Finding a Good Weapon Balance Through UT2004's TweakTool

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UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
Now, as we all know, one of our main priorities at the moment is getting the core weapon set balanced. Unfortunately, I don't think my machine's gonna run UT4 so I have decided instead to (hopefully) contribute to finding a solution for it by using a stop-gap solution in the way of the already existing and excellently made mutator for UT2004 called TweakTool.

If anyone's paid attention at all to any of my UT2004 threads, they'll know I absolutely adore this mutator as it allows you to customize most every gameplay aspect of the base UT2004 game. I will be using it now to find a good weapon balance for UT4. Now, I realize that UT2004 and UT4 are not the same game and, as such this solution is not a perfect one at all. For example, in UT2004, I cannot change the fact that the Link Gun secondary does not "lock onto" an enemy. So I cannot balance for that. Or the fact that the Bio Rifle bounces players around (wat) in UT2004 when you hit them with it directly.

However, I still think I can hopefully contribute some ideas to weapon balance that may not have already been thought of through my implementation of TweakTool.

Now, I am using no double jumps. Base UT2004 movement speed. However, I am using 65% air control instead of 35%. And also, I've disabled falling damage. I never ever liked it... Felt like it's always limited my movement needlessly. The last things I'll note here is that I changed the Health Pack strength from 25 to 50.

Now... This weapon balance list I'm about to go into now is LONG. If the first few paragraphs of this topic weren't any indication that is. XP I'm going to post a screenshot of my TweakTool weapon config window now so you guys can easily see in one compact view all the nitty gritty details of everything I'm running.

Alright. On to the first weapons then!

Translocator & Shield Gun
I'm grouping these two together because I honestly didn't spend that much time with them as compared to the other weapons. The Translocator I made to be the standard UT Translocator. The Shield Gun's damage is probably pretty OP'd. The range I'll probably nerf back to 100. The thing is though, I actually wanted this weapon to be useful instead of it always getting chucked in the corner for something, anything else most all of the time or maybe used once to block the occasional long range precision weapon fire. So I kind of overcompensated.

Assault Rifle
The AR in UT2004 has always been kind of the laughing stock of all the weapons. Inaccurate, puny, and the grenades don't even kill a fresh spawned player with a direct hit which makes people not even bother with the grenades at all. No. Definitely needed a buff. I'm actually really happy with how it plays now. It can now definitely hold its own against the other weapons decently enough but not too much as to never have to search and use anything else. Further, the grenade has been buffed and its primary use is now to see if you can land that sweet direct hit which you'll now be rewarded for with a frag on an unarmored player or if anything, a nice chunk of damage which you can then finish them off with some primary. (wish I could take out dual-wielding it now actually as it makes the weapon really OP)

Bio Rifle
I had a lot of trouble with this one as in UT2004, as mentioned above, the primary bounces players around with a direct hit which makes them harder to hit and it's just really annoying. However, even then, I was still able to make it at least somewhat viable by giving it a careful buff. However, it's still not for every situation and it's the best I can do with it in UT2004.

Shock Rifle
Now this may be one of the most controversial changes I've made to the weapons in here. What I did was make it a 3 shot kill on a fresh spawned player and boosted its firerate. I also buffed the secondary to have a slightly larger blast radius and do more damage, and finally, I think I buffed the combo damage some, turning it into kind of an any-situation weapon if you're skilled enough. I feel the faster weaker fire rate makes it feel more satisfying and more like a rifle than a sniper rifle which role is of course is supposed to go to the sniper weapons. The secondary buff is also to make it more useful instead of just always using it exclusively to initiate a shock combo.

Link Gun
Primary fire got a buff in speed and damage as it was almost as bad as the AR in UT2004. Secondary has also been buffed a little bit. But again, since the lock-on for the beam isn't present in UT2004 really, I can't really balance for that so, the beam is now nice and powerful. Besides that, not much to say here at all. Feels nice and balanced now.

This one was tricky since at first, I felt like the AR and Minigun would overlap too much. But I finally managed to get the Minigun to play nice. For one, the primary and secondary has been buffed but the inaccuracy has been increased to make the weapon much less useful at long ranges. Neither can you use the secondary to snipe either as while that has more accuracy to it, it's hardly better and is mainly there to conserve ammo at close ranges. Definitely a weapon you pick up now if you just want to mindlessly mow things down. But not too mindlessly or else you're going to get owned of course.

Flak Cannon
Primary has its speed buffed and power increased per shard but is now rather inaccurate and, compared to the other weapons, has kind of a slow fire rate. Much more shotgunny. Secondary has been buffed and now sends flak out pretty speedily. Much faster than primary flak anyway. Feels much more like a meaty mortar round. The inaccuracy of the primary though may still yet need to be increased even more though.

Rocket Launcher
I had some trouble balancing this one just right as well. The past version I was going to go with at first had a more powerful rocket but I also buffed the speed too much and it got too OP'd so I went back to work on it some more. In the end, I ended up with kind of the classic FPS rocket launcher. If I needed to describe it in two words, it would definitely be slow and nasty. Slow enough to be dodged adequately for sure but if you don't, you're going to get a nice chunk of health blown off you at the very least and a direct hit is a sure death sentence unless you've got some decent armor on you. Actually, among all the newly balanced weapons here, this is my fave. It feels balanced and super satisfying now. It's an effing rocket launcher and you use it to blow stuff up good.

Lightning Gun
The Lightning Gun was an obvious choice as a stand-in for the UT4 Sniper Rifle. What I ended up with after balancing to play well with the other buffed weapons was a faster firing 2-shot-kill weapon. However, something's telling me that the faster fire-rate for pro level play will be too OP'd and will need to be nerfed. Further, I discovered a kind of cheap close-range combo with the gun. Basically, since the first shot will nail almost all of someone's health, you just switch to your AR after the first hit and kill them instantly. However, this of course only works for short ranges and with the many short range, fast kill time weapons that there are now, it's kind of hard for me to justify nerfing it.

Sniper Rifle
So, you'll notice that I've also changed the SR. Since I already balanced the LG for regular play, I thought it would be fun to make the sniper a truly nasty sniper weapon. Although the weapon has a very slow fire rate, it will punch a big hole through all but the most armored players, making a hit with it very satisfying and rewarding yet pretty punishing if you do miss with such a powerful weapon, and it will take out vehicles rather nicely. (Made sure to remove that really annoying smoke that appears whenever you fire it too.)


And that's about it. The AVRiL is insanely powerful because I thought it pretty darn ridiculous that such a huge slow missile as that had trouble taking out grounded players. However, now it... Uh... Might be way too OP'd against vehicles. ^^; I wasn't really focusing on balancing it though. The GL is nicely balanced though and I felt the Redeemer/Ion Painter was perfect the way it was besides perhaps it needed the ammo capacity for just one more missile, UT99 style.

You might notice though that the total ammo counts on most all the guns have been decreased. This was to make ammo more valuable and also to encourage players to use different weapons instead of the same one of course. And there you go. That's my weapon balance contribution. If anything, I HIGHLY advise everyone to, if they have a copy of UT2004 installed on their computer, put in my weapon settings and see how this all actually plays. I'm personally rather satisfied with it. But make sure to let me know of ALL criticism you have with this.

Alright then, I'm out.
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
OMFG that config menu makes my eyes bleed. It would be easy to make a mutator along these lines in UT4 but why....


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
OMFG that config menu makes my eyes bleed. It would be easy to make a mutator along these lines in UT4 but why....

I don't quite understand your question. Why what?

As to the config menu, what part of "customize most every gameplay aspect of the base UT2004 game" did you not understand? XD Anyway though. The changes for the weapons and my justifications for them are all summarized in the post. Honestly though, again, it would be best to just copypasta my weapon settings into ones own copy of UT2004 to see how it all truly plays and works together.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
I'm not sure how you can use UT2004 as a baseline for weapon balance in the new UT...

Now, I realize that UT2004 and UT4 are not the same game and, as such this solution is not a perfect one at all...

However, I still think I can hopefully contribute some ideas to weapon balance that may not have already been thought of

Look, I know the OP is super long but please read. As least to know where I'm coming from.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
I did read it. It doesn't make sense.

What exactly doesn't make sense? A lot of the UT4 weapons haven't changed much in function since UT3 or even UT2004 so it's not like I'm balancing a completely different weapon set. Perhaps the biggest departure the UT4 weapon set has from the UT2004 weapon set is that the enforcer is used in place of the AR. Once again, yes, there are differences with some of the weapons that I can't balance for but honestly, the core ideas in how a weapon should be generally balanced are still mostly transferrable to UT4. For instance, the RL I made slow and powerful and the 3 shot kill primary for the SR and etc.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
You can't balance a multiplayer game by playing a different game by yourself.

Except this isn't that different of a game at all. Especially when it's modified properly. And also, I've made no presumption at all that this weapon balancing is perfect. Which is why I've posted it here for review.


Altiloquent bloviator.
Mar 23, 2013
If I am reading this right, you are trying to make UT2004 more UT4-like, thus providing an alternative but somewhat similar experience to those people who perhaps cannot run UT4 or are still favoring UT2004 but want a more modern or alternative take on the game play elements.

Your work is immense and I can see that you have put a lot of time and thought into this. Congratulations and I envy your dedication!

I think it is certainly worth the time as a mod with a preset 'UT4' mode perhaps but best ultimately tweak-able by the user. To try to re-create UT4 in UT2004 is a lofty ambition and sure, has some validity. However, UT4 will bring so much to the table that no mod or tweak will be able to incorporate; I think it is a lost cause to try. Damage tweaks, air control, jumping tweaks...this doesn't scrape the surface of what UT4 is about or will bring to the series.

Now, I make it no secret that I am not generally a fan of one UT or Unreal inside another; I have mild tolerance for the Unreal in UT2004 (though it is just a novelty to me), LPS's "NyLeve" legacy level - though cool - was too different from the original to count as a remake, and I will be quite happy if the Unreal in UE4 comes to fruition, but I believe that games are best left unto themselves in this regard. There are enough mods out there to bring in UT elements to UT2K4 if one wants, so that is sufficient to me. As such, I think it is best to consider your idea as a mod - an extensive, far-reaching mod - but the claim of re-creating UT4 in UT2004 is a bit fantastic.

Great work though. Really, far beyond anything I could do, so please don't take my thoughts the wrong way. The work is outstanding but the motivation is questionable.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
If I am reading this right, you are trying to make UT2004 more UT4-like, thus providing an alternative but somewhat similar experience to those people who perhaps cannot run UT4 or are still favoring UT2004 but want a more modern or alternative take on the game play elements.

Um... Well, kind of. But no. Right now, Epic is in the process of balancing all of UT4's base weapons for regular play but it seems they're kind of stuck on how some of the weapons should be balanced. This is me trying to give them some suggestions with how I think the weapons should be balanced for UT4 by using UT2004 and its mutators to fine-tune most any aspect of the game I want. UT4 and UT2004, with some changing can be made to play pretty darn similar to each other, so hopefully, I can use UT2004 to at least somewhat successfully test out out some of my weapon balance propositions for UT4. The OP lists all the ideas I want to put forward for the weapon balance of UT4 that I've tested as much as I can through UT2004.

However, having said all that, yes, this weapon balance set I've posted above can also be considered a rebalancing of UT2004's weapons. By itself, I really love how the base UT2004 weapons feel and play now and I now use it in place of the base UT2004 weapon balance. But that's just my opinion of it of course.


Altiloquent bloviator.
Mar 23, 2013
Well, to be honest, Epic aren't going to listen, at least not from something articulated through UT2004.

If you read the UT forums, which I am certain you do, then you can see that they are only interested in the here and now; there are far too many people over there looking back and as a result, I would say that Epic have put on very thick filters regarding referencing older titles. They just aren't interested.

Having said that, I too have to question the efficacy of trying to prove a point with an older title. For all the work you are putting in, it would make as much sense to offer something in UE4, something players can actually test in-game and assess within the new parameters the game offers. The struggle with weapon balance is ongoing and what is being done is being done within UE4; I don't think much will translate. Do you think they will fire up 2K4 to test out your ideas? Do you think anyone will? Too much is being done on that front in real-time to bother going back 11 years for tips. I personally don't think they need any tips from the past; it is a new and very different beast now and as I said, they aren't interested in another player speaking from a decade ago. Besides, I think the games are fundamentally just too different under the hood to expect much to really carry over or even translate. It isn't like people don't know what a good weapon balance is, it is just a matter of trial and error before they find it with UT4.

Like I said, you have great ideas and are clearly motivated. You should really put all of this in a meaningful context, one that will get some attention, namely UE4 and UT4. That your machine can't run UT4 or manage UE4 is your reasoning, but don't expect any sympathy or exceptions from Epic; they are only interested in real ideas, ones with some work behind them in UE4. The forums there are filled with words, but very short on actual work and the only people who get heard - and perhaps rightly so - are the ones who are taking the time to do more than talk. Or draw lines to the past.

I am not trying to be argumentative at all mate, and not trying to be condescending. You clearly have more experience with creation than I do and I tip my hat to you. I am just trying to be honest, that's all. Best of luck with this, however you choose to move forward.


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
I wouldn't mind seeing official patches, or community consensus mods to balance weapons in both UT and UT2004. I think it would be great for their die hard fans, and a great alternative for anyone who appreciates good gameplay and isn't too concerned with graphics, or can't afford hardware to run current gen games. It would also be great for nostalgia purposes that don't end in "omg UT sniper is so OP on modern pings."

The tweaks though, should be "tweaks" and not changes.

I've probably posted about things that needed to change for 2kx in the past, and it would take no where near the characters you've used. A look at that png, and the stuff you've done is drastic, and unwarranted. Your damages are out of control, like beyond UT3 lethality, which I think most feel was a bit too lethal. The armor system was a bit overboard in 2kx, but it should be fixed from that side, not the weapons side.

Things like 100dmg rockets, 40, or even 35 dmg shock, and a lightning gun switch away time that actually makes you think before slinging bolts at close range would help 2kx in a massive way, even if not balancing it perfectly. I also don't see momentum transfer tweaks there, which with shock could be cut in half, and eliminated for lightning. A lot of weapons didn't need anything at all. The AR could stand to be replaced, but if I were to make changes it would be explode on contact grenades for more damage (0 bounces) and perfectly accurate, lower damage primary (something akin to q3 mg). I literally wouldn't touch flak, bio, mini, link, or shield.

I would however, cap over health at 50, and think about tweaking armor spawn times, and possibly values, but even that would be too drastic for a lot of people. What you've got is the damage half of an excessive overkill mod.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
I wouldn't mind seeing official patches, or community consensus mods to balance weapons in both UT and UT2004. I think it would be great for their die hard fans, and a great alternative for anyone who appreciates good gameplay and isn't too concerned with graphics, or can't afford hardware to run current gen games. It would also be great for nostalgia purposes that don't end in "omg UT sniper is so OP on modern pings."

The tweaks though, should be "tweaks" and not changes.

I've probably posted about things that needed to change for 2kx in the past, and it would take no where near the characters you've used. A look at that png, and the stuff you've done is drastic, and unwarranted. Your damages are out of control, like beyond UT3 lethality, which I think most feel was a bit too lethal. The armor system was a bit overboard in 2kx, but it should be fixed from that side, not the weapons side.

Things like 100dmg rockets, 40, or even 35 dmg shock, and a lightning gun switch away time that actually makes you think before slinging bolts at close range would help 2kx in a massive way, even if not balancing it perfectly. I also don't see momentum transfer tweaks there, which with shock could be cut in half, and eliminated for lightning. A lot of weapons didn't need anything at all. The AR could stand to be replaced, but if I were to make changes it would be explode on contact grenades for more damage (0 bounces) and perfectly accurate, lower damage primary (something akin to q3 mg). I literally wouldn't touch flak, bio, mini, link, or shield.

I would however, cap over health at 50, and think about tweaking armor spawn times, and possibly values, but even that would be too drastic for a lot of people. What you've got is the damage half of an excessive overkill mod.

I wondered if the weapons in general were too OP but... I don't know, I guess I just really don't like slow kill times. XP Especially considering how hard it usually is to hit players in 2k4 and as you mentioned, the tough shield the opposing players might have. Again, I would just highly advise people play with my settings before they make their final judgement. I know some of these changes seem ludicrous on paper but... I really like them.


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
At 150 dmg per rocket, you're talking about being able to one hit kill spawns with splash... like... that could happen accidentally.

Then I thought lightning was high too, until l looked at the cSR, and realized no one could take these values seriously.

Unless you average a triple digit ping, these damages would be ridiculous. It's not especially hard to click on things with a LAN ping in this game. With contemporary internet, if it doesn't work for LAN, it doesn't work.

I know BU had an anti-nerfing campaign going on for a while after 2k3, but the damages in this game aren't that low. Some I would even lower.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
At 150 dmg per rocket, you're talking about being able to one hit kill spawns with splash... like... that could happen accidentally.

Except the rocket speed has been nerfed so they're now rather easy to dodge. Slow and heavy. And even if we disregarded that, one-hit kills on spawn can happen with a lightning headshot/AR grenade direct hit too although to be fair, it is harder of course for both.

The lightning is pretty high, yes, but as you can see, everything else has a fast kill time so nerfing it would make it weak compared to the other weaps and there wouldn't be much point to using it as compared to, say, the Mini. By the SR, I'm assuming you're talking about the Sniper Rifle. Once again, that's not really balanced for regular play at all. It's much more for ONS or WAR or somesuch. I may nerf the ammo though to 5 or so and put it in the Redeemer slot if I would really use it for regular play.
Last edited:


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
Well, I don't even necessarily think these changes would work for ONS either, but I haven't played that in a while.

What I'm saying is that even if the weapons are balanced compared to each other, they won't achieve the same goals in comparison to how much health you spawn with, and how much armor you get for pickups, and such. I mean, you may have different goals, but you're not "balancing" the existing game. Your changing it, even if it's in a balanced fashion.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
Well, I don't even necessarily think these changes would work for ONS either, but I haven't played that in a while.

What I'm saying is that even if the weapons are balanced compared to each other, they won't achieve the same goals in comparison to how much health you spawn with, and how much armor you get for pickups, and such. I mean, you may have different goals, but you're not "balancing" the existing game. Your changing it, even if it's in a balanced fashion.

Oh, you're saying I'm changing the overall style of the game too much?