Favourite loadouts??

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I survived the flood of 2000 B.C.
Jan 1, 2001
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I usually use:

M16-A2/M203 + ACOG w/ 3 STANAGs and 3 40mm HEs - Your basic ass-whupping combo.
Ka-Bar - It doesn't add any bulk, so why not?
DE w/2 mags - Tried both pistols, this one works better for me.
2 M67 Frag grenades - For that personal touch.
Bulk: 25

For maps less conducive to the M203:

Sig SG-551 SWAT + ACOG w/4 mags - The LAM don't do it for me.
Ka-Bar - See above.
DE w/2 mags - For that *click* situation.
2 M67 Frag Grenades - I love grenades that work right! (Shrapnel :D )
Bulk: 21

I used to call myself "Silencer" online, but yesterday I decided to be more technically correct and changed my name to "Suppressor".

If it's stupid, but works, it isn't stupid.


New Member
Apr 24, 2000
Chandler, Az, USA
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-SIG551+Acog (3)
-m67 Frag (4)
-M9 (2)



Mac Guru
Sep 18, 2000
Genesis 1:12
SIG551+ ACOG for open maps or SIG551 without the scope for CQB
3 mags
Desert Eagle + 3 mags
3 frag nades

and if I need a little extra fire power I take the H&K69 w/ 3 nades

I'll use the Robar or M16+M203 for my main weapon once and awhile but I love the SIG :)




Do you actually need more ammo in an online game, than an offline one? I suppose all those people play online. I haven't tried out online game, yet.

I carry considerably less, to make it more realistic, or difficult. This is my usual loadout;

M16 or MP5 w/2 extra magazines
Beretta w/1 extra magazine
2 or 2 frags
a knife

So I made a ridiculous loadout called "Terminator" which has;

M3 shotgun w/all the shells
H&K69 w/all the grenades
SG551 w/laser pointer and 5 magazines
Desert Eagle w/5 magazines

and that's about how much people seem to carry as normal loadout online. I never thought you'd need that much since you can pick up weapons from dead men. Hmmm...


Have beer, will travel.
Jan 9, 2001
A few loadouts for most occasions

Well, my general-use loadout, "ET party" consists of; Sig 551 SWAT Rifle, w/ Scope + 2 clips
M9 Pistol w/ 2 clips
3 Frag Grenades
and a knife

I rather like this, as it lets me handle a lot of situations, though usually I use the scope just for scouting purposes. I find it more effective to tell a sniper on the team where someone is rather than try the shot myself. However, I think I need to shave some clips and grenades on this, to reduce my bulk rating.

A rather fun one is "Demolitions:;

Grenade Launcher w/ 5 ammo
5 Frag grenades
DE Pistol w/ 1 clip

This is really just me bringing the 4th of July to the battlefield, though my only 30+ score on a map came from this, and a lucky grenade drop on a few soldiers. The take home message on that is to beware of fools, as I really was just frustrated from my lack of skill, and thought I would go out quickly with a bang rather than just go out quickly. :D

I'm thinking about a stripped down MP5, scope, no extra clips, a knife and a single frag grenade for scouting purposes. I'd love to get a bulk rating into the low teens with some kind of scope available.


I need to improve my aim.
Jul 23, 2000
M16 whore.

Can't help it, but I tend to more or less always bring the M16 with grenade launcher into battle. CQB? No problem, I just strip the ACOG away. I love to see the enemy take cover from 5.56mm fire, just to get a little HE surprise!

As unrealistic as it can be with the so-called "Rambo" loads, there's also the lack of realism attached to a too slim loadout. If you're going into battle, you always take as much ammo as possible for your main weapon. Noone in his right mind would grab 2 mag's for the rifle and be happy with that.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I decided to turn around, because let's face it, there are muggers and rapists and all kinds of crazy psychos out there...


I survived the flood of 2000 B.C.
Jan 1, 2001
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I think that my loadouts (above) are fairly well balanced between bulk and firepower. I only take 3 mags for the M16 because I almost always have it set to semi-auto and rarely fire more than 5-6 shots in an encounter unless outnumbered. At 6 shots per enemy, 3 mags = 15 dead baddies, which is more than I see on most servers, let alone have to deal with myself. I take a 4th mag on the Sig because I use it in more close range situations where it is feasible to use full-auto and impractical to have an m203. As for the extra mags for the DE, I'm paranoid about having no bullets.

BTW I had a *click* situation today and capped the bastard with My DE! :D

If it's stupid, but works, it isn't stupid.

[This message was edited by Antedeluge on Mar 19, 2001 at 12:34.]


Have beer, will travel.
Jan 9, 2001
My "Scout" loadout

SiG 551 Carbine w/scope
2 magazines (no ammo, can't use scope!)
Frag Grenade

Total Bulk = 12

That should help me get some extra oomph out of the stamina meter! Also, the SiG seems to be the lightest to come with a scope, though it would be bulk-equivalent to take an M16 with a scope... of the two, I prefer the SiG.

Thoughts, comments, criticisms?


Jan 14, 2001
I always carry 5 frags, and a berretta with 2 clips. But I switch between all the primary guns all the time.

I don't like any of them more than any other. The M16 is good because of its versatility. The MP5 is good because its full auto (I have bad aim), and its got a supressor. The Sig is good because it is full auto, and if you feel like it you can use a scope. The Robar is fun because its one-hit kills every time. And, uh, the other sniper rifle, (forget its name) is supreme if you know a really good spot to snipe on any level.

I'm a gun vagabond. :D




New Member
Apr 28, 2000
Hick part of Arizona

Heres the deal
A person (online and offline) will want the most fire power he or she can get in a mix with wieght and bulk

A person doesnt want to waist time with 'secondary weapons'
A person can have NO SEC. WEAPONS, just 2 primary weapons, with little ammo
it works pretty well, i mean, do you have to REALLY have 5 mags because your aim is so bad

anyway here are my loadouts>
Assault > Sig 551 2 mags and laser when it works online
>m16 2 mags ACOG
> 2 nades
~comes out to be 23 bulk

Assault_2 >Sig 3 mags
>mp5 3 mags
>2 nades
~that one is 22 bulk
Assault_3 >m16 2 mags ACOG
>mp5 2 mags
>M203 nade launcher with 2 nades

~that one i cant remember bulk its something like 21, 22, 23, 24 something in bulk, but OH WELL
I have my own custom psg_1 loadout
My own cqb loudout
ANNDDD some speedy loudouts consisting of only 1 weapon and some nades
yea i think i have hogged up enough space on this post ;)

Shading the way.....



Sniper #1
Robar RC50 5 clips
Desert Eagle 2 clips
M67 2 pieces

Stealth Attack
MP5 5 clips SSD
Beretta 2 clips
M67 2 pieces

MP5 5 clips
Desert Eagle
H7K Grenage Launcher 5 pieces
M67 5 pieces

Extreme CQB
SIG 551 5 clips w/ Laser
Desert Eagle
M67 2 pieces

Pretty universal set of loadouts

The only way...


yup.. gotta love the M16. I just put the M203 on it and carry the desert eagle as a backup weapon.


Jan 2, 2001
gotta love these:

for assualting:

Colt M16A2 (5 Magazines, ACOG, M203)
Beretta M9 (5 Magazines)
M67 Grenades (5)


H&K MP5 (5 Magazines, w/or w/o silencer, aimpoint)
with the previous loadout sidearms

for CQB:

Same as MP5


Benelli M3S90 (5 ammoboxes, w/ or w/o flashlight)
Beretta m9 (5 magazines)
throw in some grenades

"Follow the lead of nature, or the lead of God if you like your bible stories."
-Ernest Thesiger

Colt 1911 Enthusiast


Obey Leash Laws
Jul 19, 1999
Nowhere to be found.
Heavy Assault:

SIG 551, 5 mags and LAM
HK69, 3 'nades
Beretta, 2 mags
2 'nades

Supressive Support:

SIG 551, 5 mags, LAM, ACOG
Beretta, 3 mags
3 'nades


Robar, 5 mags
Beretta, 2 mags
2 'nades

Check my signature basically :) I never use any other primary except the SIG and Robar... Both suit my style perfectly.

<a href=http://thrash123.unrealcenter.com/>-Thrash123-</a>

<img src=http://thrash123.unrealcenter.com/Thrash123SniperSig.jpg>
<a href=http://www.planetunreal.com/legends/>Legends Reborn</a>
Texture Artist

/ME gets a martini


My load-out : Black-Ops

Frag x2
M92F x 5
MP-5SD + Aimpoint x5

Nice and light, could for stealth ops

Tally Ho!


Little Johnny no!
Jan 19, 2001
AKMSU with an ammo drum is a very nice weapon for CQB. I hate that I can only bring one drum with my loadout, but killing bad guys and taking theirs is a suitable substitute.

I do like the feeling of entering a building and stating with a bang that I'll be killing you, and you, and you, and that guy over there, and you too, and the guy by the window, the guy under the table, and the guy by the door. Reload, repeat.


New Member
Dec 16, 2000
Light Loadout

I usually go with an m16 or an m16 and an mp5, but my fav loadout to use when a server isn't too crowded is

mp5 (silenced)
3 clips

I always use less than half a clip to kill someone, so that's a maximum possible of 6 kills... I've rarely the (mis)fortune of actually running into 6 different enemies per round, but even so I tend to go with the m16/m203 when more people log on. More fun at medium to long ranges.



Evil Bastard
May 23, 2000
Ottawa, ON (Canada)
My favorite Assault Rifle loadout is:

[*]M16-A2 (with M203, and sometimes ACOG)
[*]x5 M16 magazines
[*]x4 M203 grenades
[*]Beretta M92FS
[*]x2 Beretta magazines

My favorite SMG loadout is:

[*]x1 AKMSU magazines
[*]x3 AKMSU Drum magazines
[*]Beretta M92FS
[*]x2 Beretta magazines
[*]x2 M67 Frag Grenades

My favorite Shotgun loadout is:

[*]Benelli M3
[*]x3 Benelli shell boxes
[*]Beretta M92FS
[*]x5 Beretta magazines
[*]x4 M67 Frag Grenades

My favorite Sniper loadout is:

[*]Robar RC50
[*]x3 Robar magazines
[*]Beretta M92FS
[*]x5 Beretta magazines
[*]x2 M67 Frag Grenades

<a href="http://www.rlgaming.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.rlgaming.com/thissite/sigdarkness.jpg" border=0 alt="Infiltration HQ"></a>


I survived the flood of 2000 B.C.
Jan 1, 2001
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Although I personally like to keep my bulk low, it doesn't make a whole lot of difference until you are REALLY weighted down. I made a loadout with nothing in it and went to the firing range. I started at the line, pressed the run button, and sprinted down the range. I ran out of breath a few meters past the 200m target position. (About 210 probably) I switched to my M16/M203 + ACOG loadout(Specifics above, bulk 25), and I ran again. I ran out of breath almost exactly at the 200m mark. Made a loadout with bulk of 40(various items), and I got out to about 185-190 meters. Then just for the hell of it I made the bulkiest loadout I could. I managed to run, (although slowly) a little past the 100m mark with 125 bulk.

It appears that you can run for the same amount of time no matter what your loadout. (It took a long time to run out of breath even with the big load) The difference is how wide your stamina bar is stretched. With no bulk, the green part hit the right hand edge of the screen, and with 125 bulk, it was in the red the whole time. The different levels of stamina are directly related to your top speed. Unfortunately, I think it takes WAY too much bulk to take someone into the red.(With that big load I had all the guns except the sniper rifles, all the ammo for every gun, and a few assorted attachments)

Anyway, the bulk system works fine, but it's just a little too lenient.

If it's stupid, but works, it isn't stupid.


Anti-Grenade Launchers/Shotguns
Dec 1, 2000

i have tried many so far but i have settled on these 2.
(as in help my team advance not camp all friggin day)
Knife- Love to use it to dispatch the other teams snipers that camp all day. i get em from behind and its lovely.
robar w/2 clips
beretta w/5 clips
3 frags

beretta w/5 clips
4 frags

Dont underestimate the beretta! Hit and run works the Best.
