Vincent79 said:
Most of you guys here are jerks and have no respect for any new member
he wants to see a game on the unreal engine so whats it to you? just becuz you might not want it doesnt mean he or someone else doesnt! If you dont have anything nice or cunstructive to post then you shouldnt post at all! Nobody wants their thread filled with crap like your post!
Killah you want it for ut2004 or the old Unreal engine? I can try to help out in any way i can.
Need a forum?
Don't overreact you wuss.
I was just provocing him to tell more about his ideas. He can try to make it if he wants, but I'm just reasoning if it's really worth it. If he's going to add new features and only use the concept of GTA it sounds like a kick-ass idea to me, but if he plans on a total recreation of an already existing GTA than I find it rather BS.
Also, don't generalize people, it sounds so uneducated. Not to mention your post, riddled with bad grammar. That combined with your reaction on three posts makes me judge your age way below that of wich sensibility is forged.
The same goes for Klasnic_E, but I doubt either of you will read this post as too many words must be dazzling to your ages.
And Killah, I'd take interest in Caravaggio's post if I was you. The only way to get people on public forums to help you is to show you'll be able to do a lot of productive work yourselfe and you should really avoid to look like the bigg-boss in his comfy chair dealing out orders.
As for that other mod Caravaggio posted, it's not completely like GTA, but more like a new gametype UT2k7 will use. Either way it might be smart to contact them and try to convince them to make an additive gametype to their mod with more GTA elements like missions, but I'm not sure what you're intention is with this mod you're trying to establish.
I hope you the best of luck with your project and if you wish to leanr a certain skill necessary for modding I'd suggest skinning or 2D artist, all fields other than scripting require a certain degree of an artistic mind, but 2D artist is the easiest to learn IMO.
If you don't have Photoshop to aid you with this skill, than GIMP might be a less expensive, free, alternative.
As for modelling, it's quite a bit of learning, 2k4 has nice resources for it though, like MayaPLE, a free version of Maya wich still enables you to model for 2k4.
And scripting is a tough cookie to master.
The last one is SoundFX and Musician, but those area's are a bit foggy as I've never tried anything with them so far.
EDIT; One other thing, it's usually better and more succesfull to personally (as far as internet allows it) approach people with the skills you need.