f***ing editor!!!

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Novice Nali City Reviewer
May 21, 2001
There is something weird in the UT/UED mouse/kbd driver interfaces.
My UED has exactly this same symptom, it crashes if I move the mouse TO THE LEFT too fast. The movement can be rotating, panning or something else. What matters is that the mouse is moved TO THE LEFT fast enough. Even on empty map it will crash if I do this.

Another anomaly is the keybord driver. I have configured most of the movement keys on the numeric keypad. Sometimes for no apparent reason one of the keys "stick" down. This is most annoying. You just keep on strafing to the left (or back) no matter what You type. Exiting and reloading UT will NOT help this, You have to reboot the OS.... (LOL for WIN98). It may have something to do with pressing down multiple keys with some control keys and then releasing them in "wrong" order. Also, I have a strong feeling this happening on some Insta servers only ... (paranoid).


Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
dx*dp >= h/4pi
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i have this problem sometimes, but for me if you press to many keys at once, then the computer thinks one or more of them are still being pressed, but if you push them again, it unsticks.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Originally posted by bobtheking
i have this problem sometimes, but for me if you press to many keys at once, then the computer thinks one or more of them are still being pressed, but if you push them again, it unsticks.

i have two instances of UT installed... i recently had to switch over the the 2nd instance because my friggin editor went to poo town on a quick train.

if i right clicked a texture, i had to "search" for the pop-up menu... like it was hiding underneath the editor window and wouldnt show unless i actually moved the cursor over the area where it should be. this was also the case with acotr menus btw.

it would GPF every chance it got....
i tried to add a BlockPlayer... GPF
tried to edit the ScaleGlow of a PipeBend... GPF
sometimes id simply open a map and move around... not even whipping, and friggin GPF... GPF GPF GPF.... i got so sick of it that i went to the second copy of UT that id forgotten about... havent had a GPF since. i think UED just got sick of looking at my crappy maps all the time! LOL

UED has feelings too.. theres only so much she can take.:rolleyes:


Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
dx*dp >= h/4pi
Visit site
ya think the nodelta patch would fix it? it has a new unrealEd.exe, unrealEd.dll, and some other things. i already installed it, and it didn't help, after christmas break, ill reinstall it.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
My friend had this really funky error. He selected 16 surfaces and went on properties and the editor crashed. Than after that, the titlebars on ALL the programs he opened were called '16 Surfaces'.
It did it to everything, even Word for example.
He had to reset to get it to go away.


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Bot_40
My friend had this really funky error. He selected 16 surfaces and went on properties and the editor crashed. Than after that, the titlebars on ALL the programs he opened were called '16 Surfaces'.
It did it to everything, even Word for example.
He had to reset to get it to go away.
:eek2: ... That IS weird!
I have had similar problems as some of you with the editor
locking/crashing. I think it was because I had too many
surfaces highlighted. (=120 :lol: )
I always try NOT to be in the dynamic lighting 3D mode
when I am moving around inside the editor unless it is absolutly necessary. :D




"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by bobtheking
i have selected over a thousand surfaces without trouble, in dynamic light mode.
You are right in a way bob. After the editor crashed when I
had all those surfaces highlighted, I went into "system info"
and I only had 32% system resources available.
(it is 97% after a reboot)
Which leads me to believe what someone said earlier...
That it was a memory issue.
Anyone who knows how the editor allocates memory
want to explain that one?

The UEd program can be demanding on the system.
I have much less trouble when my system resources are
closer to maximum.
(i.e. after a reboot)
It is amazing how much resources Windows uses just
to store what you have done since your last reboot.
Try playing UT and using the Editor without rebooting your system
for two days and see what your system resources are. :lol:

