Great Stuff! Praise, comments, and general BS

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Mad Max RW

Road Warrior
Nov 13, 2003
Wow, I just played a few rounds and this is one crazy game. The vehicles are freakin brilliant. I LOVE the music. And the map details (like Atomic Diner or whatever) are very cool. Feels like it's taken straight from a comic book. The way vehicles explode, go high in the air and crash down and really blow the hell up is way cool.

The only major problem I can think of is the speed of the game. It's too damn fast. Everything moves like lightning, which is fun, but the map is too small and has lots of sharp turns. My head is still spinning.

The weapons....any plans for custom ones specific to Clone Bandits? Personally, I like using UT2k4's, but giving you everything right from the start kinda makes things unnecessarily frantic. Anyway, what's in there now fits in a strange sort of way.

The bots are surprisingly good. They know how to use the vehicles and grab clone jar things and bring them back to base. Letting them drive for you isn't too dangerous. Good stuff.

Those modified turrets that fire pipe bombs or something are kinda unbalanced. Once you're in the center of the map in one you can pretty much dominate. I don't know, maybe it's more of a problem with map design or I just suck.

The map...ok, we need more maps! At least 2 more to add variety. The existing one is cool, but will get boring fast.

Steering the bike/soviet missile is a pain. It's turning radius sucks. You can't make tight turns so it's nearly impossible to aim. I understand making 2 wheeled vehicles work correctly from scratch is a bitch. It took almost half a decade for fans to figure it all out in Carmageddon 2.

OK, awesome job guys. I will be keeping a close eye on Clone Bandits for now on.


New Member
May 26, 2001
Dallas, TX USA
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I just want to add my two thumbs up for Clone Bandits. This mod is a kick in the butt; it is fun, original with a great '50's B-movie feel to it, and very well done. I really like the cross between onslaught and ctf. I agree that some thematic weapons would be a nice addition, and of course we need more maps!

Good job all. This is fast becoming a favorite of mine.


<img src="
Jan 29, 2002
Finally I got it and it's awesome! :tup:

The vehicles are great to play and look at, the rocketbike is just awesome! MadMaxRW, if you think the bike is hard to steer, you should try Desert Combat's SA-3 guided missile.

It's also funny to watch someone who lost control over it, even if it's yourself. :eek:

PS: I noticed no bugs so far, that's great.


New Member
Jun 25, 2004
Yeah, your mod needs its own weapons in the same style as your vehicles. Otherwise, its a fun mod, but it lacks staying power. On the vehicle front, I'd like to see a flying contraption if only so i can ram a bike into it.


New Member
May 26, 2001
Dallas, TX USA
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hazywater said:
On the vehicle front, I'd like to see a flying contraption if only so i can ram a bike into it.

I have been using the MoscowBike to fly across the map using the rocket and launching off the edge of the cliffs. It is a bit tricky, since your timing and aim have to be right on, but it is loads of fun.


<img src="
Jan 29, 2002
I don't see how it lacks staying power, Jailbreak is basically just adding jails to create an elimination gametype based on TDM/CTF, and it's immensly popular apparently, lots of maps and it's been around since the original UT.
Clone Bandits however is a more advanced elimination gametype with more varied gameplay, and custom vehicles which are great fun on their own.


Capt Midnight
Jun 23, 2004
I think that the speed is just right... with the added effect of the superb music, it makes for some crazy gameplay. I too have been using the Moscowboy to rocket around the map and my timing is getting pretty damn good. I like the way it steers and my only problem with it is that I use the Moscowboy so much that when I switch to another vehicle, I forget to adapt, but that's down to me, not the mod. The only things I really missed were more ammo for the link gun, which you can run out of easily if you stay alive for a while (well this is mainly because the only games I've managed to have online have been 1v1 due to the lack of servers/interest (?!)), and the lack of health pickups. Having said that, I can probably live without both because the gameplay is so compelling. I've found for botmatches that 12 is the ideal number of players rather than 16 because otherwise it's nigh on impossible to raid the enemy base.

Mad Max RW

Road Warrior
Nov 13, 2003
I change my mind about the bike. It took some practice with the mouse and timing when to fire the rocket, but I now kick serious ass. Get on an angle, fire, and fly right into the enemy base. Awesome stuff. God dammit we need more maps for this amazingly cool mod.

Oh yeah, and an idea for another vehicle type. How about a gyro-copter? The latest version of the Shattered Oasis mod has a one exactly like the dealy from Road Warrior. Their mod has a bunch of great vehicles but the gameplay can't touch Clone Bandits.
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The craziness is what makes it fun! I must admit that the bots seem a little insane, though- they can easily take you out on the easiest difficulty levels, particularly when they get hold of a tank.

Incidentally, I've found the funniest combination ever- try running Clone Bandits with Fraghouse's VehicleStuff (, and setting the vehicles to high speeds or ultra-low-friction- it makes it a lot more fun, particularly when you see the bots.


Jun 25, 2004
butt end of England
I don't think for now that a gyrocopter or any other flying contraption is needed at the moment, maps and maybe one new mode of transport along with them is what the mod needs, and maybe a few more servers perhaps, 3 is the most i've seen
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