The Seldom Seen Kid
You can just open Morpheus3, select the surface with the right texture and look at its properties. It should me mentioned on the top.
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[CON]Ronin said:You can just open Morpheus3, select the surface with the right texture and look at its properties. It should me mentioned on the top.
Safefire said:nice map wookie good and open but, where can u hide?
[CON]Ronin said:Simply open Morpheus3 first, the mopen your map and it should still be in the MyLevel folder, under Miss... the other word for random, however you spell it.
Safefire said:yeah but a stadium usualy has some locker rooms
Actually, for the cameras I added it to the skins, it's not a sheet, unless you're looking at something else...And I've noticed the sheet placed in front of the screens.
Anyways I was more or less thinking about adding those ledges horizontally, on those more black-ish rows of bricks.