Reign said:
So you've discovered the power of Google Earth too. It is a pretty cool utility to have at your command, especially for free. :tup:
Have you tried plotting courses from one place to another? The only problems that I've seen with GE are the out dated images, the lack of detailed images in some remote areas (as mentioned earlier) and the misplaced markers for the locations of some businesses. There's a KFC in my area that they have located in the middle of the avenue in the path of on coming traffic. (I know KFC has drive-thru service but come on!)
I’m having the same aftereffects with GE as I did with UT Editor. I want to zoom in and out with my scroll button all the time.
Yeah, I plotted a course from my place to a friend’s house and found out he’s about 18 miles away. No wonder it takes me so long to get there.
I don’t know if I’ve seen any markers misplaced. They might not place a marker right on top of a builder in case the building is small, so I can understand markers placed in a road adjacent to a building.
I’ve checked out some cool places such as the Roman Coliseum, St. Louis Arch, Panama Canal, Mount Everest, The Alps, Eiffel Tower, race tracks and ball fields, Great Wall of China, North Pole, Easter Island (poor res.) Nazca lines, Stonehenge (poor res.) Mount Rushmore, Leaning Tower of Pisa (can’t really see it – might be missing location a bit) Death Valley, Space Shuttle at Cape Canaveral, and possible impact craters.
I’ve also located places where I’ve lived and worked. In fact, I’m sort of using it to records how I’ve progressed through jobs and through housing. Next, I plan on painting a big smiley face on top of my building in the hopes I'll see it if they ever update this goofy program.