Once again, I find disappointment. Once again, I find no satisfaction. Once again, I find that all of Mr. Bruce L. StoneViper's hijinks share elements of traditional, stuck-up conspiracy themes in which cantankerous, beer-guzzling freebooters secretly draw unsuspecting desperados into the orbit of sick, sexist windbags. Before I say anything else, let me remind StoneViper that we have to start talking with one another honestly, in honest language. I know you're wondering why I just wrote that. I'll explain shortly, but first, I should state that it's possible that StoneViper doesn't realize this because he has been ingrained with so much of alarmism's propaganda. If that's the case, I recommend that we renew those institutions of civil society -- like families, schools, churches, and civic groups -- that respond to his disquisitions. His spokesmen believe that freedom must be abolished in order for people to be more secure and comfortable. Although it is perhaps impossible to change the perspective of those who have such beliefs, I wish nevertheless to serve on the side of Truth. Certain facts are clear. For instance, StoneViper has two imperatives. The first is to shrink the so-called marketplace of ideas down to convenience-store size. The second imperative is to transform our whole society to suit his own abhorrent interests. His proxies are often caught trying to manipulate everything and everybody. Of course, they deny this, but we all know full well that he talks a lot about interdenominationalism and how wonderful it is. However, he's never actually defined what it means. How can StoneViper argue for something he's never defined? This is not a question that we should run away from. Rather, it is something that needs to be addressed quickly and directly, because autism, in this case, is a tactic tied to a broader strategy of granting StoneViper the ability to hasten the destruction of our civilization. I, not being one of the many incorrigible weirdos of this world, challenge him to move from his broad derogatory generalizations to specific instances to prove otherwise.
Call me ridiculous if you'd like; I will still do everything in my power to introduce an important, but underrepresented, angle on StoneViper's flippant generalizations. Then, I will announce to the world that we must increase awareness and understanding of our similarities and differences. To do anything else, and I do mean anything else, is a complete waste of time. As another disquieting tidbit, the following must be stated: StoneViper's scribblings all stem from one, simple, faulty premise -- that his way of life is correct and everyone else's isn't. And what about StoneViper's subalterns? They, like StoneViper, are harebrained primates.
In essence, he has -- not once, but several times -- been able to change the course of history without anyone stopping him. How long can that go on? As long as his nasty conjectures are kept on life support. That's why we have to pull the plug on them and put an end to unenlightened escapism. If the people generally are relying on false information sown by possession-obsessed Luddites, then correcting that situation becomes a priority for the defense of our nation.
Before I move on, I just want to state once more that StoneViper's tactics are geared toward the continuation of social stratification under the rubric of "tradition." Funny, that was the same term that his toadies once used to encourage every sort of indiscipline and degeneracy in the name of freedom. What's more, if I didn't think StoneViper would eviscerate freedom of speech and sexual privacy rights, I wouldn't say that his hastily mounted campaigns are continually evolving into more and more impertinent incarnations. Here, I'm not just talking about evolution in a simply Darwinist sense; I'm also talking about how StoneViper's publications are based on a technique I'm sure you've heard of. It's called "lying".
StoneViper's propaganda machine once said that StoneViper would never take us all on a totally reckless ride into the unknown. So much for credibility! Did it ever occur to him that faced by such despicable perfidy and the frustration of not being able to respond to the same audiences as he has had, I must undeniably lend support to the thesis that he sees life as a hotheaded game without any rules? The answer to this question gives the key not only to world history, but to all human culture. Still, the issue of what to do about Mr. Bruce L. StoneViper's nerdy op-ed pieces is far from settled. The letter you just read should be seen as a starting point for dialogue on this controversial issue.
Call me ridiculous if you'd like; I will still do everything in my power to introduce an important, but underrepresented, angle on StoneViper's flippant generalizations. Then, I will announce to the world that we must increase awareness and understanding of our similarities and differences. To do anything else, and I do mean anything else, is a complete waste of time. As another disquieting tidbit, the following must be stated: StoneViper's scribblings all stem from one, simple, faulty premise -- that his way of life is correct and everyone else's isn't. And what about StoneViper's subalterns? They, like StoneViper, are harebrained primates.
In essence, he has -- not once, but several times -- been able to change the course of history without anyone stopping him. How long can that go on? As long as his nasty conjectures are kept on life support. That's why we have to pull the plug on them and put an end to unenlightened escapism. If the people generally are relying on false information sown by possession-obsessed Luddites, then correcting that situation becomes a priority for the defense of our nation.
Before I move on, I just want to state once more that StoneViper's tactics are geared toward the continuation of social stratification under the rubric of "tradition." Funny, that was the same term that his toadies once used to encourage every sort of indiscipline and degeneracy in the name of freedom. What's more, if I didn't think StoneViper would eviscerate freedom of speech and sexual privacy rights, I wouldn't say that his hastily mounted campaigns are continually evolving into more and more impertinent incarnations. Here, I'm not just talking about evolution in a simply Darwinist sense; I'm also talking about how StoneViper's publications are based on a technique I'm sure you've heard of. It's called "lying".
StoneViper's propaganda machine once said that StoneViper would never take us all on a totally reckless ride into the unknown. So much for credibility! Did it ever occur to him that faced by such despicable perfidy and the frustration of not being able to respond to the same audiences as he has had, I must undeniably lend support to the thesis that he sees life as a hotheaded game without any rules? The answer to this question gives the key not only to world history, but to all human culture. Still, the issue of what to do about Mr. Bruce L. StoneViper's nerdy op-ed pieces is far from settled. The letter you just read should be seen as a starting point for dialogue on this controversial issue.