Ghost Dogs Movie

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Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
Make another INF movie?

Hey Dr. Mucus/Director man, how much would I have to pay you to make an INF movie that could compete with this: BF:Vietnam : The Fallen One?

All you need is a script, maybe a storyboard, use clans as your actors, steal (borrow) some music as a background, composite it all and make an INF movie to end all INF movies.

What do you say?
I'd make another movie, but only after I've taken my boards... too busy studying at the moment. That three minute movie took about 2 weeks to make. I'd hate to think how long it would take to make a 15 minute movie. BTW, I tried to get the BV movie, but fileplanet wants to install a "download manager" on my machine... no thanks! Do you know of anywhere else I can get it?



Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
Yes, go back to FP but click on the manual download. Click on a fast server, then "Click here to to continue to the public queue!" then "Click here to wait in line". You don't have to use their DL manager at all. Just read the fine print =)


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
* looks at Almost *
He made that trailer a long while ago :) Have you seen the other movie I linked above? That one is pretty amazing too!


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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UN17 said:
* looks at Almost *
He made that trailer a long while ago

I'm not sure if you are referring to something he has made earlier or the small project I was involved in. No matter! Out with the old, in with new. I want brand new, fresh and exciting, not old, grey and boring!

Oh wait... Nah, I'm not that old...or grey...or boring...



Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
BF:Vietnam has a better graphics engine than UT, but the blur effects and the overbleed from the sun are actually effects created by the movie maker. You can do this stuff for INF movies! Make one! A real 5-10 minute movie!
In my little trailer I used some special effects. The sun glare and most of the tracer rounds were added in later. I also took out quite a bit of text that showed up on the screen. Also, some of the shots were composited, i.e. several different shots from the same viewpoint were pasted together to give the impression of more people or more action in the same shot.


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
See? You have movie magic! With a proper script and good directing you can do a movie fit for Fileplanet front page too! And earn INF a littler extra fame.