrison, they may join other soldiers from a nearby town attempting to recapture the garrison.

The third example involves a player walking along a familiar road, but this time they happen upon a caravan traveling along the road. They can choose to travel with the caravan, and defend it from roving bandits, or not.


Make choices, don't look back...
Oct 14, 2001
Spring City, PA
The only thing apparently different then is that you can't just say to your buddies "HEY lets go do this quest" or "Hey lets go farm some of this type of mob" because everything will be different all the time. Interesting new twist, but I hope they don't go TOO far down the WoW road. They already disappointed me with the subscription fee to Aion... lets hope they don't disappoint with the fun factor of GW2