Fallout 4

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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
On a much lighter and personal note, the game was released in Germany completely uncensored making me raise a million middle fingers at those bitches that have been censoring the games I love for the past 25 years in total bewilderment.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
it's seriously an amazing game in spite of it's glaring flaws.
at least the modding community will be able to address some of these issues. but otherwise we're just going to need a different producer. it's clear that Bethesda doesn't really care about achieving a true RPG with Fallout; at least not in the same sense that they achieve it with Elder Scrolls.

the closest they ever got to an actual RPG was New Vegas.
and even that was relatively weak by role-playing standards.