Ok, there are many games which use a similar system.
First there is a Quake 3 Mod called True Combat.
The acutal version is 1.1 (but it is not a new mod, they had to wait also two years for a version jump from 0.45 to 1.0

There are iron sights, you can lean - but only shoot with a pistol - you can not shoot while sprinting. You can not lie.
You can take one primary weapon, one secondary weapon and a pistol. Then you can take two nades (which are not really strong) and two smoke nades or flash nades. There is not nightvision. You can also take a helmet and a vest.
The missions are nice, a lot easier than in eas but somehow funnier. You have to blow things up very often (or steel a suitcase --> capture the cd).

And both teams have a mission on some maps, so you can finish the map as defender without killing all enemies. (one team has to take a mainboard, but it into a rocket and then start the rocket, the other team has to blow up the controll center and other things). If you can blow up something (even walls sometimes

) everybody in the team has c4, in the other team they have defuse kits.
Once you are in a prison, one team has to escape, the other to defend.
The camos are very hard to seperate, but it is possible (and often used) with he q3-engine to "mark" the teams.
Overall you get a shooter which has more action than inf, the missions are also much more interesting (EAS can be as complex as hell, but it is worth nothing if you have "only" ctcd).
The only bad thing is, that less people are playing the missions, most are playing ctf (the suitcase).
Another game is TTR (takes place in the 2nd world war).
You get also much more action there. You also have there ironsights, you can lie (forgot if you can lean), you have to press two buttons to throw a nade ...
It seems very realistic. The missions are mostly to take the secret documents, enigma, to capture some points on maps (very thrilling --> e.g. you need two players to capture something, than there is a bar [the longer you are in, the more filled it is] which has to be filled to capture something, if there is an enemy in the area the bar shrinks, so you have to kill him to capture it

) or to destroy something (blow up doors, big guns, a submarine ....).
But there are classes which are defined by the mapper, so there aren't any snipers on some maps, or only a few stg-shooters ...
Another problem is that nearly nobody is playing it.
But overall it has nice graphics, a really funny gameplay and is defintly worth a try.
Both examples play different than inf, but they are really interesting and offer some new aspects.