[FFXI] About Final Fantasy XI

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I got alot of question about FFXI recently so I decided to make a FAQ thread.
This is part I, I'll add more to it later.
Also if you have any questions for me, or any other FFXI players who frequent this message board, please feel free to ask!

This is a work in progress!

Also, those intrested in playing!
I'm apart of a great linkshell on the Titan sever!
if you decide you want to play, drop me a PM and I'll get you a worldpass so you can play on our server! We will even get you a linkpearl!

You can find more info about us at : www.lostwanderers.net

.:|[Final Fantasy XI Guide : Part I]|:.

Vana'diel is where all the action in FFXI takes place.

(image from www.playonline.com)

The three main nations of the world, Bastok, San'Doria, and Windurst have been fighting the beastmen armies for years, and after a 20 year period of peace the beastmen are again on the rise. The new tactic of the day is to hire adventurers to work in small bands to handle the oncomming threat. You play the role of a new adventurer trying to support your nations conquest to reclaim territories taken by the beastmen.


.:payment and Registering:.
Currently the game FFXI can be purchased between $25-$50 USD depending where you get it. The game can be played on the Playstation 2 system, or Personal Computer Running the Microsoft Windows operating system. You must own a copy of the game to play!

It costs $12 USD for one player ID. Each additional ID costs $1 USD extra.

Registering Playonline:
Playonline is SquareEnix's content management system for PS2 & PC. Playonline is your gateway program into the FFXI game. Currently the only games for the US and Euro markets are FFXI, and Tetra Master. More games are comming soon, like Frontmission Online.
When you first start Playonline you must setup your ID and Password, and register your account. Follow the instructions carefuly!

Registering FFXI:
After you setup playonline, you should register your playonline under "services" in the navigator. Follow the insturctions carefuly!!!
Registering an ID for FFXI means you can make one character. If you want more than one character you must register another ID for $1USD extra. I know it may seem harsh but given the nature of FFXI's mechanics, you don't really need more than one character.
When your done registering you can log into FFXI grab your updates, and create your first character!

Depending on what race you choose will determine what your starting stats are. Because of this some races tend to be more adpet in some jobs over others. For example Tarutaru make great mages, but poor warriors. Also if your race matches the key race of your nation, you will start out with a stat boosting ring for that nation.


What I would call the "safety" race. All their stats are balanced, so they can preform any job in the game moderatly well. If your not sure what you want to be, go with human.


Not your Tolkien elves at all! Elvaan are very strong, and not very strong in magic as they are in combat. They make poor casters, but great damage dealers! If you want to cause pain, be Elvaan.


The cutest MMO race ever. Taru are poor at anything that has to do with combat due to their low vitality and strength, however they can become the most powerful casters in the game! One taru mage almost equal 2 elvaans in staying power!


Yes, the infamous female only catgirl race. Mithra are balanced in all aspects except for charisma (you can see why, most NPC mithra are VERY rude and VERY direct), so you won't be the best bard or beastmaster in the game, however they have very high stats in Agility and Dexterity, so if your a person that likes sneak up and deal massive damage with special attack, you might want to shoot for mithra.


Galka SMASH! Ok, they aren't that dumb, but don't expect your galka mage to be very popular. Galka despite their size can take more than they dish, they make the best defesnive combatans (tanks) in the game. If you want to be the parties main damage taker, go for Galka!

Each nation in FFXI has its own set of quests, missions, and even items so pick the nation that fits your character and races the closest. And rember you can change your nation at any time... for a price.


Key Races : Hume and Galka
Key Jobs Types : Damage Takers (paladin, fighers, Monks)


Key Races : Elvaan
Key Jobs Types : Damage Dealers (Dark Knighs, Dragoons, Samurai, ect.)


Key Races : Tarutaru and Mithra
Key Job Types : Mage(Black mage, White mage, ect.) and Steath(Theif, Ranger, Ninja)

.:Leveling & Job System:.

Job System:
FFXI uses the "job system" you may have seen this system used in games like Final Fantasy Tactics, and Final Fantasy X-2. In FFXI Jobs level up just like most MMO games, you gain experience, when you reach the EXP requirement for the next level, you obtain it. Very simple...
However, FFXI allows you to switch jobs with the assistance of a moogle (I'll expalin this later). So feasibly you could play as a Black Mage for 10 levels, decided its not for you, then start working on White Mage! Sure beats creating several characters to try out diffrent jobs, don't it?
Your stats are based on your race and jobs, The only time you can modify your stats other than gaining a level is through equipment.

Sub Job:
When you reach level 18 your can do a quest that will allow you to have a subjob. A subjob is one of the elements that makes others recognize you as a player who is nolonger a newbie.
A sub job allows you to pick any job you have and take it on at 1/2 its current level. This is all the ablities(except for your 2 hour), stats and equipment of this job. Now some subjobs are more advantagious than others, for example a White Mage with a Warrior subjob is not very practical, but a Theif, Ninja is! You may need to research to see what fits your class best

Basic Jobs:
When you start the game you have a limited selection of jobs, after you achive level 30 you quest to unlock "flags" for new jobs!

Black Mage:
Role : Magical Damage Minor Debuff (stat down effects)
This is your damage dealing mage class. At later levels its impossible to get anywhere without a good black mage, AKA Nuker. Blackmage requires alot of strategy, and key spells can become costly! Blackmages should always be carful of how much damage they do, since too much at one time my turn the attention defence weak mage, and kill them! I would not suggest this class to a player new to MMO games due to the steep learning curve! But if your into dealing the highest amounts of damage in the game, be a black mage!

Role : Damage dealer, Minor Damage taker
Monks mix light armor with high HP and powerful fist attacks to deal constant damage to opponents. Their combat style involves using various knuckles and fistblades to deal melee damage to opponents. While monks aren't suited to be main damage takers, they deffinatly can hold their own if the main tank need some backup. This is a great class if you want to deal heavy damage early on, and later makes a great support job from most melee classes!

Red Mage:
Role : Minor Damage dealer, Minor healer, Minor Magical Damage Dealer, Major Debuff!
The redmage stands between warrior and mage, in combat, and wizard and pimp with clothing style. The role of redmage will changes as he levels making his advancement some what complicated. Redmages tend to be life savers at low level since two decent redmages can take up the role of white mage. At higher levels parties can't even fight without a redmage to debuff the opponents high defences. If you like a challenge, look into redmage!

Role : Occational Massive Damage Dealer, Ambusher (AKA puller), Treasure Hunter
The theif isn't as powerful as say... a warrior but their ablity to intiate special attacks every so often can take some of the most powerful opponens down in no time! Also when it comes to finding rare loot for quests and profit they are always in demand!

Role : Minor Damage Dealer, Damage Taker, keeping the monsters attention
The warrior class is a great newbie class, its easy to play, and doesn't die very easily. Unfortunatly, its not good for anything but a subjob for some of the advanced classes. The biggest role for the warrior is to provoke the opponent into attacking him, instead of the weak mages. If your new, this is a great class to get your feet wet with, but don't think you will go pro with it.

White Mage:
Role : Major Healer, Minor Debuff, Minor Magic Damage
If you want to popular, be a whitemage. For most of the game every party is going to need a white mage, if not two inorder to survive battles. Without you there is no party. Now don't let this get to your head, just because your a very important member, most parties won't tolerate stupid white mages! Like black mage, spells they can get costly, so don't spend all your money on things you may not need... like expensive armor.

Advanced Jobs:
Once you have a job to level 30 you can start to do quests to unlock these advanced jobs. Players who obtain their advanced jobs are usually put in a higher regard than thoses with only basic jobs.

Role : Re-Generate/De-Generate Health/Magic, Buff/De-Buff
By using musical instruments and song bards boost the stats of their party members allowing them to fight harder, faster, and longer. Bard is the ultimate support class with no real combat moves of his own. trying to solo a bard is all but impossible, so its best to get a low level buddy to join a minature party for levels 1-10. Its alot simpler to play then other support classes like white mage and redmage, and tends to pull alot less hate.

Role : Solo
If you hate dealing with other people and want to take on the world by yourself, you want to be a beastmaster. This is the only class that can efectivly play the entire time without joining a party to gain experience. Beastmasters charm familars to fight with them in battle.

Dark Knight:
Role : Damage Dealer, minor Debuff
If you want to cause alot of hurt to your oppnents, look into playing a dark knight. This is one of the most damageing melee classes in the game! The biggest downfall however is they are very inaccurate, which does require you to spend alot of money on accuracy equipment, but if you can deal with that, your pertty much set.

Role : Damage Dealer, Puller
Very simular to the Dark Knight, except with somewhat weaker attacks, but gets to have a dragon familar! you dragon will assist you in combat, and even mimick your magic spells/attacks to assist you! For example if you use a fire attack, your dragon will use a fire attack also.

Role : Damage Taker(in theory), Minor Debuff
By using ninjutsu the ninja can take on the biggest beastmen and walk away without a scratch. The ninja uses tools to cast spells their spells, the must crucial being Utsusemi, which allows you to avoid several blows. Also ninja are the only class that can weild two weapons at a time, with a slight delay between strikes. The biggest downside to ninja is cost of ninja tools, unlike mages who can regenerate magic points, ninja must buy new tools to keep casting, which alone are very expesnive!

Role : Damage Take, Keeping the monsters attention, minor healing
The paladin basicly is the class that takes over the role of warrior ablity of keeping the oppnent's attention. The damage output isn't that great, but that isn't your point of your job. The best method for a paladin to keep the oppnents attention, besides provoke, is to cast healing spells on himself. A good Paladin can even keep the attention of a monster, even after a friend has dealt damage depleating a quarter or more of its health!

Role : Massive Damage Dealer, Treasure hunter, Puller
The ranger take to the rear dealing massive damage with bows, bolts, and bullets. The highest damage in the game can be attributed to a well equiped ranger! However this damage comes at a price, amunition is expensive and runs out quickly. Luckly the ranger's ablity to scan for oppnents can assist in finding rare monsters that drop very pricy items that can be sold on auction!

Role : Massive Skill Chain Damage Dealer
The Samurai seems like just another warrior class, but using TP attacks with other team members can unleash massive amounts of damage in a short period of time. Unlike other classes, samurai generate TP very quickly, and can even max out their TP in an instant as a 5 minute ablity.

Role : Buff/De-Buff, Pet attacks
By calling the forces of extraplaner allies, the summoner can deal massive damage, or assist fellow party members. The summoner class isn't easy at all, while its spells and ablities can do impressive damage, getting those ablities requires that you have friends help you accomplish some very hard quests. However, if your up for the callenge, your a force to be reckoned with!


After level 10 its almost impossible to get anywhere without joing a party, unless your a beastmaster. So for most of your career in FFXI your going to have to learn to work with others to get anywhere in the game. This makes mixed results, good parties can lead to lasting friendships in the game, while bad parties can make permenant enemies.
When in a party its important to know that the members cannot be any more than 3 level apart from one another, or the amount of EXP will drop significantly for the lower members.
Also a party can only have 6 members in it, if you need more members, you can link upto 4 parties in an alliance! EXP drops even more in an alliance, but in most cases alliances are formed to compleete quests and find rare items, not gain experience points
The average party for gaining experience should have the following
who plays those roles depends on what you are fighting, were you are fighting, and who you can get to join your party. However the typical configuration is
Healer : White mage, or 2 Redmages
Tank : Fighter, Paladin, Ninja
Puller : Fighter, Thief, Ninja, Ranger
The best parties always have a nuker, who is usually a blackmage or to a lesser extent Summoners, and Redmages
Advanced parties at higher levels require dynamics that I won't go into detail here ^_^;;

loot & Loting:
when you defeat an enemy you the items will goto the parties pot. Depending how the party leader set the distribution, you will recive items accordingly.
If he choose to distribute items, he decides who gets the item, however if left to default the items will be automaticly distributed unless you LOT for it.
Lotting will roll 1-999 randomly, for the choosen item in the pot list. If you get the highest lot, you recive the item!
For some reason people like the auto lotting, and ask you not to lot, to keep people happy, ask before you lot, especially if its a rare item!


Unlike some MMO games, equipment may require you to have a certin level, job, race and sometimes sex inorder to use it. For example, Savage seperators can only be worn by mithra that are level 33.
This may be a pain at first, but it does keep the game balanced.

Since your stats are automaticly set by your race and class, the only way to activly modify a stat is to equip items with bonuses. The greater the bonuses on the items the more costly the item is going to be. For example Leaping Boots give +3 Agility, and +3 Dexterity for level 7 chracters of any job, as of fall 2004 leaping boots sell for 200-350 thousand gold a pair!
Items also can issue or enhance special ablites, for example a rabbit charm gives +1 to Dexterity, +1 to Agility, and +1 to the ablity steal.

Some equipment may be marked as "Rare" or "Exclusive"(EX)
Rare items mean you can only hold one of them at a time, while Exclusive items means you cannot trade or sell these items to other players
these two markings are usually on quest items, or very powerful items.

Weapon Slots
You have two slots to hold melee weapons, such as swords, daggers, and staffs. some weapons that require two hands will automaticly unequip anything in your off hand. You my only carry a sheild in your off hand, unless you are a ninja of atleast level 10, then you may equip a weapon there. For example, a Level 16 ninja with a 8 warrior subjob may equipe a weapon in the off hand, so can a level 20 theif with a level 10 ninja subjob.
Along with your melee slots you have a ranged weapon and ammo slot. Make sure when equiping ranged weapons that you equip the right ammo, for example, only a bows can only use arrows, not bolts, or bullets!
The Ranged slots also doubles as the slot for fishing tools and bait.

Armor Slots
You can equip armor on the following places
Most armor only issues defense bonuses and minor ablity enhancments.

You can equip the jewelry in the following places
-left hand
-right hand
-left ear
-right ear
Jewelry rarely offers defense bonuses, most of the bonuses come from ablities boosts, for example a Balance Ring will give you +1 to Dexterity if you are atleast level 14.

The player starts with 30 inventory slots, this includes items currently equiped on the player. If your inventory is full you cannot get any more items unless you drop something. if you are playing solo a treasure chest icon will appear next to your name indicating you have items that you can't carry in your inventory. If you wait too long they will be lost. When in a party if you inventory is full and you are issued an item by lot, or by random, you will automaticly drop it. *sad*
When you get free time its always a good idea to drop by your mog house and dump extra items off in your safe. You can view your safe while in game, but you may not take things out of it unless your at your moghouse or talking to a nomad moogle!
You hold more items in your inventory by doing gobbie bad quests later in the game.

.:Mog House:.
Every player in FFXI get their own house that can be reached by entering the residential district of their home town. Also every player gets their own house moogle who keeps track of their extra gear, and keeps track of their house plants

Your personal servant, he is always cheerful, and ready to help his master out with mundane duties that he might not have time to preform. If you are kind to your moogle, he will give you gifts! There are other moogles you can meet in other areas, such as nomad moogles which will act as a normal moogle when your far away from residental areas, and event moogles, who direct special events in the world, like the summer festival.

Change Job
One of the most imporant role of the moogle is his ablity change your job and subjob. Only your moogle and nomad moogles can do this trick!

When you first start your room will be pertty much empty except your moogle. You don't need to have furnishings, but depending on which ones you get, and where you place them (fungshui) you can gain special ablities, for example getting a bed reduced the ammount of EXP you lose when you get KO'ed (killed).

If you purchase pots you can grow various types of plants in your home that can yeild diffrent results depending on what crystals you add to them! This can be a great way to get alittle cash, or grow your own supplies for crafting

Mog Safe
When you start the game you can store 50 items outside your safe at a time. when your safe is full your stuck with holding things in your inventory, if both are filled... its probably a good idea to sell some to a NPC or on auctions. By doing quests your mog will give you a gift of a bigger safe!

.:|[Final Fantasy XI Guide : Part II]|:.

Here is the bread and butter!! Combat!

Its always wise to check an opponent BEFORE engaging, you don't want to bite off more than you can chew!
when you check you will see : "this monster seems" and one of the following phrases, in [] I included more info on what they mean.
Too weak to be worth while [You will gain no experience, only items]
Easy prey [You will gain decent experience solo, poor exp in a a party]
Tough [Probably die if you solo this, decent exp in a party]
Very Tough [Almost no dobut you will die slolo, Good exp in a party]
Incredibly tough [If you attacked this solo, you deserve to die, a party will get GREAT experience... if they work well together... if not they will die]
Impossible to Gauge [Special monsters will check like this, unless you fought them before]

In FFXI you may engage in combat with monster simply by selecting them and pushing "attack" in the menu.
If the monster's name is in Yellow that means he is not currently someone's target.
If the monster's name is in Purple that means he is someone else's target and you may not attack him
If the monster's name is in Red that means he is you, or your party's target and you may attack him
once you attack an enemy he will become aggressive and return the favor!
You will not deal melee damage unless you move into range of the target. If you move too far out of range you will automaticly dissengage, and the opponent will switch from Red to Yellow soon after, even if he is still chasing you.
At any time if you decide you don't want to attack the enemy, you may dissengage, however if he is aggressive, we will follow you!

Dealing damage
When you are in melee range you will automaticly swing your weapon.
Each weapon has a delay, that is your time between hits. Usually the shorter the delay, the less damage the weapon deals.
Your accuracy (Dexterity, bonuses and Skill in weapons assists) verses the opponent's Defence and Evasion, will determine if you hit.

Depending on special ablities, items, and Agility, you or your opponent will deal critical damage! this will up to double the damage dealt on the strike! Criticals can make or break a battle.

Defeating Opponents
Once the opponent's life bar becomes empty, he will drop the floor and you will recive experience, items!

Collecting Loot
When you defeat an opponent, they will drop give you Experience, Gold, and Items. If you are playing solo you will recive all the loot. If you are in a party it will be put into your pot.

Taking Damage
You want take as little of this as possible!
Depending on your defence and evasion, will determine if you get hit or not. If you get hit you will take damage!

If your health drops to 0 you will get KO'ed. After level 5 you will start losing experience if you are KO'ed! With no enhancments you will lose 10% of the experience to get to the next level. For example if you need 3500 experience to gain a level, and you died, you will lose 350 points!!
If you lose more experience than you have at the moment, you will LEVEL DOWN, which knocks you back to the previous level and de-equips all items you don't qualify for!!
A White Mage at level 25 or greater can raise, which will recover some of your lost experience, and bring you back into the game. After being raised you will be ill, which will make your max health and MP be severly stunted for a few minutes.
If you can't find a mage to give you a raise, you might need to return your home point.

.:Quests & Missions:.

Various NPCs can issues quests to the player durring your time in this world. If you accept the quest it will be added to your log and when you complete it you will recive your reward, and be given alittle fame for the nations and regions the NPC was associated with.
Some quests are timed, but the NPC will usually specify if it is or not.
Alot of quests are repeatable, be carful with these! doing these will bring down fame in rival nations!!
Quest can be as easy taking a peice of paper for a lazy taru, to braving the depths of a dungeon that a cowardly pirate pawns off on you.
Be careful about some quests! Some are misleading and be alot harder than they seem! who thougth that finding some lost test paper can lead you to the bottom of a very scary dungeon!

These are nation LONG nation specific quests with indepth storylines. Missions bring you into the world and remind you that FFXI is a true Final Fantasy title and has a real story!
Missions are alot hard than most quests, and usually requires a party to help you complete it.
When you complete enough missions, you will be issued a new national rank!

Some quests will not be open to you unless your complete other quests or have enough fame. Fame is aquired by doing quests for your nation. This is not a real number you can measure, and is found out by talking to specific NPCs in the nation. I suggest looking online for more infomration about Fame

Rank marks your position in your nation. By gaining rank opens doors to you as you progress, the most important one which marks the diffrence between an average player and a veteran, is Rank 5 which will issue you an airship pass! The only downside to having a high rank is that trying to set homepoint at another nation's outpost will cost more as you progress.

You don't have to walk everywhere you know!

Its not Final Fantasy without Chocobos!! Unfortunatly you won't be able to use one untill you get to level 20 *sad*
At level 20 you can get a quest in Upper Jeuno's chocobo stables which will allow you to obtain a liscense! Its not that hard of a quest, but does take some time to do.
Once your certified, as long as you are playing a level 20+ job(15+ if you goto a main city) you may hop onto a chocobo and ride at twice the speed of walking!!!...
For a price...
Chocobos Stables are unregulated by any govrenment, so its strictly based on demand. The more people ask for chocobos, the higher the price goes! In most towns it runs betwee 30-150 gill to get onto a chocobo. But in major cities like Jeuno or at teleport markers, the price ranges between 400-1000 gill!!!
Some times, its best just to walk.

There is one main ferry that take players from Selbina to Miharu its only 100 gill to board and is a 30 min voyage... thats right, 30 minutes our time!
Also there is a risk of being intercpeted by pirates, or a monsters jumping onto the deck!!
If your low level its probably best that you stay below deck, nomatter how much you want to see the passing shore!
Its ok if you walk away from the game at this time, if the ship gets to shore and your not at the game, it will automaticly put you on the dock when the ship arrives.

Now this is travel!
Airships will transport you to your nation to jeuno, from jeuno you can then get onto any ship to any of the main nations or the island nation of kahzam. Jeuno is kinna like the delta hub of the world.
It only costs 200 to get onto an airship, but you must have an airship pass! which requires rank 5!

High level White Mages can teleport to any of the teleport crystals in the game if they possese the telport spell, and you both posses a shard the crystal for that area. You can obtain a shard just by walking up to one of the teleport crystals and using it. Its will become a key item, meaning you will never lose it! Most White Mages charge for teleports, but friends, or afew nice White Mages may let you ride for free.

Warp and Warp II
If you are a Black Mage and posses Warp, you may got back to your home point at any time, as long as you have enough MP, and are not interupted while casting the spell.
If you possess Warp II, you may warp others to their home points, as long as they are in your part. Keep in mind, if you are in a party with a Black Mage, he doesn't have to ask premission to Warp II you back home!! So you might want to think twice about calling the Taru Black Mage that he looks like a football.


Crafting, unfortunatly isn't something you can just easily pick up in the game. It takes some time, and ALOT of money to get to a level where you can make good money in profit. However your hard work will pay off in the end, and new types of guild quests will become avaliable to you!

This craft allows you to creat potions and tools used to Medicine or in Ninjutsu. Commons goods consumed by players are Sneaks Oils, and Ninja tools. Also some fun items like fireworks can be made using this craft skill.
- Recipies by Mystery Tour
- Guides by aurikan on Allakhazam

The bone crafter turns animal exoskeletons and bone into various types of armors and weapons. What you craft and when highly is dependent on the demand of the adventurers on your server. Given the magical properties of some bones your equipment will cater to not only warriors, but casters too. Bonecrafting also finds itself used in other crafts, for example bone arrow heads are required for bone arrows.
- Recipies by Mystery Tour
- Guides by fairyman on Allakhazam

Not all adventurers wade into battle weighed down with thick steel or ridged leather armor. The cloth craftsmen fill that need with mundane and magical clothes for combat casting mages, swift theifs, and nimble monks. Also many lures usined in fishing are created under this craft.
- Recipies by Mystery Tour
- Guides by CometNet on Allakhazam

Food is very important in FFXI. What you eat can effect how you preform in battle! For example eating a mithkabob before a battle can give you needed STR you need to defeat a normally impossible foe. As a cook you provide these meals (for a price of course) to adventures around the world. Luckly food in FFXI never spoils so no need to worry about those week old yugado drinks in your safe giving you a stomach ache.
- Recipies by Mystery Tour
- Guides by QHeretic on Allakhazam

Rings and jewlery are more than decoration for your character, many contain magical properties that can increase many of your character's basic stats. As a gold craftsman you can turn precious metals into these highly sought after items. At higher levels you can take mundane items and enhance their ablities.
- Recipies by Mystery Tour
- Guides by BlueCanary on Allakhazam

Used for armor or as a lining in some clothes leather crafting mostly deals with protective gear. A leather crafter converts animal hides into usable leathers which is then used in other crafts or directly into armor.
- Recipies by Mystery Tour
- Guides by Curseddestroyer on Allakhazam

The role of the smity is to forge heavy armor and weapons from metals found around the FFXI world. depending on the metals used the item may be mundane or have magical properties.
- Recipies by Mystery Tour
- Guides by ToanP on Allakhazam

Using lumber fround around Vanadiel the carpenter forges various martial and domestic items. Most funishings found in the homes of adventurers are made from woodworker. If you are a ranger this is a highly suggested profession so you can keep your expenses down.
- Recipies by Mystery Tour
- Guides by Evanesce on Allakhazam

Fishing is an intresting craft skill unlike other skills it doesn't require crystals to make anything, and its alot more time consuming than harvesting. You could almost say its in a class of its own. When the fisherman basicly sits near a body of water and waits untill something bites, then reels it in. However, the fish don't always bite, and sometimes when they do, they run with the bait. Fishing can be very profitable, but is VERY boring. Its probably a good idea to invest in a good book to read between casts. This craft is also the most cheated on, and I would like to remind you if you cheat, and get caugh they can remove your character and not refund you! Don't Cheat!
- Recipies by Mystery Tour
- Guides by Sage on Allakhazam

When crafting its not always feasable or possible to get the goods you need from auction or from NPC vendors, sometimes you have to break down and go get the supplies yourself. Or sometimes your strapped for cash and need some quick money. This is when you need to head out and do some harvesting.
To harvest all you need is the right tool and harvesting point, however to be assure better results, its wise to invest in some work clothes.
To activate a harvest point all you do is use your tool and select the harvest point, the game will then inform you of your results.
Sometimes you results will be less than favorable, such as breaking your tool, luckly you can carry stacks of 12 at a time and as many stacks as you wish to hold.
I would suggest against brining more than 2 stacks on a harvesting adventure.
There are 4 main types of harvesting:

Reward : Various Woods
Tool : Axe
Location : MAPS

Reward : Ore and Rocks
Tool : Pickaxe
Location : MAPS

Reward : Bones, Shells, and Exoskeletons
Tool : Pickaxe
Location : MAPS

Reward : Herbs, Seeds, spices, and cuttings
Tool : Sickle
Location : MAPS
Last edited:


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
This game sounds so exciting. Although i'm not entirely ok with the having to group thing, sometimes I want to go at it alone.

How are the quests? Do they require a lot of item searching and running around the game world? How effective are they for doing leveling too? I'm a veteran to MMORPG's and I perfer doing quests rather then just staying in one spot killing things for hours.

I wish Square Enix would release the software as a free download so players can try out a free trial to see if they would like it.


Gamer 4 Life
Nice write-up, phat. I've played Red Mage most of the time (lvl 56) and I'm currently working on leveling the jobs I use as subs (White Mage (lvl 29) and Black Mage (lvl 31). The interesting thing though is that I play as an Elvaan female. No, I wouldn't recommend a beginner play as an Elvaan mage but I pull it off pretty well with the right equipment.

Best of the luck with the rest of the guide.

Shiva server


Waiting for the deathblow
May 29, 2001
phatcat said:
It costs $12 USD for one player ID. Each additional ID costs $1 USD extra.

Is that a one time fee, or a monthly fee? If its a one time fee, I may go ahead and pick it up.


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
Final Fantasy 11 is sounding like it is more of a chore then it is fun to play. I mean things like having to have certain ranks, 30 minute waits on boats. stuff like that. And the punishment for dieing is pretty harsh. I don't expect the game to be a cake walk, but some of these things I shouldnt have to do.
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no, its not that punishing :p
30min is less than alot of games for boats!
Lineage was up to an hour for a boat.

the restrictions aren't that hard to over come, and usually you get past within the first month or so of playing. :D
I used to think getting 20 for Chocobo was a huge thing, it wasn't.
and Rank 5 is a kinna time consuming, unless you have friends. In one day my freinds helped me get from rank 3 to Rank 5.

Death punishment is harsh at low levels(1-10) and VERY high level (60+) but between that its not as bad. I die from time to time and just head home and try again. Its not as stressful as say... Eve, where die'n can put you back weeks or months.

Stuff like boats isn't that bad, what I usually do is go and sit in the bottom of the deck, and go grab some grub, or watch TV. or spend some quality time chating with friends on the linkshell.

and by LONG for missions... I mean like 1/2-2 hour sto finish a mission section, and to complete a rank you do 2-3 of them. Its long compared to quests
most quest can be done in 10-40min unless the require you to travel, which... which are the ones I usually pass on ;)
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BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
I really wanna play this. Has Square said anything at all about releasing a downloadable trial version anytime soon?
This is probably the most easiest MMORPG i ever played imho, i'm already 4 months into it with my elvaan char who is a lvl 40 thf/20 ninja(sub), i didn't level my main wich is supposed to be Sam/War (both at lvl 30), but i'll bother probably later, since i'm doing a static party right now (leveling with my RL friends) they need to level to 30 before i can bother with the Sam/war.

The way to go is to have a leveled theif, theif lvl 15 works, sub it with a lvl 30 or even 40 class and you have a farming machine ready. Though the real cash flows when the theif is lvl 45, at 45 you have a chance against alot of mobs so to speak, with gillfinder and treasure hunter at lvl 2 both you get cash and find rare items more frequently than other farmers.


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
I'm picking up a copy on the 17th, which is the euro release date. so anyone in europe not wanting to import it, you can buy it on the 17th of september! \o/
the euro release will include the game, and both expansion packs. the one that's supplied with the retail release in america, and also the new expansion that's out in september for usa players.
I'm thinking of trying a red mage for starters, see how it plays, any advice on which race is the best for a red mage?
Red mage is a tough class to master, they are good at all master of none if you take my drift, of course any race works becuase at higher levels there won't be a profound difference, but if you want an easier time with red mage at the start, Mithra or Hume work, Tarutaru also work but they can't tank as well but higher MP compensates for this.

You can change class anytime in FFXI, but if you just started the game you only get the equipment of the class you start with, so keep that in mind.


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
i've only been making a few characters to try out, not going to make a serious character until you've got a worldpass. how many people can use a worldpass, is it just 1 per person, or can 1 pass bring several to a server, cause i have a couple of mates who want to join the same server too.
i've pretty much got used to most of it, only thing i've not found so far is how to get any special attacks, if you even can below lvl 5, which is the highest i got so far.