Food Stamp President!

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Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
2 of the most hated states... California and Texas

Texas is the asshole of the states because well, they are assholes

California is the vagina of the states because they are used to getting fucked all the time.


It's time I look back from outer space
Feb 12, 2008
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Nah, there was nothing worth responding to, because you're clearly a puppet of the propaganda machine. First off, you use labels to categorize people into large groups. Second, you demonize them and completely ignore anything that people have to say, thirdly, you don't see sarcasm when it pops up.

Plus, this is a gaming forum. Give it a rest already. Go to USA or something if you want to debate.

This will be my last post in this awful thread.
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Jul 2, 2011
Let me use Fox News to demonstrate that Hermskii is an idiot. (And frankly, many of you are functionally the same as him.)


Apr 13, 2003

Let me use Fox News to demonstrate that Hermskii is an idiot. (And frankly, many of you are functionally the same as him.)


I'm shocked Crypto. I expect you to try to assault me at every turn but to point a finger at "many" others here too. Really? Are you drunk again? Are you really Plumb maybe?

I think that video of Judge Napolitano is a fine work. It is a real eye opener. I already mentioned about how that video pushed me further away from the republican ranks than any I had seen before. The republicans had their chance to fix everything and they blew it badly. Now it's the democrats turn but they are cramming their agenda down our throats. I'm starting to think Ron Paul has a lot more things right that I originally thought.

@Vaskadar: So because I have a strong opinion that you don't share I have been fooled and hypnotized by the right wing? Whatever. I think it is more that I feel I can take care of myself and that others should take care of them selves. I'll do everything possible to even the playing field. I think everyone has or should have a fair shot to achieve anything they want to.

It's sort of like this: I don't think that because someone else decides they want to go to the local park and feed the ducks that I should have to also. I think they should be able to feed the ducks all they want and I should be able to stay at home and watch the game all I want. I hope that doesn't demonize everyone too badly. Go feed the ducks.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 1, 2002
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I think that video of Judge Napolitano is a fine work. It is a real eye opener. I already mentioned about how that video pushed me further away from the republican ranks than any I had seen before. The republicans had their chance to fix everything and they blew it badly. Now it's the democrats turn but they are cramming their agenda down our throats. I'm starting to think Ron Paul has a lot more things right that I originally thought.

How is it eye-opening if it is just some guy standing there asking questions without any facts and sources to back his argument based on questions up? A long series of "What if"s does not make a solid argument.

Also, you have the Republicans and Democrats mixed up. The Republicans messed things up royally during the Bush era. The Democrats came in, but didn't get nearly enough of the things needed to get done done. Now, we have the Republicans who say that it is totally the Democrats fault for the mess, and they are currently on a "my way of the highway" agenda to repeal the Democrats' policies and double-down on what got us into the mess.


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
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Also, you have the Republicans and Democrats mixed up. The Republicans messed things up royally during the Bush era. The Democrats came in, but didn't get nearly enough of the things needed to get done done. Now, we have the Republicans who say that it is totally the Democrats fault for the mess, and they are currently on a "my way of the highway" agenda to repeal the Democrats' policies and double-down on what got us into the mess.

Democrats had 2 years with full control of the House and the Senate in super majority, plus Obama in the White House. They could have passed anything and everything they wanted.

Hermskii said:
The republicans had their chance to fix everything and they blew it badly. Now it's the democrats turn but they are cramming their agenda down our throats. I'm starting to think Ron Paul has a lot more things right that I originally thought.

The Republican Party supposedly wants smaller government, but Bush passes the Patriot Act defiling the 4th Amendment, and also creates the redundant Department of Homeland Security (Department of Defense anyone? Hello?). Obama has brought continuation of the Patriot Act, Obamacare, Tsars, etc.

All I can say is welcome to the starting path of Libertarianism Hermskii. :)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 1, 2002
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Democrats had 2 years with full control of the House and the Senate in super majority, plus Obama in the White House. They could have passed anything and everything they wanted.

That is, of course, implying that the Democrats are a single monolithic block. Also, it doesn't help that you have people like the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell say that the Republican's number one priority is to make Obama a one-term President. Both of these factors, when combined, makes things difficult to garner support. If both the legislative and executive branches were totally made up with like-minded Democrats, then yes they could have passed anything. But, given that Democrats are heterogeneous and they had a smaller, yet still potent, Republican opposition.

And lets be honest here. If the Democrats pushed through everything under the sun quickly, the Republicans would have surely jumped to the occasion to demonize the Democrats even more than they had. They accused the Democrats of ignoring the other voices (although they wanted single-payer, which was rejected by Republicans and some Democrats, so they compromised and introduced a once-Conservative idea created by the Heritage Foundation called the individual mandate) and quickly pushed through the Affordable Care Act.

And lets be even more honest. Do you really think that Washington would move quickly in any matter?
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Jul 2, 2011
How is it eye-opening if it is just some guy standing there asking questions without any facts and sources to back his argument based on questions up? A long series of "What if"s does not make a solid argument.

You are being pedantic. The questions raised are not really questions at all, they are observations we all should have made by now. Regardless of whether it's anyone's intent to push us to the point where we exist in our present state, here we are.


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
I liked the Food Stamp Club so much, I not only became a member, but I am now its President.

Okay, I thought about how stupid that sounded. Back on-topic, what do you guys expect? We are an entitlement society. Many families probably don't even need assistance, but they take it anyway because it is available. Since the money is already allocated for the year, what does it hurt in the end? Well, until the next year, I suppose.

Tax credits for students, earned income credit, they are all generally entitlements. How can you say these families should not partake when the myth is so ingrained about the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer? I say myth because it isn't necessarily true. While the top 20% as getting more wealthy than the rest, even the lowest 20% have seen a 26% rise in economic mobility over the last three decades when you take tax breaks and other entitlements into consideration (and not just inflation). Sure, buying power isn't as good, but that is true all across the economic spectrum, not just for the lowest earners.
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