FBI creates fake website to catch Pedo's

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I posted in the RO-me thread
and all I got was
a pink username!
Apr 1, 2005
On the internets
You know, this is bull****. Yes, THIS guy was a pedo. But what if he wasn't? The feds have employed tactics similar to this on the drug war, asking people if they can buy some pot off them or even if they can sell them some pot. As soon as they sell the person the pot, they whip out a badge and arrest them. It's a dirty ****ing trick, and it has even resulted in the death of a few people. One such person was Patrick Dorismond:
Patrick was a security guard who wanted to become a policeman. He was off-duty and unarmed when he went out with friends. Standing on the street looking for a taxi, he was approached by undercover police who asked to buy some marijuana from him. Patrick was offended by the request (he didn't use drugs), and a scuffle ensued. Dorismond was then shot to death by the police.
Taken off the Drug War Victims page.

And if you don't want to believe it because of the source, here's a big long CBS article on it.

Don't even start me on what happens when those retards get the wrong address.
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The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
I was sure I posted in a similar thread to this not long ago. This is far too difficult to police because there are too many variables to consider... like how do you know that your pc isn't riddled with kiddie porn because your 14 year old son was downloading them?

All the FBI should do is continue to crack down on websites that host this stuff and find people in dodgy IRC chatrooms or however this stuff is distributed (probably just p2p programs I would expect). But entrapment is a very poor way of catching criminals for this type of crime (and one of the reasons why most forms of entrapment is an illegal practice for the british police).
It's very similar to what they do in those "dodgy chatrooms", where the 12 yr old girl is really a cop. What are you doing talking to a "12 yr old girl" about sex if you don't want to have sex with her? What are you doing clicking a link labelled "4yo suck" if you don't want to watch a 4 yr old in a sexual situation?

Personally, I think the FBI should go after anyone who has intentionally misled others into clicking that link and charge them with hindering an investigation, obstruction, malicious mischief, anything that will stick. As soon as they shut down their now almost-useless site, that is.

And if it was the 14yr old, he'll do time in a juvenile detention facility instead of Dad doing hard time.

Steyr - It's only a "dirty ****ing trick" to those it affects. It's not entrapment if the cops catch someone doing something they'd normally do anyway. Don't do/sell drugs and you have nothing to worry about. Condemning the entire practice because "those retards" have made the occasional, if still really tragic, mistake is idiotic.

Yes, sometimes cops lie. So do the bad guys. Maybe Dorismond's friend is telling the truth, maybe the cop is. You don't know, I don't know. What I do know is that I'd have been fired or tossed in jail long ago if I was actually guilty of even a small percentage of what I've been accused of doing.


Nimbusfish Rawks
Apr 18, 2006
Heaven forbid, someone actually misreads a link and clicks on it by accident (it would be even more amusing to see how many blind people such tactics catch, when their screen readers fail to translate the internetted-abbreviations correctly...


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
4yo suck ?
for you sucker ?

What if you *know* that it can't be a 12 year old ?
Who determines if the chat-room is 'dodgy' anyway ?
Never heard of role-playing games ?
There's tons of girls&boys in WoW that are pretending to be someone they most certainly aren't in real life (heck ... most 'females' in there probably aren't).

Consider how efficient Google's search is (or could be in the near future).
Sure it does take more than 1 day to get a specific result on the first page, but you can't be too sure about that.

Heck ... you don't even need to know if a site is a honeytrap for a crime like this.
The way society responds to such accusations and rumours can be enough ... (the mere rumour of Obama or Clinton being pedo's could be devastating )

Considering the impact that the pedo/terrorist accusation has on someone's life one should be really really careful with such things. It's not something you can get rid of as especially parents will remain suspicious no matter how many times the victim of such an incident has proven he/she was innocent.


Tastefully Barking
Jan 17, 2005
There's tons of girls&boys in WoW that are pretending to be someone they most certainly aren't in real life (heck ... most 'females' in there probably aren't).
A good portion of my old SWG femme guildies played male toons.

Why? Less "Omg r u hott?" messages. :rolleyes:

Didn't make them any less of a swg player in my eyes though.. As long as they're buddies who do a good teamplay, I don't judge.


brown bread?
Sep 4, 2001
Great Britain.
Justifying entrapment is ridiculous. If you get a 14 year old girl (or 16 year old to you americans) to flirt enough with someone then they'll want to sleep with them. Same thing in a chatroom situation with a cop pretending to be a girl.

Someone who hordes and distributes child porn is entirely different.

Entrapment is a poor way to police a nation. If you remove the temptation from someone then the chances are that they won't do wrong. If they do something bad out of their own initiative then you jail them.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Justifying entrapment is ridiculous. If you get a 14 year old girl (or 16 year old to you americans) to flirt enough with someone then they'll want to sleep with them. Same thing in a chatroom situation with a cop pretending to be a girl.

Someone who hordes and distributes child porn is entirely different.

Entrapment is a poor way to police a nation. If you remove the temptation from someone then the chances are that they won't do wrong. If they do something bad out of their own initiative then you jail them.

Justifying entrapment is simple.

Remove temptation. Okay. Does that mean that people over the age of 18 aren't allowed to speak with minors?

The fact of the matter is, these people are exploiting and abusing kids. If you simply make the offer available (as it is in many, many instances) you are able to catch people that are committing these types of crimes. It's not like this link went up on beyondunreal, it went up on a forum where other instances of child porn were put up. These people CHOSE to visit the site, they CHOSE to click on a link after it advertised a 4yo being abused by her father and they CHOSE to click on the downloads. I really don't see any way you could require more initiative. They were promised money or free beer as a reward, they were simply promised the illegal activity.

@Jackal: some very nice points made in that video.



surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
So when are the public beheadings taking place ? The people are growing restless.


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
Justifying entrapment is ridiculous. If you get a 14 year old girl (or 16 year old to you americans) to flirt enough with someone then they'll want to sleep with them. Same thing in a chatroom situation with a cop pretending to be a girl.

Someone who hordes and distributes child porn is entirely different.

Entrapment is a poor way to police a nation. If you remove the temptation from someone then the chances are that they won't do wrong. If they do something bad out of their own initiative then you jail them.
Wanting to sleep with them and actually showing up at the house with liquor and condoms are two completely different things.
Entrapment is the act of a law enforcement agent in inducing a person to commit an offence which the person would not have, or was unlikely to have, otherwise committed.

The perv is in the chatroom looking for a young kid to seduce, so the only way to "remove the temptation" is to cut off his internet, then make sure he never walks by any grade or middle schools, never visits the mall, etc.
I don't know about you, but I've never accidentally gone into a chatroom, accidentally spent a lot of time talking dirty to and then telling a 14yr old I want to have sex with her, and then accidentally shown up at her house expecting sex. If a cop doesn't play a kid to catch the perv, then a real child is going to be abused. The intent is already there, therefore it is not entrapment.


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
So when are the public beheadings taking place ? The people are growing restless.

The damned civil rights humpers found a judge who put a hold on it. Babbled some nonsense about hypocrisy and abused children who work 12 hours a day to produce luxury goods for us in third world countries or something.


I posted in the RO-me thread
and all I got was
a pink username!
Sep 11, 2005
I'm glad I'm living in a region where this sort of practise is illegal. It's one thing to stop crime, it's another to provoke it.

yeah entrapment sucks, but atleast their targeting pedos.


Tastefully Barking
Jan 17, 2005
So, anyone tinyurl'ed the damn thing yet? :eek:

DragonFliet, that was directed at you.
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